At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

820 It's not in vain that we dispatched so many bait! 【Subscription】

Outside the Phantom Mountains in Dongzhou, a hunt is taking place.

As the target in front seemed to be fleeing in a panic, they brought the monks from the three Buddhist kingdoms of the Western religion and were approaching the Phantom Mountains at high speed.

Seeing that the three monk soldiers in the back were about to catch up with the target, they began to disperse automatically, as if they wanted to completely encircle the target.

The Dharma Fate Arhat, Liaokong Arhat and Venerable Yuanxie gathered together. At this time, they saw that the target was gradually approaching, and Likong Arhat couldn't help laughing: "Hehe, these heretics can really run, but no more. No matter how you run, the result is the same, this boring game should be over!"5

Yuan Mo just smiled, but did not respond.

At this time, Fayuan Luohan put his hands behind his back, squinted his eyes slightly, and did not respond, but stared straight ahead.

"That seems to be a place called the Mirage Mountains, isn't it?

Fayuan Luohan was a little uncertain, and turned to look at a monk soldier behind him.

Gathering information is the simplest and most basic thing, which is very necessary for the dispatch of the army. Therefore, for the terrain information of Dongzhou, Fayuan Luohan also briefly read it, but it is not quite sure.

Seeing Dharma Fate Arhat asking, the monk soldier behind him immediately replied respectfully: "Yes, Venerable, the front is indeed the famous Magic Mountain Range in Eastern Continent!

"Oh? Why is it famous? What's so special about this mountain range?"

Fayuan Luohan suddenly understood, no wonder he felt a strange feeling in his heart when he saw the mountains in front of him.

The monk soldier replied: "The Illusory Demon Mountain Range seems to have a chaotic attribute, which can confuse the perception of ordinary people and interfere with the detection of divine consciousness a little, but it should not have any effect on us!"

In fact, they did not make a more detailed investigation, so they still have a little understanding of the peculiarities of the Phantom Mountains.

"Can interfere with consciousness? So it is!"

Looking at the huge figure crawling on the ground in the Illusory Demon Mountain Range in front of him, Fayuan Luohan couldn't help frowning slightly.

He already knew why the target in front fled to the Magic Mountain Range, because the Magic Mountain can interfere with the exploration of spiritual consciousness and increase the target's hope of escaping. Although it may not necessarily affect the masters at the level of Dharma Fate Arhat, but It is not excluded that the target holds a dead horse as a living horse doctor's mind.

At this time, Kong said: "Hehe, it's just a fluke, don't worry, even if they enter the Magic Demon Mountain Range, they can't escape!"

"That's right!" Fayuan Luohan also nodded slightly, and then ordered: "Go on, chase up at the fastest speed, and capture the target as soon as possible. In addition, after entering the Magic Mountain Range, do a good job of reconnaissance and defense, be careful!

Although Fayuan Luohan didn't think that the wasteful and fleeing team in front would lay any traps, but he was careful not to make a big mistake. This is also the consistent style of Fayuan Luohan.

"Yes, venerable! 9

The monk soldier immediately took the order.

Soon, the three Buddhist nations allied forces had already pursued within ten miles of the target, and they would soon be able to completely catch up with the enemy and then destroy them all.

But this also means that they have followed the target into the Magic Mountains. In the Magic Mountains, the topography is completely different from the flat land in an instant. This place is completely like a super virgin forest with all kinds of towering trees everywhere. , forming an extremely vast forest.

It's just that the plants here are a little black, and even the ground and various stones are the same, basically black, which looks a little weird.

And as soon as he entered the Illusory Demon Mountain Range, Fayuan Luohan immediately felt the difference in this mountain range.

"It's really weird!"

The Law Fate Arhat was a little surprised. As expected, the Illusory Demon Mountain Range could indeed have a slight impact, as it was recorded in the intelligence, and it could interfere with the consciousness a little bit, but it was not a big problem for the experts at their level.

It was also for this reason that the monks and soldiers in the coalition had a little commotion, but it soon subsided.

"Don't bother, chase the target at full speed, I don't want to delay any longer!!"

For some unknown reason, after entering the Magic Mountain Range, Fayuan Luohan felt an uncomfortable feeling in his heart, because he immediately ordered and urged again, wanting to end this chasing game quickly.

For the sake of vigilance, Fayuan Luohan decided to use his spiritual sense to scan the surrounding ten thousand li, even though he was a little uneasy, and he didn't even spare ordinary trees and stones. once again.

··For flowers......

After a while, Fayuan Luohan's complexion improved slightly, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Because Fayuan Luohan did not detect any inappropriate places, there were no traps, and there was no ambush. With the cultivation base of Fayuan Luohan, he was confident that there would be no mistakes.

Seeing Dharma Fate Arhat open his eyes, Dakong Arhat then smiled and said, "How is it? No problem, right?

"What could be wrong, it's just a group of struggling heretics!!" Venerable Yuanming sneered.

Just like the Law Fate Arhats, they have also used their powerful spiritual sense to investigate, and they have not found any problems, so they are relieved.

Staring at the group of heretics who were about to be caught up in front, Lakukong and the others had already begun to show murderous intent on their faces.

It's just that they subconsciously ignored the high-altitude scene. They didn't notice that there were many more white clouds in the sky above the Illusory Demon Mountains. Let the Dharma Fate Arhat and others ignore it, and only focus on the Illusory Demon Mountain Range and the target ahead.

Moreover, Fayuan Luohan and the others did not know that the target in their eyes, when they saw that the enemy behind them had followed into Weng, they were instantly calm, and they were not worried that the enemy was about to kill him.

"Haha, it finally attracted us, it's worth the fact that we dispatched so many bait!!

As the commander of the escort army this time, Zhang Han of the Great Qin Xian Dynasty couldn't help laughing when he saw the enemy entering Weng.

After receiving Ying Zheng's order, Zhang Han did not dare to neglect, calculated the progress of the enemy's sweep, and then released news appropriately, successfully attracting three enemy troops.

Moreover, for the success of this plan, Zhang Han did not hesitate to mobilize the entire city's population, using them as bait, but led three enemy troops step by step into the traps already laid out by their four immortal dynasties.

Now that the plan has been fully successful, Zhang Han naturally breathed a sigh of relief, and finally lived up to Ying Zheng's trust.

"Let's go and follow the plan!!

Zhang Hand waved his hand and ordered decisively!

Since the enemy has successfully entered the Weng, they naturally don't need to escape, and it is not them who should escape next! Beg.

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