"Don't worry, I have one more thing for you to do!!"

At this moment, Ji Han reached out his hand to stop Ying Zheng and the four who wanted to leave.

When the four Ying Zheng saw this, they could only suppress the eager thoughts in their hearts and sat down again.

Then Ying Zheng asked: "I don't know if there is anything else you have to order, sir? We will do as soon as we go back!

For the four Ying Zheng, no matter what Ji Han asks or instructs, they will follow them unconditionally, without any exceptions, even if they spell everything.

Ji Han waved his hands and said with a smile, "Don't be nervous, I'm not asking you to do anything difficult. After you return to the Yanhuang Immortal Territory, order someone to open up a huge area in a safer place in the Yanhuang Immortal Territory, and I will do it later. It is used, you don’t need to know the specific function, just arrange it!!”

The purpose of Ji Han's request for a large area is naturally to prepare for the people of Kyushu, but now there is no need to tell Ying Zheng and the others in detail about the function of the projection of the world, and they will gradually understand later.

"Okay, how big is it?"

Ji Han said so, Ying Zheng and others naturally did not dare to ask more questions, but asked some questions about the area of ​​this area.

"Hmm..." Ji Han thought for a while, then replied, "The bigger the better, anyway, you guys are starting to practice hardening the wall and clearing the wild, presumably it's not difficult, right?"

"No problem at all!" Ying Zheng nodded immediately in affirmation, "Sir will definitely be satisfied, we will order it as soon as we go back, sir, don't worry!! 35


The three of Li Shimin also nodded immediately.

Although they are a little curious about Ji Han's request, they don't know what is the use of Ji Han asking for a large area, but they will never ask more if they shouldn't know, and as long as Ji Han doesn't hide them specially, in the Yanhuang Immortal Domain What happened, they will know in the end.

"That's fine, I know you are in a hurry, go back and prepare well!!"

After getting a satisfactory answer, Ji Han waved his hand slightly, indicating that Ying Zheng and the others can go back.

The four Ying Zheng stood up immediately, daring not to delay in the slightest, and then clasped their fists and saluted Ji Han again before leaving decisively.

Yanhuang Immortal Territory, stepping on the city of heaven.

After leaving Ji Han's small manor, Ying Zheng and the four chose to return to Yanhuang Immortal Realm without any delay.

As soon as they set foot in Tiancheng, the four Ying Zheng immediately ordered:

"Send an order, order all the generals in Tiantian City to come to discuss the matter immediately, there must be no mistake!

Obviously, Ying Zheng and the others couldn't wait.

Now that they have returned to the Yanhuang Immortal Domain with Ji Han's method, it means that the Yanhuang Immortal Domain will start a war again, and the degree of tragicness will be far greater than before.

Soon, in less than five minutes, all the generals in Tiantian City gathered in the conference hall.

In the conference hall of Stepping Heaven City, the four Ying Zheng sat on an equal footing, with their heads high, and there were two rows of chairs below, with hundreds of them.

At this time, only the generals who are qualified to come to discuss are Lu Bu, Wang Ben and other generals, and the last is the first-level lieutenant general. Except for those who are guarding in various areas and cannot return, the generals of the four immortal dynasties have basically arrived.

"We see the king!! 35

After the hundreds of generals arrived, they all knelt down and bowed down to greet the four Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng's four people stretched out their hands to help, so that the generals below do not need to be more polite!

Hundreds of generals got up at this time, and then took their seats on both sides.

As the most senior and oldest person among the four, Ying Zheng naturally asked: "Wang Aiqing, how is the situation in Xianyu so far? Tell me in detail!!

Although Ying Zheng and the others could not wait to follow Ji Han's suggestion and take the initiative to attack and destroy the enemy, they would not act rashly. They must understand the development of the situation in Xianyu during this period of time. To what extent, so that it is good to carry out targeted actions.

Wang Ben, who was named, immediately got up and stepped out, and then replied respectfully: "Go back to your majesty, during the time when the four majesties went to Blue Star, the situation in the immortal realm was okay, and it did not deteriorate too much, we also strictly follow your majesty. 's order to clear the wall and clear the field, and now most of the areas have been completed!"

"In addition, the Western Religion once again sent a group of troops into the Immortal Realm. Now that we can't hold on to it, the monks and soldiers of the Western Religion can only intercept some towns with weak defenses, causing a lot of casualties to ordinary creatures! 99

Wang Ben briefly and concisely introduced the situation in the Yanhuang Immortal Domain to the four Ying Zheng.

Now that the situation is urgent, it is natural that we can't talk about it at length. It must be simple if it can be simple.

When the four Ying Zheng heard the words, they immediately looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

Such a situation has already exceeded the expectations of the four Ying Zheng, and it can be said that it is a very good situation.

Since there has not been much change in the Immortal Realm, but ordinary creatures have suffered many casualties, this is completely acceptable.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng continued to ask: "How many monk soldiers have entered the Immortal Realm now?"

"Go back to Your Majesty, it's probably more than 200 million points, but it's not clear when the enemy will release the next batch of monk soldiers! 35

Without any hesitation, Wang Ben directly said the answer that the four Ying Zheng wanted to know.

Although they could not hold on during this period of time and temporarily resisted the enemy's offensive, it did not mean that they did nothing, and there was no problem in simply checking the enemy's strength.

"More than two hundred million??"

This answer seems to be expected by Ying 767 Zheng and others, and it is also within the range that they can accept.

"How are you three brothers?"

After figuring out the current situation in Xianyu, Ying Zheng immediately turned to look at Cao Cao and the others.

Ying Zheng's question was endless, but the three of Cao Cao immediately came over and nodded in unison:

"No problem! 35

Obviously, they reached a consensus at this moment, that is, prepare to attack immediately.

Since there are not many enemies entering the Immortal Realm at this time, they can still cope with the order. This is naturally the best thing. Before the next batch of enemies come in, they will be wiped out and sacrificed. It is simply appropriate. !

"it is good!"

Ying Zheng nodded, then turned to look at the generals below: "All listen to the order."

When the hundreds of generals saw this battle, it was obvious that the four Ying Zheng had already made a decision. Therefore, the hundreds of generals immediately stood up, stood in two rows, and then bowed and said in unison, "We will obey the order. , please show the king!!

Ying Zheng and Cao Cao got up and looked at the hundreds of generals standing under their hands, and Ying Zheng ordered:

"Send my instructions and order the four great immortal dynasties to get ready, and an hour later we will send troops to encircle and suppress the enemies in the immortal realm.

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