At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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As early as when planning this action, the four Ying Zheng had fully considered various unexpected situations and changes in the situation.

It was precisely because the monk soldiers of the seven Buddhist kingdoms acted separately and swept across the Eastern Continent that this gave the four great immortal dynasties an opportunity to take advantage of.

Therefore, Zhang Han, who acted as a bait, had already introduced him into the trap after attracting the monk soldiers of the three Buddhist countries, and did not choose to attract all the enemies at once.

The four Ying Zheng had already figured out that they only needed to attract two or three enemy troops. After they were eliminated, all subsequent enemies would naturally be attracted, because the distance between the monk soldiers of each Buddhist country was not too far away. , they were also trying to prevent accidents, Ying Zheng and the four took advantage of this distance and played a time difference, this short period of time was enough to destroy all the enemies they had brought in, and the rest would naturally be easier to deal with. .

As expected by the four Ying Zheng, Lu Bu and the others couldn't help but smile coldly when they saw a large number of monk soldiers attacking aggressively in the distance.

At this time, the war here has basically ended. The four immortal dynasties only paid a very small price to wipe out the enemy. It was dyed red, a tragic scene.

It's just that the vast majority of the four celestial dynasties' taxi 767 soldiers are in excellent condition, and the previous battle of fighting more and less did not have any effect on them. The galloping enemy troops suddenly became murderous, and their morale was reaching its peak.

Lü Bu immediately shouted: "All the soldiers obey the order, organize their formation, and join us to meet the enemy and kill!!"

"Kill!! 35

All the soldiers of the four immortal dynasties roared with murderous intent, the essence combined with killing intent condensed like wolf smoke, and then rose into the sky, like a giant pillar, dispersing the white clouds in the sky. .

Such a vision and a terrifying aura immediately attracted the attention of the approaching enemy troops, causing them to gallop at a slight speed, as if they were judging something.

At the same time, the enemy also seemed to sense that the aura of Dharma Fate Arhat and the others had completely dissipated, which caused their speed to drop sharply, as if it was only then that they understood the real situation.

But Lu Bu didn't give the enemy any time to think about it. He immediately waved his right hand fiercely, and then roared: "Follow me and attack, kill!!"


"Kill!! 35

"Kill kill kill!!

The more than 200 million soldiers responded with an angry roar, and the shouts of killing shook the sky for a while.

Originally, with the rapid approach of the Western Sect army, the distance between the two sides had already become not very far. At this time, the army of the four immortal dynasties rushed out wildly, making the distance between them rapidly shortened.

At such a time and such a short distance, there is not much room for consideration, and it is impossible to retreat or avoid the battle. Therefore, the opposing high-level enemy army also issued an order to attack in an instant, without any fear or fear. plan to retreat.

"Dead bald donkey, Ben will send you back to the West for a reunion!!

Lu Bu's speed was extremely fast.

Beside him, Wang Ben, Zhang Fei and other generals also galloped out, treating them as the sharpest and sharpest arrows, heading straight for the enemy formation.

Under the influence of Ji Han and Ying Zheng, Lu Bu and other generals not only did not have the slightest liking for the bald donkeys of the Western religion, but also disgusted and disgusted them. Naturally, he wanted to kill them all.

At this time, Lu Bu and other generals took the lead and acted as arrows to attack the enemy, and the command was temporarily handed over to other generals.

When the distance between the two sides narrowed to within five miles, the general in charge of command immediately waved his right hand and issued a long-range attack command.

All the soldiers galloped fast, and fiercely shot the crossbow arrows in their hands at the enemy, as well as various long-range spells, such as fireballs, (bbed) ice picks, and palm mines, all of which were thrown at the enemy line in front of them.

Since the capture of the Yanhuang Immortal Territory, the experience of the four immortal dynasties in the battle of the army has also been greatly supplemented, and they have different tactics and plans for dealing with various complex situations and different enemies.

At this time, the secret crossbow arrows they shoot are one of the long-range attack methods. These secret crossbow arrows not only have a long range, but also have two attributes: armor-piercing and bursting. Experts are not enough to form a danger, but when the number reaches a certain level, then the Mahayana masters may not be able to withstand it.

And now, the arrows shot by the four immortal dynasties are more than hundreds of millions.

With the distance between the two sides at this time, they only had time to launch a wave of long-range attacks!

But just such a simple long-range offensive was enough to bring heavy casualties to the enemy army, and it could also lay a huge advantage for the four immortal dynasties.

At this time, the Western Sect had more than 100 million troops in the Immortal Realm, which was tens of millions less than the Four Immortal Dynasties, but not only did they not expect that the enemy would use such a long-range attack method, but they themselves did not have any corresponding means. Long-range attack, therefore, when they were caught off guard, they could only choose to be forced to defend and resist this wave of attacks.

"Puff puff!!!

"Boom boom boom!!!""

Countless crossbow arrows flew down, and the dense air-piercing sound and penetrating sound became a series of continuous, uninterrupted sounds, and then the crossbow arrow burst, mixed with bursts of huge explosions, so that before the two sides made short-term contact, the war broke out. already ignited.

There is simply no language to describe such a tragic scene. Under the gathering of hundreds of millions of crossbow arrows, the formidable power has become extremely terrifying. Even if the monks and soldiers of the Western religion have made the greatest degree of defense, they are faced with the endless stream of arrows. , Like the terrifying crossbow bolts that rained down, their defenses were still a bit underwhelming.

Puff puff!!

A famous monk soldier was continuously pierced by crossbow arrows, and then blown to pieces.

The sturdy defenses were constantly being shot through by crossbow arrows, so that a large number of monks were either killed or shot into pieces, making it impossible to defend at all.

Only masters who have reached the Mahayana period or above can resist the onslaught of these arrows, and at the same time protect as many friendly troops as possible.

For a time, a large number of monk soldiers were emptied from the camp, causing extremely tragic and huge casualties to the enemy!

The reason why such a wave of offensive was not used on the front battlefield was that it was prepared for the enemy at the back. Obviously, it immediately received remarkable results!!.

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