At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

083 Maybe I stole a Warring States tomb! [37, please subscribe]

For these pieces of ancient jade sent by Lao Zhao, Ji Han has been brooding about what is the difference between them and ordinary antiques!

Too bad he never had time!

This ancient jade from the Qin Dynasty was very rare, and he was not at ease when he took it out for identification.

It happened that I met Xu Chuyun, an expert today, so Ji Han took out one of the beautiful jade and gave it to her for appraisal.

What he took was a beautiful jade carved in the shape of a jade cicada!

This is a pair, Ji Han took out one.

Xu Chuyun glanced indifferently, and frowned secretly: "Is this what you call the ancient jade of the Qin Dynasty?""

"No, maybe it's an ancient jade from the Warring States Period!

After thinking about it, Ji Han made this judgment with uncertainty.

Because these ancient jades are good things that Lao Zhao collected!

It is impossible for him to send Ji Han's too new jade, but it is very likely that he will send good things seized from the royal family of the Six Kingdoms, that is, the beautiful jade that was passed down to Daqin during the Warring States Period.

In addition, Daqin has only existed for a few decades in history.

There are few ancient jades of the Qin Dynasty on the market, so it is better to directly classify them as jades of the Warring States Period. 187

"Warring States?"

Xu Chuyun clicked her tongue secretly, and she couldn't help but wonder whether to laugh or cry.

She had always thought that Ji Han was unreliable, and now it seems even more unreliable.

Just take out a piece of jade and say it's from the Warring States Period? Why don't you say it's from the Eastern and Western Zhou Dynasties?

But when she picked up the jade and looked at it, she couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Who made this? It's so similar?"

"Strange, strange, this style looks like the cloud pattern jade cicada of the Warring States Period, and the jade is also the best Hetian jade."

"But why isn't it covered with pulp? And it doesn't have too many signs of being worn out. This imitation person is too unprofessional, right?

"No, no! This is not fake, although there is no trace of being old, but if you keep it carefully collected, you may be able to achieve such a perfect level!""

"This texture and carving all contain historical precipitation. Although I don't know why it is so well preserved, it should be true!"

Xu Chuyun appraised for a long time, and finally made a correct judgment!

This (bbed) is indeed the real thing that doesn't look like the real thing!

Ji Han suddenly laughed when he heard the words: "So how much is this thing worth?

"It's immeasurable, this is the precipitation of culture!" Xu Chuyun said solemnly: "Although I'm not good at estimating, I know that this thing is worth at least tens of millions, and it should have another one, which is a pity!"

"What a pity!" Ji Yuting happened to be working nearby, and muttered subconsciously after hearing it: "The other Yuchan is in the drawer of my third brother on the second floor, what is the real thing worth tens of millions, these are all It's a fake, there are dozens of pairs in my third brother's drawer!"9

"Okay, dozens of pairs?"

"Is there another jade cicada?

Sisters Xu Chuyun and Xu Yanran were stunned.

They subconsciously glanced at this exquisite jade cicada, and immediately doubted their previous judgment. Could it be that this is all fake.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"How can there be people in this world that are so realistic?"

"This is clearly true, Boss Ji, can you show us your other jade? 55

Xu Chuyun exclaimed in shock.

Ji Han nodded indifferently, then went back to the house and took out all the other jades, one of which was indeed Yuchan's.

Check out these 20 pairs of well-preserved jade trees!

Xu Chuyun was at a loss.

"Really, really, it's all true!

"How can a normal person get 20 pairs of jade that are so well-preserved?

"It stands to reason that this should be false, but no matter how I look at it, it is true.

"What the hell is going on here?

Xu Chuyun's three views and knowledge have been greatly impacted.

She foolishly studied these jade, without saying a word for a while.

Huge questions lingered in her mind, making her unable to calm down for a long time.

"Boss Ji, is this true or false? 35 Xu Yanran couldn't help but ask.

"Of course it is!" Ji Han answered honestly.

"But this is not right!" Xu Yanran chuckled: "This kind of good thing, one piece is rare enough, you have dozens of pairs in a row, who will believe it if you say it, you are doing antique wholesale. ?"

"Maybe I stole an ancient tomb of the Warring States Period!" Ji Han joked casually, and Xu Yanran suddenly laughed.

"It's possible!" Xu Chuyun said solemnly: "But it's not right, there are jades from all over the country in the Spring and Autumn Period, and they are all fine, unless you have stolen several ancient tombs of the Warring States Period, and they are royal tombs, which is very Is it possible? 39

Xu Chuyun was fooled by her own judgment again!

She stared at Ji Han, who is this mysterious man?

Why can he come up with so many good things?

Is he still a master of counterfeiting? Enough to create these fake jade?

"No, these must be true!

Xu Chuyun didn't give up, she simply took a few photos and sent them to her archaeological team chat skirt, asking her teachers and classmates to help identify them.

Soon several of her groups couldn't help but boil!

"This should be true, Xiaoyun, where did you get the good stuff?"

"Look at this animal pattern, this carving, it's still very delicate when you zoom in, and this openwork technique, not many people can make it now!

"These jades are not much coated with pulp, they should have been carefully preserved in ancient tombs, and have not been unearthed for a long time! 35

"Eighty percent of it is true, there are not many idiots who would make fake jade in the Warring States period these days, it's too easy to identify!

"Xu Chuyun, how did you get so many jade pieces? How many tombs of the Warring States Period have you dug?"

The archaeology chat skirt is boiling!

The excited eyes of various experts and scholars shone.

From the photos alone, everyone can agree that this is true.

This made Xu Chuyun unable to help but be at a loss.

Could this be wrong?

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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