At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

816 The solution to the problem! 【Subscription】

Ji Han didn't hide anything, and directly explained the awesomeness of the upgraded sacrificial function to Ying Zheng and the four of them!

This is not something worth concealing, and it is also necessary to give Ying Zheng a reassurance.

The four Ying Zheng were already stunned, their mouths wide open, and they looked at Ji Han with dazed expressions, a look of disbelief at all.

"What, sir, what did you say? There is no limit to the function of sacrifice? Can you make sacrifices infinitely to become stronger?'

" this true?"

"Hi...Sir, you didn't fool us, did you? If you continue to sacrifice indefinitely, you might even become a Demon God of Hongmeng in the end? This is too scary, isn't it? 99

"This sacrificial function can also change the root foot? Is there such a good thing??""

All four of Ying Zheng were shocked by what Ji Han said, and they never thought that "Seven Five Zeros" would have such a terrible effect after the sacrificial function was upgraded.

However, after the shock, what followed was an indescribable ecstasy, which made the four Ying Zheng couldn't help laughing in ecstasy.

It was also a huge surprise for them.

If it is true as Ji Han said, the upgraded sacrificial function has such a terrible effect, then they really don't need to be afraid of the siege of the Western religion.

And what Ji Han said is absolutely right, the enemy is the best sacrifice. You must know that the enemy who besieged the Yanhuang Immortal Realm is as many as ten billion monks and soldiers. Once they are all destroyed and sacrificed as sacrifices, How much improvement the soldiers of the four immortal dynasties will gain, the four Ying Zheng can't even imagine.

Therefore, they all looked at Ji Han with extremely hot eyes, even though they knew that Ji Han could not fool them, they still wanted to hear a definite answer from Ji Han's mouth.

And Ji Han looked at Ying Zheng's four people's hot and fiery eyes, and couldn't help but laugh a little: "Okay, okay, can I still deceive you? This is absolutely true, there is no falsehood, you just follow my method. Just do it!!"

"Really, haha, sir, it's true!

"Great, Yanhuang Immortal Domain is saved!"

"Thank you sir, I will never forget it!!""

"Yes, yes, please let me pay my respects, sir!!

After hearing Ji Han's affirmative answer, the four Ying Zheng immediately became very excited, and then in order to express their gratitude to Ji Han, they stood up and paid homage to Ji Han.

Although the four Ying Zheng knew that this was not enough to repay Ji Han's kindness, they still couldn't help but want to express their attitude to Ji Han, saying that they would keep all these kindnesses in their hearts.

Ji Han flicked his sleeves slightly and helped the four Ying Zheng up, because with the relationship between them and Ji Han, they no longer need to express gratitude with these virtual gifts, it can be said that the four immortal dynasties and Ji Han Han has long been a prosperous relationship, and a relationship that is both prosperous and detrimental, does not need too much politeness at all.

The four of Ying Zheng were not polite, and after they sat down again, Ying Zheng excitedly asked Ji Han: "Sir, since there is no limit to the function of sacrifice, can we not be promoted to a level comparable to saints?

This is definitely the biggest expectation of the four Ying Zheng. After all, this is what Ji Han said. There is no limit to the sacrificial function, and it can even reach the realm of the Hongmeng Demon God in the end. Isn't this comparable to a saint?

However, Ji Han laughed and scolded: "You guys are so big, you dare to think about it!!"9

"Hey, isn't this just a fantasy after hearing from Mr.

Ying Zheng's excitement subsided a little, and then sneered.

At this time, Ji Han was slightly serious and said: "But, it's not impossible, but the sacrifices needed will be an unimaginable number, and the more you go to the later stage, the stronger the sacrifices will be. If you With this strength, it is possible to reach the level comparable to a saint.

For this, Ji Han still has to explain to the four Ying Zheng, this is also a warning to let them know the difficulty of becoming a Hongmeng Demon God, and not too ambitious!

However, this had no effect on the four Ying Zheng. They looked at each other excitedly and saw the wild hope in each other's eyes.

As long as there is hope to achieve it, no matter how difficult it is, they will try it. After all, the temptation of the realm of the saint level is too great for them to resist.

Ji Han looked at the expressions of the four Ying Zheng, not only smiled helplessly, but was too lazy to say anything.

Because it is useless to talk too much, the four Ying Zheng are all smart people, and it is good to have a glimmer of hope. In the later stage, they will know how difficult it is, and they will naturally settle down without Ji Han's persuasion. .

Li Shimin suppressed the excitement and excitement in his heart and laughed loudly: "Haha, no wonder Mr. wants us to take the initiative to attack the four immortal dynasties, so this is the reason, so it seems that the corpse of the enemy is indeed the best sacrifice, as long as we can exterminate it. The first batch of sacrifices will definitely become easier and easier later, until the enemy is completely wiped out!!

Only at this point did Li Shimin and the others understand why Ji Han wanted them to take the initiative.

As Li Shimin said, after they take the initiative to attack, as long as they can destroy a group of enemies in a targeted manner, they can cause tens of millions to more than 100 million casualties to the enemy. The corpse is regarded as the first batch of sacrifices, which is enough to quickly strengthen the soldiers of the four immortal dynasties.

The next thing is simple, it is completely snowball mode, after the sacrifice is strengthened, the enemy in the Yanhuang Immortal Territory will be besieged again, and then the sacrifice will be sacrificed again, and then annihilated, and the sacrifice will continue.

It is such a simple cycle process, but it is enough to bring a huge blow to the enemy and enable the soldiers of the four immortal dynasties to quickly increase their strength.

Of course, this also requires the tacit cooperation of Ji Han. The premise of this is that Ji Han must keep the large troops of the Western Cult out of the Yanhuang Immortal Territory, and can only allow the enemy to enter bit by bit, not the entire army. In this way, the four immortal dynasties can naturally nibble away the enemy little by little in order to achieve the goal set by Ji Han at the beginning.

Ying Zheng and others were naturally able to think clearly about all these key points. At this time, their adoration and admiration for Ji Han in 4.3 could not be described in words. of.

"Sir, we won't talk about it more. Once you have an order, we will follow you to the death. Now that the battle in the Yanhuang Immortal Territory is tight, we will not stay with you any longer. We will go back and make arrangements immediately, and start implementing it according to the method of the master! !

The four Ying Zheng stood up with solemn faces, and after paying a salute, they said goodbye to Ji Han.

After all, the Yanhuang Immortal Territory was in a state of tension at this time, and if they hadn't sought Ji Han to discuss a solution, they would never have left the Yanhuang Immortal Territory.

Now that there is a solution to the problem, they naturally have to return to the Yanhuang Immortal Territory as soon as possible, in order to calm down the army!!.

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