At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

802 Who is so cruel? 【Subscription】

"A task assigned by the saint himself?"

"And this matter? It seems really urgent! 99

"Since it is a task assigned by the saint himself, it will be a huge delay! 35

"So it is, it is no wonder that Venerable Ksitigarbha is unwilling to stay in the Buddha's country, it turns out that he has an important task at hand!

"Since it's a mission sent by the saint, what else is there to say, we will do what you say, Junior Brother!!"

When the dozens of eminent monks present heard it, they hid themselves with important tasks, and they were personally assigned by the sage.

After all, the things that the sage explained are naturally the most important. Their brothers and sisters can talk about friendship anytime they want, but they can't delay the important things that the sage has explained.

You must know that the two saints of the Western religion have always existed in the religion. They are the two biggest cornerstones of the Western religion. Without them, the Western religion would cease to exist. Therefore, everyone in the Western religion would not exist , The two saints are worshipped and revered very much.

They are very clear that they are able to have everything they have today because of the two saints. , Everyone will put it first, and dare not have the slightest neglect.

Even when talking about the two saints, the dozens of eminent monks all looked solemn and respectful.

Only then did Venerable Huihai and the others understand why Jizo showed a helpless expression. It turned out that he really couldn't stay in Xuantian Buddha's country for a long time.

However, they would not blame Jizo, on the contrary, they understood it very well. Venerable Huihai asked directly: "Junior brother, what task did the sage assign? You can't complete it alone??"

This was also the question the other monks wanted to ask, so they all turned to Ksitigarbha.

After all, Jizo is one of the rare masters of the Western religion as the Golden Immortal of Great Luo. Even Jizo can't complete the task alone. Venerable Huihai and others are naturally very curious.

Ksitigarbha did not directly answer the question of Venerable Huihai, but asked: "I don't know, brothers, have you heard about the changes in the Tianyu Realm??

"Tianyu Realm? Is that the world not too far from our Xuantian Buddhist Kingdom?"

"Isn't Tianyu Realm developing? What? What happened?

"Oh? We haven't heard of it before, and I asked Junior Brother to explain it in detail!

"The task assigned by the saint is related to Tianyu Realm? What is it?"

Hearing Ksitigarbha's question, Venerable Huihai and the others were very surprised, and instead started asking Ksitigarbha.

Of course, these people also did not know that the Tianyu Realm had fallen into the hands of the four immortal dynasties, and it was renamed the Yanhuang Immortal Realm, so it was still called the Tianyu Realm.

Speaking of which, such a big thing happened in the Western religion, these eminent monks in Xuantian Buddha's country have never heard of it at all.

At first, no one informed them that they may not have returned to Lingshan for a long time, and they have been stationed in Xuantian Buddha Country.

Second, because the incident broke out too suddenly, it is normal that the news never spread.

Ksitigarbha clearly guessed this, and faced everyone's inquiries, Ksitigarbha didn't betray the question, but replied directly: "I want to let you all know that the Tianyu Realm has fallen and fell into the hands of others, and this sect is in Tianyu. All the foundations and forces in the world have been uprooted, and nothing is left. It can be said that the loss is extremely heavy!

"Even the Anbu was almost completely destroyed. Therefore, the sage was furious and assigned Jizo to go to Tianyu Realm to investigate the specific circumstances and reasons for the failure, and at the same time, he was also responsible for sniping the enemies in Tianyu Realm.

Jizo briefly told Venerable Huihai and others about the situation of Tianyu Realm, and also explained the tasks assigned by the saint himself.

However, this news was like a thunderstorm, which shocked Venerable Huihai and others.

"What? Tianyu Realm has fallen? In the hands of others?"

"All the foundations and forces of this sect in the Tianyu world have been uprooted??"

"Damn it, what kind of demon did it? It's so cruel?"

"Amitabha, such beasts must be evil demons, and sooner or later poor monks will suppress them!!

"It turns out that it is no wonder that the sage will personally assign his junior and senior brothers to investigate, such a huge loss, naturally it is impossible to just forget it!!"

Under the shock, Venerable Huihai and others suddenly realized that it was the saint who was furious, and then sent the Jizo.

They did not expect that the Western Religion would suffer such a huge loss, which is very unimaginable in the eyes of Venerable Huihai and others.

At the same time, after learning that all the foundations and influences of their Western sect in the Tianyu Realm had been uprooted, the dozens of eminent monks immediately rebuked them and defined the four immortal dynasties as demons or demons.

Obviously, in the view of Venerable Huihai and others, as long as they oppose their Western religion, they are all demons and the like, and they should suppress them all, because their Western religion is synonymous with the right way.

Such a crooked concept, such a domineering doctrine, if others don't know it, they will think that Western religion is the real evil heresy!

However, this is very normal for the monks of the Western religion. They have always been like this. No matter right or wrong, it is the fault of outsiders. Their Western religion is always just and cannot be denigrated. Those who oppose it are all demons and must not stay.

Even the Ksitigarbha 750 at this time had such a concept, he nodded and continued: "It is precisely because of this that the junior brother secretly investigated the Tianyu Realm for a period of time, obtained a lot of information, and then discovered that there seems to be a A world called Blue Star, that Blue Star seems to be very close to the Tianyu Realm, but in fact the two are far apart.

"Can't get close? And such a thing? Then what happened later! 99

Venerable Huihai was also a little surprised when he heard the name of Blue Star for the first time.

The rest of the eminent monks were the same, and they all asked aloud, because they all wanted to hear about the investigation of Ksitigarbha.

However, at this time, Jizo's expression suddenly became gloomy and unsightly, and there was an undetectable cold light flashing in his eyes. At that time, a hundred-zhang-long blood-colored saber light slashed out from the Tianyu Realm. The knife... the terrifyingness of the knife was indescribable. The junior brother was severely injured by the knife. If the junior brother hadn't fled decisively, he would have been left behind. In Tianyu Realm!!"

Speaking of that blood-colored knife light, even now, Jizo seems to have lingering fears, obviously there is a shadow left in the heart, which cannot be erased in a short period of time!

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