At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

082 The latest discovery of the Manchester City site? 【27, please subscribe】

After resolving this dispute easily

Ji Han turned around and left the ancestral hall!

It wasn't a big deal to him, and he left it behind after a while.

There are too many people in this world who are obsessed with profit. It is a dream to try to get hold of him!

He can help the villagers live a better life, after all, they are all family members.

When he was a child, his family was also benevolent from the villagers. Even his college expenses were borrowed by his father from the villagers, and he had to pay it back!

But if you want to kidnap him morally because of this, you will think too much!

When Ji Han returned to the small farm, there was already another car at the door.

Xu Yanran and a tall and beautiful woman walked out of the car together, with two female bodyguards behind them.

"Yanran, this is the farm you're talking about?" Xu Chuyun muttered with dissatisfaction: "What's the fun in this? I have to rush to Inner Mongolia, where is a piece dug out of the Touman City ruins that are under development? Inscription, my teacher asked me to go there right away!

This tall and beautiful beauty is Xu Chuyun, a student of Tang Zhengqing, a doctor from the Yanjing Archaeological Team, and she is also Xu Yanran's sister!

The two sisters have always had a good relationship!

The elder sister is an archaeological madman, a super scholar, and the younger sister is an anorexic patient.

This time Xu Chuyun finally came back once, and Xu Yanran naturally didn't want her to leave so quickly!

Moreover, when Xu Chuyun saw that her sister had something to eat for the first time, she was curious about what kind of melons it was grown in, so she came to have a look together!

"Let's go, old lady, stop complaining!"

"Let's play together, there are not only a lot of delicious fruits here, but also fishing!

"You don't usually have time to play with me, so when we come to this farmhouse, it's just to relax~々!

Xu Yanran laughed and dragged her inside involuntarily!

The conversation between the two sisters happened to be overheard by Ji Han.

"Head Manchester City? Inscription?

Ji Han's face was weird, and he guessed something at once.

Isn't it because of time misalignment that something strange has appeared?

The last time he drank, Lao Zhao joked that he was going to erect a monument for him.

"Miss Xu, came to play so early?" Ji Han's eyes flashed, and he quickly greeted with a smile: "Who is this?"

"This is my sister Xu Chuyun!" Xu Yanran's eyes lit up when she saw Ji Han, and she said in surprise, "Boss Ji, let's go fishing and pick some fruits, okay?"

"Of course you can!" Ji Han shrugged and said, "Our little place is just this fun, please feel free, I'll make some good tea for you!

"Okay, thank you!"

Xu Yanran chuckled and pulled Xu Chuyun to start wandering around!

The last time she came here, she hadn't played much, but this time there were few people, but she was having a good time.

Fishing, catching shrimp, walking in this beautiful farmhouse, taking pictures, picking fruits, the whole person's mood has also become very good.

"Yanran, I haven't seen you so happy for a long time!"

"Do you like this season boss?"

Xu Chuyun observed for a while, and found that Xu Yanran's expression was indeed very happy, and occasionally she quietly looked at Ji Han who was boiling water for tea, and immediately saw her sister's thoughts.

"Where, where is it!"

Xu Yanran blushed and dared not admit it.

But her expression had betrayed herself.

Only then did Xu Chuyun suddenly realize why her sister came so far to play here. She originally thought she liked mountains and rivers, but she did not expect to like him.

"This guy is unreliable!" Xu Chuyun shook her head and said, "It's not suitable for you!

"How come!" Xu Yanran exclaimed: "Why do you say he is not reliable?"

"Because he's handsome!" Xu Chuyun said confidently: "A handsome boy is unreliable, it's so messy outside, how many women are thinking about handsome guys like hungry wolves, you can beat them with your character ?


Xu Yanran was speechless!

Is this a reason?

"The eight characters haven't been written yet, don't talk nonsense! Xu Yanran is charming.

"I just don't want your feelings to be hurt. After all, you've never been in love, you rookie!"

"You're a chicken, haven't you ever been in love?"

"Huo, you dare to talk back, I will let you talk back!

"Hee hee, don't hit me, don't!"

The sisters were laughing and playing with water by the creek, and the silver bell-like laughter spread all over the farm.

After playing for a while, Ji Han also made some tea!

The two sisters sat at the tea table and sipped the green tea, and their eyes widened immediately.

What kind of tea is this? It smells so good!" Xu Chuyun exclaimed.

"It's just the ordinary tea leaves in the mountains. I planted them myself, and then roasted them into green tea." Ji Han smiled and said, "If you like it, bring some back later, and I'll give you two pounds. 99

"Thank you, Boss Ji." Xu Yanran happily agreed.

"You're welcome, by the way!" Ji Han raised his eyebrows and asked casually, "I heard at the door just now that your sister seems to be an archaeologist? Is that right?

"Of course it is!" Xu Yanran said proudly: "My sister is a new star in the field of archaeology, she is amazing!"

"What? Boss Ji, you also like archaeology?" Xu Chuyun was surprised.

"I'm a little interested, but unfortunately I'm not in this business!" Ji Han smiled and asked (De Qian Zhao): "I heard you say that there are new discoveries at the Touman City ruins in Inner Mongolia? Is it convenient to talk about it? 35

"Actually, I'm not too sure." Xu Chuyun said regretfully: "I heard that many good things have been dug up, and one of the inscriptions is very special. I haven't had time to look at it! 35

"That's it! 35

Ji Han felt a little pity, he thought he could get some news from Xu Chuyun, but she didn't know much.

However, he suddenly thought of the 20 pairs of beautiful jade that Lao Zhao gave him when he came for the second time. This thing has not experienced the baptism and precipitation of time. Is it an antique?

Ji Han pondered for a moment, then asked directly: "Miss Xu, I have an ancient jade from the Qin Dynasty in my hand, can you help me check the authenticity and estimate the price? 35

"An ancient jade of the Qin Dynasty? Of course!""

Xu Chuyun was stunned and nodded in agreement.

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