At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

804 horrifying scene! 【Subscription】

three months later.

Outside the Xuantian realm.

At this time, if someone looked at the outer Xuantian realm in the starry sky, they would definitely be scared crazy by the scene in front of them.

Because outside the Xuantian Realm, there are countless figures scattered in the starry sky, densely packed, and it is impossible to see the end at a glance, as if the entire starry sky is completely occupied, and the scene is extremely magnificent and vast.

If it is not in the starry sky, it seems that there is no place to accommodate these countless figures. At a glance, it is impossible to count, and it is impossible to count how many figures exist. One can imagine how terrifying this number is. .

These people are standing in a dense arrangement. If you look closely, you will find that although there are too many figures outside the Xuantian Realm, it can be seen that they are divided into seven areas. All separated by a short distance.

However, no matter which area it is in, the figures standing are basically the same, because they are all dressed in cassocks. Although the details of the costumes are different, and the weapons they hold are also different, but they all have the most consistent The characteristic is that it is bald.

That's right, these countless figures are the reinforcements that Jizo summoned from the seven worlds including Xuantian Realm.

After receiving the unanimous support of the monks of Xuantian Buddha Country, Ksitigarbha did not stay in Xuantian Buddha for much, but made Venerable Huihai and others ready for battle, and then went to Qingluo Realm non-stop. Westworld.

In Qingluo Realm and Xiyuan Realm, Ksitigarbha was also warmly received by many eminent monks. The next thing was naturally similar in Xuantian Realm. Ksitigarbha first briefly described the tasks assigned by the saint and the situation in Tianyu Realm. Then he made his request.

With the saint in front, the relationship between Ksitigarbha and the eminent monks is not normal. In addition, they heard about Xuantian Buddhist Kingdom and agreed first. Therefore, there is absolutely no suspense, Qingluo Buddhist Kingdom and Xiyuan Buddhist Kingdom have both made their He expressed his willingness to support Ksitigarbha and would do his best to help him complete his mission.

As for the remaining four Western religions that only control most of the world, it is even simpler. After Ksitigarbha revealed their identities, the eminent monks of those four worlds did not say anything at all, and immediately began to assemble the army according to Ksitigarbha's request. Prepare to go to Tianyu Realm.

In this way, after nearly three months of preparation, the Buddhist kingdoms of the seven great thousand worlds have used a large number of troops, and a total of more than ten billion monks have been assembled, among which there are countless masters at the level of various Arhats, Bodhisattvas and Venerables. Its lineup is large, imposing, and powerful, it is simply unprecedented.

In this way, this also gave Jizo and others great confidence.

Therefore, after making all the preparations, Ksitigarbha immediately ordered all the troops to gather outside the Xuantian Realm, and then go to the Tianyu Realm together.

At this time, Ksitigarbha, Venerable Huihai and other eminent monks were standing in front of the tens of billions of monk soldiers, looking at the mighty tens of billions of soldiers in front of them, watching the various Arhats and Bodhisattva-level masters gathered in it, watching the monk soldiers With the firm but fanatical eyes in his eyes, Jizo's heart is full of pride and pride, and at the same time there is a hint of happiness.

Jizo believed that, with the huge and mighty lineup in front of him, a mere Tianyu Realm would simply end in a wave of destruction, and there was absolutely no need to worry about it.

And the blood feud of Kizang's knife will soon be avenged.

Just like Jizo, Venerable Huihai and others looked at the countless monks and soldiers and all kinds of masters in front of them. Their faces were filled with all kinds of confidence and pride, without the slightest hesitation and worry.

With the strength of their Western religion, it will not be difficult to destroy the world and destroy the country.

Just looking at the terrifying momentum gathered by the tens of billions of monks and soldiers, even Da Luo Jinxian is not enough to compete. They are confident that the Buddha's light of Western religion will once again shine in the Tianyu Realm.

Looking at the terrifying lineup in front of him that represented the strength of the Western religion, Jizo smiled with satisfaction, then waved his hand and shouted: "Go, target Tianyu Realm!!

The voice of Ksitigarbha didn't seem to be loud, but it accurately conveyed to the ears of every monk soldier.

"Yes!! 35

Tens of billions of monks and soldiers responded to the sound of bbed, and the momentum was overwhelming. If it were not in the starry sky, it is estimated that they would have pierced the heavens.

Following Ksitigarbha's order, and many eminent monks such as Ksitigarbha, Venerable Huihai and others flew out first, the tens of billions of monks and soldiers immediately followed.

Of course, they did not fly through the flesh, but took out all kinds of flying magic weapons.

For the foundation of Western religion, it is not a problem at all to come up with enough flying magic weapons.

For a time, all kinds of huge spaceships and warships appeared in the void one after another, and those monk soldiers all boarded in an orderly manner, and then countless spaceship battles began to gallop in the direction of Tianyu Realm.

The people in the Yanhuang Immortal Territory did not know that a huge crisis was rolling towards them at this time.

Including Ying Zheng and others from the Four Immortal Dynasties, they did not know that Ksitigarbha actually gathered more than 10 billion monk soldiers to attack their Yanhuang Immortal Territory. This was completely unimaginable.

Even Ji Han didn't feel anything. After all, he was only the Heavenly Dao of the Yanhuang Immortal Domain, but not the Heavenly Dao of the Three Thousand Worlds. It was normal not to know the actions of Ksitigarbha and others.

Not long after, Ksitigarbha led the forces of the seven Great Thousand Worlds, wrapped in a terrifying aura brought by tens of billions of troops, and finally descended outside the Yanhuang Immortal Territory.

After arriving outside the Yanhuang Immortal Territory, Ksitigarbha didn't say anything, but directly waved his hand, ordering all the spaceships and ships to spread out immediately, so that all the monks and soldiers were dispatched, ready to surround the Yanhuang Immortal Territory.

Such an abnormal situation naturally immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the Yanhuang Immortal Territory. At this time, in the Yanhuang Immortal Territory, countless people suddenly found that the sky turned dark, just like the sudden darkness of night, which made countless people shocked and surprised. know what's going on.

When they found the abnormality and looked up above their heads subconsciously, they saw a scene that shocked countless people.

I saw that outside the Yanhuang Immortal Territory, countless huge spaceships and battle boats began to appear outside the starry sky, and began to disperse, and then completely surrounded the Yanhuang Immortal Territory.

At the same time, on those spaceships and warships, countless figures continued to fly down, and the dense crowds began to gather. The number of people was terrifying.

Then the countless figures approached the Yanhuang Immortal Territory. At first glance, it seemed that the Yanhuang Immortal Territory was suddenly covered with a layer of dark clouds. This was also the reason why the sky in the Yanhuang Immortal Territory suddenly turned dark.

Such a terrifying scene, such a sudden change, was almost like the end of the world, causing the entire Yanhuang Immortal Region to be enveloped in an atmosphere of solemnity and panic.

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