At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

806 Who dares to have the slightest contempt? 【Subscription】

Blue Star, Dongshan City.

A quarter of an hour ago, Ji Han, whose body was at Blue Star, was closing his eyes and resting, but suddenly opened his eyes, a cold light burst out in his eyes, and there was a hint of surprise and uneasiness in his eyes.

"Why is there a sense of unease, as if something big will happen somewhere, could it be that something happened in the Yanhuang Immortal Territory??"

Ji Han frowned, feeling very puzzled.

Because just the last moment, he suddenly felt a sudden uneasiness like a whim, and it seemed that a great malice was coming towards him. Although this feeling was weak, it was very clear, which made Ji Han in the dark. It was caught in an instant and alerted.

For a person like Ji Han, such a sudden induction, this kind of warning from somewhere, is definitely a "seven-five-zero" thing that has a great relationship with oneself, and it must not be neglected. .

Ji Han is no exception, the more advanced the cultivation, the more concerned about this kind of feeling.

So Ji Han knew that something big was about to happen, and it wasn't good for him.

But Ji Han thought about it, but couldn't think of anything that could affect him.

"'s a Western religion!!" Ji Han's eyes flashed fiercely, and he guessed the truth.

Because it is impossible for anything major to happen to Blue Star, Ji Han has already scanned Blue Star once, and there is no abnormality, so Ji Han can already conclude that this matter is related to Yanhuang Immortal Region, and it is also related to Western religion.

Apart from the Western religion, Ji Han couldn't think of any other forces that would target Yanhuang Xianyu.

Thinking of this, Ji Han immediately closed his eyes again, and then transferred most of his mind to the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Realm of Yanhuang.

Ji Han took advantage of the Heavenly Dao's control over the world to carefully investigate the Yanhuang Immortal Domain, but found nothing unusual.


Ji Han was even more surprised, but the uneasy feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger: "No, the maliciousness is becoming clearer and clearer, and something big is going to happen. 99

Ji Han's eyes narrowed, and he immediately confirmed, because he knew that his induction was absolutely infallible.

However, in the next breath, Ji Han's face sank slightly and became much more solemn, because he had already felt that the maliciousness against him was clearly detectable, and it was about to come to him.

Under the influence of his heart, Ji Han, who is the Heavenly Dao of the Yanhuang Immortal Realm, immediately looked outside the Yanhuang Immortal Realm, and then saw a terrifying scene.

I saw that in the distance of Yanhuang Immortal Territory, in the void, countless spaceships, warships and various flying magic weapons were galloping towards Yanhuang Immortal Territory. At this time, those flying magic weapons seemed to be still far away. Going up is just a small black spot, but looking at the direction they are going, there is no doubt that it is the Yanhuang Immortal Domain.

However, the speed of those spaceships and warships is extremely fast. The last breath seems to be still far away, but the next breath has already galloped forward for a long distance. In just a few breaths, those little black spots become It has grown to the size of a fist, and it is still expanding.

"Sure enough, it's a Western religion, huh, it's really a thief, is it really bullying me, can't Ji Han be weak??"

Seeing the terrifying lineup in the distance, and feeling the unique aura of the Western Church, Ji Han's face turned extremely gloomy, and he couldn't help but sneer, and his heart was filled with killing intent.

Ji Han has already guessed that the Western Church must not be reconciled to suffer such a huge loss. In addition, Ksitigarbha has also forged a blood feud with him, and Ksitigarbha will definitely not let it go, so seeing this scene, Ji Han is surprised though , but not unexpectedly.

It's just that Ji Han felt very annoyed, because the Western religion was obviously bullying him, trying to bully the weak with more, and wanted to crush Ji Han with his strong background. As a result, Ji Han would naturally not have a good face.

But in the face of such a terrifying battle of the Western religion, Ji Han seemed helpless for a while, not knowing how to resist the Western religion.

Soon, just as countless thoughts flashed in Ji Han's mind, the countless spaceships and battleships quickly enlarged in Ji Han's field of vision, until the whole picture was fully displayed, which means that the troops of the Western Sect had arrived in the Yanhuang Immortal Territory. outside.

Huge and sturdy spaceships, terrifying warships with ferocious shapes, are densely parked in the void, only a few dozen miles away from the Yanhuang Immortal Territory. Breathing can pass.

After stopping, Ji Han saw that Ksitigarbha led a large number of Western monks to fly out of the spaceship, and then he waved his hand, and dozens of millions of spaceships and warships began to move continuously along the Yanhuang Immortal Domain. Until the Yanhuang Immortal Domain is completely surrounded.

During this period, countless monk soldiers flew down from the spaceships and warships. The number of those monk soldiers was uncountable.

Seeing this, Ji Han knew that the Western Cult was determined to destroy the Yanhuang Immortal Domain this time, otherwise it would never have come up with such a terrifying lineup, and the other party had no hesitation or hesitation at all. , As soon as he arrived at Yanhuang Immortal Domain, he was ready to start. Ji Han couldn't see such an obvious attitude.

"Heh, decisive enough, this doesn't despise me at all, Ji Han!!

Looking at the terrifying lineup outside the Yanhuang Immortal Domain, Ji Han couldn't help but sneer.

It's just that although Ji Han is worried, he is not too nervous, because Ji Han controls the Heavenly Dao of the Yanhuang Immortal Domain, and naturally provides the most stable line of defense for the Yanhuang Immortal Domain. Facing the enemy's invasion, Ji Han will definitely not Will let the enemy invade the interior of Yanhuang Immortal Territory arbitrarily, with Ji Han's strength, coupled with the control of Yanhuang Immortal Territory

Not to mention keeping all the enemies out, at least it can block most of them, so that the Yanhuang Immortal Territory will not suffer a devastating blow.

Sure enough, Jizo and the others did not wait too long, and immediately ordered the attack on the Yanhuang Immortal Territory.

The tens of billions of monk soldiers immediately moved with 4.3 and tens of millions of giant spaceships and warships, and flew straight towards the interior of the Yanhuang Immortal Territory, wanting to break through the outermost defense line of the Immortal Territory and enter the Immortal Territory.

As for Jizo and the others, they naturally sit in the rear and won't take it lightly.

However, Ji Han has already made preparations. He exerted his strength to the extreme, and at the same time used his control over the Yanhuang Immortal Territory to activate the power of the heavens, forming an indestructible line of defense outside the Yanhuang Immortal Territory, blocking all the spaceships and ships. Outside the Yanhuang Immortal Territory, let them not enter an inch.

At the same time, most of the ten billion monk soldiers were blocked, and only less than 100 million monk soldiers were able to break through into the Immortal Territory and launched an attack on the Yanhuang Immortal Territory.

It is also fortunate that Ji Han is in control of the Dao of Heaven, making it difficult for the enemy to invade in a large scale, otherwise the Yanhuang Immortal Territory will definitely be destroyed in an instant, and it will be difficult to survive!!.

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