At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

825 Procrastination is not a good thing! 【Subscription】



There were also all kinds of huge explosions and all kinds of roars mixed together, resounding throughout the sky.

Large tracts of monk soldiers were directly blown into pieces, and the densely packed corpses fell from the sky like a torrential rain. The scene was extremely tragic and spectacular.

"These damn demons!!

Yuanzhen resisted the arrows that were constantly flying, and at the same time, his eyes were spitting fire.

Looking at the monk soldiers who were constantly being killed by crossbow arrows, Yuan Zhen was not only furious, but even dripping blood.

Because these monks and soldiers were all cultivated by them with great difficulty, but they have never been slaughtered by those evil demons, which is equivalent to sacrifice in vain, which makes Yuanzhen not extremely furious.

As a Jinxian powerhouse, Yuanzhen could not pose any threat to Yuanzhen with these average-power crossbow arrows, but for ordinary monk soldiers, they were full of danger and even fatal, because there were too many crossbow arrows.

The leaders of the other three Buddhist kingdoms were also extremely angry, and their killing intent towards the enemy had reached its peak, but for the time being, they could only help the monks and soldiers around them to resist the endless crossbow arrows. They will suffer more casualties, which they cannot accept.

Fortunately, although the number of crossbow arrows is large, the enemy seems to have only had time to launch a wave. It didn't take long for the crossbow arrows to stop flying, and this wave of offensive finally passed.

But when the four of Yuanzhen looked around, they found that the casualties were even heavier than they expected. More than 10% of the casualties and battle losses made the dense formation seem to have become a little sparser. A large number of monks were wounded.

Such heavy casualties made Yuan Zhen feel a burst of heartache and rage, and even their eyes began to redden due to the anger, and the killing intent in their hearts could not be suppressed.

However, the four immortal dynasties did not give them time to breathe at all. After a long-range offensive, the terrifying army of the four immortal dynasties also attacked at the same time.

"Kill kill kill!!"

There was a burst of shouting and killing from the opposite side, and the densely packed soldiers began to approach quickly!

Seeing this, the four Yuanzhen didn't have time to think about it. They looked at each other and saw the determination in each other's eyes. Therefore, Yuanzhen roared: "Kill, kill all these evil demons, and suppress them forever. In Hell!!35

"Kill kill kill!!"

The surviving more than 100 million monk soldiers also roared in unison. Regardless of whether they were injured or not, as long as they were not dead, they all raised their weapons and began to face the enemy, and even took the initiative to kill them.

Even though there have been huge casualties before, these monks were not afraid at all, but their eyes were full of madness and the pleasure of killing the evil demon.

Like a tide, the two armies collided fiercely!

There is no fluke at all, and no language is needed. The battle between the two armies can only be ended by killing all the enemies. Therefore, the soldiers on both sides began to fight frantically.

This kind of super-large-scale war tests the ability of the commander and the cooperation of the soldiers. Of course, the individual strength also has a big impact.

On the side of the four immortal dynasties, Li Jing, the military god of the Great Tang immortal dynasties, was in charge of unified command and dispatch. According to the previous drills, soldiers and soldiers formed a square formation and cooperated to kill the enemy.

On the other side of the four Buddhist kingdoms of the Western religion, they rely on the individual strength of the monk soldiers, without any cooperation at all, they will only fight for their lives.

Therefore, from the moment the two armies collided fiercely, the monk soldiers of the Western religion were gradually suppressed by the four immortal dynasties. Basically, the soldiers of the four immortal dynasties were suppressing the monk soldiers of the Western religion. After all, no matter how strong their personal strength is , Compared with the soldiers of the four immortal dynasties who cooperated tacitly, those monk soldiers were still unable to inflict effective damage on the enemy, but were continuously killed.

As for the monks and soldiers who are above Yuanxian and above, it is all the generals such as Lu Bu who are responsible for solving the problems.

As long as all these Western sect masters can be solved, the remaining monks and soldiers will not be a problem at all.

Moreover, Lu Bu and the others did not dare to delay, after all, no one knew when the next batch of enemies would break through again, so the sooner the battle ended, the better.

Yuan Zhen waited for the Western sect master to realize that he was being targeted just as he was about to make a move, and a terrifying aura directly enveloped them, locking them down. Obviously, this was not going to give them any chance.

··For flowers...

"Junior brothers, let's fight!!"

Seeing Lu Bu and the others besieging him, Yuan Zhen's originally extremely angry face suddenly calmed down, and a few senior brothers around him said something indifferently.

The other three Golden Immortal masters from the Western Sect nodded their heads with murderous intent in their eyes, but did not speak.

Obviously, they have all understood that in this situation, they have no other choice, and there is no way out, but to fight to the death!

After all, their purpose this time is to annihilate the enemies in the Immortal Realm. It is naturally better for the enemy to take the initiative to fight!

At this moment, Yuan Zhen and the others did not wait any longer, but took the initiative to find their opponents.

Behind them, the same is true of hundreds of masters above Yuanxian, all of them with the idea of ​​​​killing the enemy quickly, so that the balance of the battle situation can be tilted towards them.

Without any nonsense, hundreds of experts from both sides fought directly together.

At the same time, outside the battlefield, on a mountain that was hundreds of kilometers away from the battlefield, Ying Zheng and four people accompanied a group of guards, looking straight at the huge battlefield in the distance.

With his hands on his back, Ying Zheng looked at the battlefield that looked like a meat grinder in the distance, and asked, "Three brothers, how long do you think the battle will be over?

Ying Zheng asked the time to end the battle, not whether they could win. Obviously, in Ying Zheng's view, they would definitely not lose this battle.

The other three naturally had the same confidence, but Cao Cao was a little worried at this time. He looked at the sky, and then said: "Of course, I hope that the sooner the better, it's not a good thing to delay!"

Ying Zheng and the three naturally understood what Cao Cao meant. Once the battle is not over yet, but the enemy once again throws in a batch of troops at this time, the battle situation can be reversed in an instant. This is definitely a huge disadvantage for their four immortal dynasties. Ying Zheng and the others are trying their best to avoid this situation, and they all want to eliminate these enemies in the Immortal Domain as soon as possible.

"I believe that Lu Bu and the others will not disappoint us, we will just wait here!"

Li Shimin is full of confidence in this, and he is also full of expectations for the sacrifice after the war!

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