Outside the realm of Yanhuangxian.

At this moment, an unimaginably huge white light shield was covering the entire Yanhuang Immortal Territory, like a huge eggshell, completely protecting the Yanhuang Immortal Territory.

"Bang bang bang!!

Those huge spaceships and battle boats, as well as countless monk soldiers, were caught off guard, and they collided with the mask, making countless loud noises, but these sounds could not be transmitted too far in the void, but they were very loud. Obviously, all the spaceship battles were blocked outside the Yanhuang Immortal Territory, and even most of the monk soldiers were blocked.

Only a few monk soldiers of less than 100 million were able to break through into the Immortal Realm because of their fast speed. 3

Such a bizarre situation immediately caused a huge turmoil, and countless monks and soldiers were shocked, but in the next moment, they began to attack the mask as if they did not believe in evil, and wanted to completely break the mask.

Even those huge spaceships and battle boats tacitly retreated a certain distance, and then used the acceleration to slam into the mask.

Bang Bang Bang!! 11


All kinds of loud noises continued to sound in the void, and after a short distance they dissipated, only various scenes of indiscriminate bombardment could be seen.

However, that layer of mask was formed by Ji Han's use of the power of heaven and his own cultivation. It did not cause any fluctuations in the reticle, and it looked extremely solid.

In response to such a situation, for a time, countless monks and soldiers looked at each other in dismay, not knowing what to do.

At this time, Ksitigarbha, Venerable Huihai and other eminent monks all retreated a hundred miles away. The reason why they retreated so far is because Ksitigarbha and the others are really afraid of Ji Han's blood-turning sword. If you get too close, you will be poisoned at once.

Only if they were far away and gave them enough time to react, they didn't have to worry so much. After all, the blood-turning sword's illustrious reputation is really not to be underestimated. Even Jizo was almost left behind before it was seen. Down? So there's absolutely nothing wrong with being cautious.

However, when Jizo and the others saw that the large army was blocked by the mask from the Yanhuang Immortal Territory, their expressions immediately turned gloomy.

"It really is him!!" Jizo gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Brothers, that person has already swallowed and replaced the Heavenly Dao of the Tianyu Realm, I didn't expect him to have such a means!!

Ksitigarbha once again revealed a thunder-like news to all the eminent monks.

Before this news, Ksitigarbha had not advanced it, but now that it was announced, it immediately aroused everyone's shock.

"What? That person can devour the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Feather Realm?"

"Junior brother, is this serious? This is not a joke!"

"Impossible, why is that person able to devour Heavenly Dao and replace it? 35

"No wonder, it seems that what is blocking us now is the way of heaven in the Tianyu world, right?

"It turns out that, it seems that person really has some ability!!"

Venerable Huihai and many other eminent monks expressed their shock and disbelief. They never thought that Ji Han would have such a means to devour the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Feather Realm and replace it. This was absolutely unimaginable for them.

But they also knew that Jizo would definitely not joke about this kind of thing, so no matter how reluctant they were to believe it, they could only accept the fact.

And they have already seen that the mask should be made by Ji Han, who is Tianyujie Tiandao, to resist them. Obviously, under such circumstances, if they want to break through into the immortal realm and launch an attack on the immortal realm, they must That mask must be broken.

Jizo did not hesitate, and with the only choice, he decisively started to order: "Send an order, order all personnel and spaceships to bombard that layer of mask with all their strength!!"

"Yes, Your Excellency!!"

A monk next to him immediately led the way.

Soon, the monk soldiers who received the order no longer hesitated, and began to bombard the mask, trying to break it.

However, countless attacks fell on that layer of mask. Even if such an attack continued, it seemed that there was no way to break the layer of mask in a short period of time. Those attacks only swayed the mask slightly, and even ripples appeared. A few lines have not been generated, which is obviously not enough to break the mask.

Although Jizo had expected it, he couldn't help frowning secretly after seeing the firmness of the mask.

Jizo did not expect that the person who had become the Heavenly Dao of the Heavenly Feather Realm would actually keep most of them out of the Heavenly Feather Realm.

Thinking of this, Jizo did not give up, his expression did not change in the slightest, but he said solemnly: "Order people to concentrate firepower to attack a little bit, and see if they can open a hole. As soon as there is a gap, send someone to enter it immediately!! 35

"Also, tell the monks and soldiers who have entered this world, let them start their operations according to the original plan, there is no need to wait!!

Although Kizang was a little dissatisfied with this situation, he was not overly worried or anxious. Instead, he was very calm. He could also wait, because some monk soldiers had already invaded the Immortal Realm, and Kizang believed that It is impossible for the mask to block them for too long, so they just need to act according to the original plan.

Venerable Huihai and others nodded slightly in approval for Ksitigarbha's order.

Soon, the monk soldiers who were blocked outside the Yanhuang Immortal Territory continued to blast the mask, while the monk soldiers who entered the 750 Immortal Territory began to prepare for action.

In the Yanhuang Immortal Territory, the four Ying Zheng had been closely watching the situation outside the sky at this time.

They could not see the mask outside the Yanhuang Immortal Territory on the ground, but they could see the scene of countless monk soldiers and spaceships bombarding the Yanhuang Immortal Territory. For a time, countless creatures in the Yanhuang Immortal Territory were frightened and trembling. The four Ying Zheng looked worried.

Soon, they saw that those enemies seemed to be blocked from the Yanhuang Immortal Territory, and it seemed that they could not break through immediately, so many people breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the four Ying Zheng looked at each other with a heavy look on their faces, and they could see each other's thoughts, that is, their husband had already taken action, otherwise the enemy outside would definitely break through directly.

"Fortunately, Mr. is here, otherwise this Yanhuang Immortal Territory still doesn't know what kind of disaster it will suffer!!

Ying Zheng sighed softly, with joy and pride in his tone, as well as unavoidable worry.

Fortunately, the situation was exactly as they had guessed. As the Heavenly Dao of the Yanhuang Immortal Region, Ji Han stood on the front line for them, and also kept the enemy out of the Yanhuang Immortal Region to prevent the Yanhuang Immortal Region from being wiped out.

In this way, they still have room to resist and time to react!!.

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