At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

081 I can't find anyone in my site! [17, please subscribe]

The atmosphere in the ancestral hall suddenly became strange!

No one expected that the third uncle turned his voice and aimed his gun at Ji Han, and then played it like this.

Ji Han kindly distributed 10% of the profits to the villagers, everyone is already happy!

But these three uncles are still not satisfied, they want 40%, this is simply not enough greed to swallow an elephant.

But thinking about the style of the third uncle when he was fair, everyone is not surprised!

Relying on his age and seniority, this old man has the most grandchildren and the most males in his big house, and he is always the same in the village on weekdays.

Now that this kind of thing happens suddenly, everyone is not surprised at all.

"Third uncle, this is not good!" Ji Fugen frowned and said: "This farm belongs to Ji Han, and he grows everything with his own hands. It is not easy for him to distribute so much money to the village now. You still want more Too much, isn't it too much?

"Fugen, what nonsense are you talking about? What's so outrageous?" The third uncle scolded angrily: "This land is owned by the village collective. If there is no such land, can Ji Han grow such good fruits? Shouldn't people share a little bit?"

Ji Fugen was suddenly speechless!

Others also blinked.

Only Ji Han's face became weird. It turns out that the last time he fooled everyone, the third uncle took it seriously!

He thought that the land was really good, so he could grow such good melons.

It stands to reason that although this land belongs to Ji Han, any land in the village is actually owned by the village collective.

That's why the third uncle came up with this little trick!

"Hahaha! It's really funny!" Ji Han laughed dumbly and got up, and said, "The third uncle is right, if that's the case, then I don't want this land, I'll cut down the fruit trees when I go back, and then find another hillside to plant. Tree!"

"As for this piece of land, whoever wants it needs it, I don't want it, you guys can play slowly!

"As for dividends, let's just pretend that I didn't say anything. Let's continue farming and farming. Maybe the third uncle can help you get rid of poverty and become rich!

With that said, Ji Han got up and prepared to leave!

Everyone was stunned when they heard it, and the third uncle was also stunned!

Holy crap, what's going on? Why did you flip the table?

All this was different from what he thought. He originally thought that if he threatened to frighten him, Ji Han would obediently spit out the profits.

But now? Ji Han scoffs at the land, doesn't care at all?

"Do you think anyone who grows this land can grow good things?" Ji Han mocked, "Without me, you can only grow melons for three or two dollars for the rest of your life. Be smart with me, right? You Do you really think you are smart? Stupid! 99

"I'll call you third uncle if you give me face, what do you think you are if I don't give you face?

Ji Han scolded disdainfully!

The third uncle was dumbfounded again, and he suddenly realized that he seemed to have made a big mistake.

This is not a question of land at all. How many years has Ji Han's father planted this land, is it still the same as other land?

In other words, it is because of Ji Han!

He has unique skills, and everyone can't handle him!

He buys another piece of land in any place and still makes a fortune, but the old and young masters of Jijia Village will lose this chance to reach the sky in one step.

After thinking about all this clearly, the third uncle's face was full of misery!

The other villagers were also terrified.

"Han Wazi, don't go, let's discuss it! 35

"Yeah, you can divide it however you want, you can't just leave, you have to help us! 55

"Three uncles, this old thing has eaten shit, his mouth is full of feces, an old coffin scoop, who does he think he is. 99

"That is, what kind of thing is he, why should he decide for us? We won't listen to him."

"If they don't want to share the money, go away. We will share it ourselves. Damn, Ji Han is kind enough to give you money. You are too little, go eat shit!"

"Who said we don't want to share the big room? We will cut off the relationship with this old man if he talks too much, Ji Han, you can't be angry!

Everyone anxiously stopped Ji Han, and while talking good things, he attacked and abused the third uncle, and the old man was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Usually everyone sees that he is older and has more children and grandchildren, so they respect him three points!

But now it's about everyone's interests, who cares who you are?

Even the people in their big room could not wait to cut ties with him on the spot.

"Ji Han!" Ji Fugen sneered and said: "The third uncle is old and ignorant. This old man has never seen the world. Don't have the same knowledge as him. The people in this village are poor, you can help a little bit."5

"Okay!" Ji Han nodded and said, "For the sake of my Uncle Fugen, I can let it go, but I have to make a few rules!

"Item 1: From today, the whole village will establish Dongshan Fruit Sales 187 Cooperative to sell the fruits of this farm to the outside world. Ji Fugen is the president!"

"Article 2: No one is allowed to sell privately and increase the price privately, and it is not allowed to charge shoddy goods, otherwise I will take back all dividends!"

"Article 3: The annual dividend is divided equally by household registration. I don't care how many people in your family, each household will share a share of money, and it will be calculated based on the existing household registration, and the temporary household registration will not be counted!

"Article 4: Out-married women don't have money to share. Don't tell me that everyone is sisters. If you marry out, you will be from outside the village. I can't help much. If you want to help you, you can share your money with them."

"Article 5: I still hire the villagers who go to the farm to help workers every day at the rate of 300 a day, as much as they come, but no one on my site is to point fingers and set their own position!"

The last one is obviously a warning to the third uncle!

Under the strange gaze of everyone, the third uncle blushed with anger and trembled.

He opened his mouth to refute, but in the end he dared not speak again!

Because he knows that times have changed!

In Jijia Village now, Ji Han is the one who has the final say.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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