At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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At this moment, Ying Zheng's order resounded like thunder, resounding in the ears of every general, at the same time making them extremely shocked.

"What? Take the initiative?"

"All troops are dispatched? 99

"Including us generals?

"Your Majesty, this... does this need to be reconsidered for a second?"

Although they were expected and prepared in their hearts, the hundreds of generals present couldn't help but feel very shocked and surprised when they heard the order issued by Ying Zheng. .

If it is just a normal order, no matter how outrageous it is, they will not have the slightest doubt, and will definitely execute it immediately without saying a word.

But the order issued by Ying Zheng this time may be about the survival of the four immortal dynasties in the Yanhuang Immortal Territory, and it may also determine whether the Yanhuang Immortal Territory can stick to it, so these generals are very cautious, and they must be reminded at the risk of being reprimanded. one sentence.

However, Ying Zheng and others all understood the thoughts of the generals, and knew that they were all cautious and did not have any offense and doubts, so the four Ying Zheng did not show any signs of anger.

I saw Ying Zheng glanced at it lightly, and then said: "This is the good strategy of the immortal master, you just need to act according to the plan, after the war, you will understand the reason! 99

As soon as these words came out, all the generals became quiet in an instant, and all doubts and surprises disappeared.

"Yes, the commander-in-chief!!

Hundreds of generals bowed and took orders in unison, and without the slightest doubt, they appeared confident.

Since this is the strategy of the immortal master Ji Han, then no one dares to question it, and there is no need to question it, just follow the instructions of the immortal master. This is why they are full of confidence.

Because the immortal master Ji Han has proven his decision to be correct countless times, and it is precisely because of Ji Han that the four immortal dynasties have developed to this level, so no one dares to question Ji Han's words, but will Choose to execute without hesitation.

The four Ying Zheng didn't care either. This is what Ji Han should be treated to. They have always placed Ji Han above the four of them. They have absolute respect and admiration for Ji Han. 々waki" such a ridiculous idea.

Ying Zheng waved his sleeves and said: "Okay, let's go down and prepare, find out the enemy's movements, and the whole army will be dispatched in an hour.

"Yes, the last general is ordered!"

All the generals saluted again, and then led the way.


With the departure of hundreds of generals, the sound of various armors slamming lightly rang out in the conference hall.

However, the four Ying Zheng did not leave the conference hall immediately, Ying Zheng summoned Li Si, a civil servant, and ordered him: "There is one thing you need to do immediately, and that is to demarcate a large unmanned area within the scope of Nanzhou. Come, the wider the scope of this area, the better, you don't need to know the specific function, just do it!"

"Yes, Wei Chen will do it right away!"

Li Si didn't dare to ask any more questions, and he handed over his orders.

Now the entire Yanhuang Immortal Territory is implementing hard walls and clearing fields. For such a requirement, it is not too simple to complete.

What's more, the area in the Yanhuang Immortal Territory is extremely wide, even if you just randomly draw a small area, the area will not be too small.

After conveying the two orders, Ying Zheng looked at the three of Cao Cao: "Three brothers, let's go and have a look, I think Mr. will not disappoint us after upgrading the sacrificial function!"

"Haha, exactly!"

"That's right, I'm looking forward to it too!"

"Come on, let's go and see!

The three of Cao Cao responded immediately, leaving the conference hall with Ying Zheng, and then flew out of the city.

Obviously, Ying Zheng and the four have great curiosity about the upgraded sacrificial function that Ji Han said, and at the same time have high hopes for it, so they all want to see the actual effect.

Although the four immortal dynasties could not hold on during this period, they could still grasp the whereabouts of the enemies who entered the immortal realm. Therefore, in less than an hour, the four immortal dynasties were fully prepared for battle.

It's just that this time Ying Zheng and the others chose to attack quietly instead of attacking from the front.

Because this is not a confrontation between the two armies, their purpose is to destroy the enemy as much as possible.

Of course, the sneak attack is only to gain a huge advantage at the beginning, and then it will naturally become a frontal attack.

The army of the four immortal dynasties was divided into four troops, led by Wang Ben, Lu Bu, Li Ji and Cao Bianjiao, and the rest of the generals did not command the army, but were responsible for killing the enemy!

This time, the four immortal dynasties gathered more than 200 million troops. It can be said that they almost occupied more than 80% of the troops deployed by the four immortal dynasties in the Yanhuang Immortal Territory, and all of them were elite soldiers. of hope.

As soon as the hour came, Wang Benben and others led the army to quietly dispatched, targeting the Western religious monks who were looting and massaging in Dongzhou.

In order to achieve the purpose of surprise attack on the enemy, although the four Ying Zheng were only sitting in the rear, they still grasped the general direction of the action. .

In addition, in Dongzhou, the four Ying Zheng also made arrangements accordingly.

Since the coalition forces of the seven Buddhist countries were sweeping and slaughtering Dongzhou, they could just do their best to ambush the enemy.

Soon, the army of the four immortal dynasties galloped towards Dongzhou, and no one was making a noise or attracting anyone's attention during the whole process.

After arriving in Dongzhou and not far from the target, Wang Ben and others immediately made various arrangements according to the instructions.

The battlefield they chose was the Illusory Demon Mountain Range in Dongzhou with the name (Zhao Wang Zhao). The reason why it was called this mountain range was that, for unknown reasons, this mountain range could cause hallucinations and even enchantment of people with low cultivation bases. To a certain extent, it interferes with the exploration of spiritual consciousness, which is very conducive to hiding.

With the order of Wang Ben and others, more than half of the soldiers immediately entered the Phantom Mountains to hide. With the help of the peculiar terrain, tall and dense jungles, and the characteristics of the Phantom Mountains, coupled with the cover of various magic circles, they were able to hide. It can greatly hide hundreds of millions of troops without being discovered, even if someone sweeps it with divine sense, it is impossible to find any Lu.

The other half of the troops are hidden in the sky. All the soldiers are divided into formations, and they are ambushed in a huge ring above the sky. Immortal-level generals use magical powers to cover up.

In less than half an hour, the ambush formation was completely completed!!.

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