At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

803 Rest assured, we will never show mercy! 【Subscription】

"What? Junior Brother, you were severely wounded by a knife? What are you kidding?"

"Really or not? Even with your junior brother's cultivation, you can't stop that sword?"

"Who attacked you? How could that person have such strength?

"Impossible, a knife will severely injure Venerable Ksitigarbha, what kind of strength is required to do this? How can the small Tianyu Realm exist like this?

"You even have the ability to leave your junior brother completely behind? This... This is unbelievable. Junior brother, you are considered one of the masters in Daluojin Wonderland. How could this be?"

Hearing such news, even if Venerable Huihai and other eminent monks were not ignorant people, they were still shocked. Many people couldn't help but sit up in shock, their faces filled with incredible expressions, and their eyes also revealed faint hints. out of horror.

Because they all know the cultivation base of Ksitigarbha. In Western religions, apart from the two saints, Ksitigarbha is one of the top few people. The strength can be imagined how terrifying.

Venerable Huihai and others even thought a little further, that is, if they faced that person in person, would they be able to escape?

After careful consideration for a long time, they all got a unified answer, that is, no!

Venerable Huihai and others have not reached the realm of Daluo Jinxian. Compared with Ksitigarbha, the difference is not a star and a half, but it is a big gap. If they face a knife that can directly injure Ksitigarbha, they will Don't talk about them, it is estimated that they will be completely chopped directly.

Thinking of this, the expressions of Venerable Huihai and the others became extremely solemn, and only then did they truly realize the importance and difficulty of the task of Jizo.

Although Venerable Huihai and others knew that it was absolutely impossible for Jizo to lie, they still wanted to get a definite answer from Jizo's mouth.

Jizo met everyone's gaze and nodded with a heavy face: "It's true, the senior brothers, the reason why the junior brothers told this matter is to tell you that there is a strong enemy hidden in the Tianyu Realm, and it is absolutely impossible to do so. Careless!~々!"

If you are careless, the end may be worse than the injury before Jizo, which is the hidden meaning in Jizo dialect.

Venerable Huihai and the others were all smart people, and naturally understood the meaning of Jizo. For a while, they fell silent, their eyes flashing with different expressions, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

"Junior Brother, that powerful enemy can severely injure you with a knife, do you know what kind of knife it is?"

The original Luohan suddenly raised another question.

Obviously, the original Luohan wanted to know, whether that person's cultivation was too high, or whether he was relying on the weapon of magic weapon!

Jizo was stunned for a moment, and then he said with difficulty: "Senior Brother Li Yuan, clearly see, that knife... that knife should be the blood-turning sword!!


"Blood-turning sword?"

"Master, did you read it right?

"Impossible? The blood-turning sword was born again?"

The name of the blood-turning sword seems to have great deterrent power, and it seems to have a lot of magic power. As soon as Jizo said it, it immediately attracted dozens of high-level executives and shouted in horror.

No one in the audience knew about the splendid name of the Blood-turning Divine Sword, so the appearance of the Blood-turning Divine Sword would cause such a big reaction.

For a time, the high-level officials couldn't help but look at each other in dismay.

Because none of them have the slightest confidence to face a powerful enemy with a blood-turning sword in their hands, you must know that the blood-turning sword has the vicious name of "the moment the sword is released, the quasi-sage will die". The cultivation realm, if suffered a knife, it would definitely be death and not life.

As a result, they couldn't help but feel a little hesitant.

Ksitigarbha seemed to understand the thoughts of the eminent monks, and he said bluntly: "You brothers don't need to worry, that person has his own brothers to deal with, and maybe that person is just relying on the sharp blood-turning sword!! 35

Jizo didn't want to ask for help before the plan was successful, Venerable Huihai and the others retreated, so they could only do comfort work.

Hearing what Jizo said, Venerable Huihai and the others were slightly relieved.

After a while, Venerable Huihai looked at Ksitigarbha and asked, "I wonder what Junior Brother wants to do next?

All the eminent monks also looked at Ksitigarbha, because this was the question they all wanted to ask.

Without any hesitation, Jizo replied decisively: "Junior Brother hopes to get the help of Xuantian Buddha Kingdom and all the senior brothers. It is best to mobilize a large number of people to go to Tianyu Realm with us, and jointly destroy the enemies in Tianyu Realm!!"

Ksitigarbha did not hide and tuck, but directly explained the purpose.

With the relationship between them and the fact that this was a task assigned by the sage personally, Jizo believed that Venerable Huihai and others could not refuse.

Sure enough, in the face of Jizo's request, Venerable Huihai and the others did not open their mouths to refuse, but they did not agree immediately, and their eyes flashed with uncertainty, as if they were rather hesitant.

After all, it is a powerful enemy that is so terrifying that it can severely damage Jizo with a single knife. If Jizo can't resist that person, causing the strong enemy to kill the blood-turning sword indiscriminately, don't they want to return to the arms of the Buddha Kingdom? , disappeared from the world?

This is not a joke, after all, it is about his own life, and hesitation is inevitable.

Ksitigarbha knows the thoughts of the brothers, and he is not good at being difficult for others, so he added another bet and said: "…Don't worry, brothers, the brothers have borrowed three powerful magic weapons. In addition, this action is not only about Xuantian. In the Buddhist country, the younger brother is also preparing to go to the Qingluo Buddhist country and the Xiyuan Buddhist country, and a total of seven forces will attack together, so it will definitely be invincible-!!"

Since others are required to take action, it is natural to stabilize the military's heart first.

When Venerable Huihai and the others heard that Ksitigarbha had not only invited them to the Xuantian Buddhist Kingdom alone, but also planned to invite the forces of the other six realms to attack together, their worries disappeared in an instant, and they immediately made a decision.

Venerable Huihai said with fruit on his face (Zhao Li's): "Junior and brother need not say more, we will naturally not allow junior and junior to enter the world of heaven and feathers alone, junior and senior need any help, even if you say bluntly, the entire Xuantian Buddhist country, including us , you can listen to the disciples and brothers alone!!

"That's right, we'll kill those evil demons together!

"The little Tianyu Realm still wants to turn the sky upside down? Don't worry, Junior Brother, we will never be merciful!"

"Haha, it's our honor to play for the Saints! 35

"Relax, Venerable Ksitigarbha, we will be dispatched by the Venerable, and there will be no objection! 55

The dozens of eminent monks also expressed their willingness to follow Ksitigarbha to the Heavenly Feather Realm to complete the mission given by the sage.

Because in their opinion, the forces of the seven worlds are shooting together, no matter how strong the person in Tianyujie is, they can't fail. Since this is the case, there is nothing to hesitate, and naturally they agree immediately!!

At this point, Ksitigarbha finally gained the support of Xuantian Realm! Shi.

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