At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

819 Rarely encountered such a good prey! 【Subscription】

Yanhuang Immortal Region, Dongzhou.

In the southeast direction of Dongzhou, at this time, the coalition forces of the seven Buddhist countries are sweeping away from southeast to northwest, and all living beings and towns with living beings are their targets.

This batch of Buddha Nations Allied Forces probably has more than 200 million troops. At this time, it is also divided into seven troops, large and small. They are scattered around and jointly sweep the creatures in the Yanhuang Immortal Territory.

Although it seems to be scattered, the distance between the seven troops is not too far. At their respective speeds, once any one of the troops has an accident, the other six troops can immediately provide support.

At this time, the Law Fate Arhat of Xuantian Buddhist Country is leading a force to continue to sweep forward.

Looking at the empty scene on the ground, Fayuan Luohan couldn't help cursing: "Damn heretics, don't let me catch them, or the poor monk will directly save you!!"

Since they entered the Immortal Territory, due to the four immortal dynasties taking the initiative to shrink the front line and implement the strategy of clearing the field, they have no goals. After sweeping for so long, they have not gained much victory. Few creatures, therefore, Fayuan Luohan had already held back a wave of anger and wanted to vent it out.

At this moment, a monk soldier who acted as a scout suddenly flew back from the front at high speed, and when he came to Fayuan Luohan, he immediately reported: "767 Venerable Luohan, an enemy town was found 800 miles ahead. This town is large. It's bigger, and the creatures in the city are moving."

"Oh? Finally found the big fish? How many people?"

Fayuan Luohan couldn't help but be overjoyed and immediately asked.

The monk soldier in charge of the investigation replied: "There are about 30 million living beings migrated, and there are more than 10 million guards!!

"Okay, very good, haha, I finally found them, hurry up, send the order, everyone is going at full speed, be sure to catch up with them!! Years

Fayuan Luohan finally heard the good news and finally found a target. Overjoyed, he immediately ordered all the soldiers to advance at full speed.

Such a victory that was brought to his lips, the Law Fate Arhat did not want to give it to anyone.

Of course, Fayuan Luohan is not a fool, naturally he will not act rashly and directly. He also thought about whether this might be the enemy's trick to lead him into the Weng.

But he was immediately rejected by Dharma Fate Arhat, because he knew very well that during this period of time, in the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles, it seemed that the enemy had given up resistance, and chose to try to send all living beings to him (bbed) They have moved to other places, and they have encountered such a situation many times, so they have no doubts about this Dharma-connected Arhat.

It's just that they had encountered small towns before, and this time they finally found a larger town that had not had time to move, which naturally made Dharma Fate Arhat very happy.

However, he didn't know that this was a trap that Ying Zheng and the others deliberately set for them.

In order to attract the coalition forces of the seven Buddhist kingdoms, Ying Zheng and the others did not hesitate to use tens of millions of souls as bait, in order to wipe out most of the enemies in one fell swoop.

Soon, Fayuan Luohan led tens of millions of monk soldiers to the outside of Lanyuan City.

Lanyuan City is a relatively large town, but this time the town has long been empty, and it has obviously been completely abandoned.

Fayuan Luohan immediately looked forward, and he happened to see a large group of black dots slowly fading from his field of vision in the extreme distance, apparently moving away from them quickly.

"Chase, not a single evil demon can be spared!"

Fayuan Luohan's face was stern, and he immediately ordered to start the pursuit.

Whoosh whoosh!!

The dense sound of breaking the air sounded one after another, rushing towards the distance.

However, Fayuan Luohan did not know that in the other two directions, two monk soldiers were also chasing this goal.

This is exactly the bait that Ying Zheng ordered people to deliberately reveal their whereabouts. If there is only one army, it is not worth their ambush at all.

The monk soldiers led by Fayuan Luohan were extremely fast, and in less than a quarter of an hour, they slowly approached their goal.

Fayuan Luohan can clearly see that not far ahead, about 30 to 40 million creatures are fleeing in embarrassment, and more than 10 million soldiers in armor are guarding them, but all those creatures are in Within the flying magic weapon, when they saw that there were chasing soldiers behind them, those creatures immediately became a little panicked, and there was a lot of panic on the flying magic weapon.

The soldiers in charge of the guards on both sides seemed to be a little frightened, and immediately began to accelerate, and continued to flee frantically in front of them, and the direction they fled was the Phantom Mountains.

A sly smile flashed on Fayuan Luohan's face. When he was about to eat the prey in front of him in one bite, two troops appeared at the same time. From their appearance, it seemed that they came for the prey in front of him. .

Fayuan Luohan immediately frowned and muttered unhappily: "Are there other friendly forces who have also discovered this target?

As soon as Fayuan Luohan waved his hand, all the monk soldiers around him immediately continued to gallop towards the target, preparing to capture the target before the other two troops arrived.

However, the two monk soldiers in the other two directions also responded in unison, and both began to approach the target at full speed.

As the target began to flee frantically, Fayuan Luohan and the others and the other two troops were slowly approaching. After all, the target only fled in one direction, so they would inevitably approach each other in order to pursue the target.

"Empty and complete, it turned out to be you!!

When the two troops approached each other, Fayuan Luohan recognized the two leaders. They were the two Luohan Venerables from Xiyuan Buddhist Country and Qingluo Buddhist Country, and the three of them were considered familiar.

"Fayuan, is that you?"

"Haha, it turns out to be Venerable Dharma Fate!"

Liaokong and Yuanye greeted Fayuan one after another.

Fayuan Luohan nodded in response, and then asked, "What do you think?

The seven Buddhist kingdoms are allied forces, and they all belong to Western religions. Although there is competition, they will not abandon the public for personal reasons. Since they have found their goal together, it is natural that they can only join forces.

After all, these Buddhist alliance forces, the treasures that they put into the Yanhuang Immortal Territory, originally came to destroy the enemy. Since they have a common goal, they can take it together.

"Let's make a move together, make a quick decision, and no one can escape!"

"Yes, it is rare to encounter such a good prey!

The emptiness of the Arhats and the complete annihilation of the Arhats have been expressed in succession, and neither has any objection.

Fa Yuan nodded to show that he understood, and then the three of them ordered together to let the three troops gallop towards the target that was getting closer and closer. , and then swallow it.

It's just that they didn't realize that they were getting closer and closer to the Illusory Demon Mountains at this time!

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