Destroying the enemy is not the most important thing, the most important thing is the sacrifice afterwards.

The reason why the four Ying Zheng came to the vicinity of the battlefield was to witness the whole process of sacrifice with their own eyes, and at the same time to experience how powerful the upgraded sacrifice function was.

It's not that they don't trust Ji Han, but they care too much about this matter. After all, this is related to the future strength of the four immortal dynasties. Naturally, they must be present throughout the whole process. Only after confirming the increase in strength after the sacrifice can be like Ji Han said. That way, they will be at ease.

Thinking of this, Chongzhen couldn't help but ask: "Three brothers, if this sacrificial function is really as powerful as the gentleman said, I don't know how much our sons will improve after sacrificing!

In this regard, Ying Zheng and the three are actually very curious.

Ying Zheng thought for a while and said, "It's hard to say, but I believe sir, "Seven, six or seven" I have a hunch that this sacrifice will definitely bring us a huge surprise!"

Ying Zheng really had such a hunch, so he was full of endless expectations for the subsequent sacrifice.

This is an excellent way to make the four immortal dynasties quickly become stronger. Moreover, they can support the war with war, not only can they train their soldiers, but they can also use the corpses of the enemy to sacrifice after the war, so that the soldiers will become stronger and stronger. It is simply a tailor-made method for their four immortal dynasties, it is really suitable.

In this regard, the three of Cao Cao nodded thoughtfully, because they also believed in Ji Han, and also had huge expectations, just waiting for the end of the battle to make sacrifices!

"I'm really looking forward to it. With the sacrificial function that Mr. provides us, we will no longer be afraid of any enemies when we go to fight other worlds in the four immortal dynasties. Haha, judging from the population of the other three thousand worlds, maybe the final We can really sacrifice a Hongmeng Demon God! 99

Li Shimin couldn't help laughing when he thought of that scene at this time, and his eyes were full of anticipation, and he was even more confident about going to other worlds in the future.

That's right, just a sacrifice function alone can completely bring about such a huge change to the four immortal dynasties, not only in strength, but also in mentality.

Because after having this sacrificial function, and then fighting other worlds, all enemies will become the nourishment for the soldiers of the four immortal dynasties to become stronger, and their four immortal dynasties can also use this to conquer more and more great worlds.

Thinking of that beautiful scene, the four Ying Zheng couldn't help showing a smile.

They stopped talking, but quietly watched the tragic battlefield in the distance.

Sure enough, Lu Bu and the others did not disappoint Ying Zheng and the others. After more than three hours, the huge battlefield had come to an end.

At the beginning, Lu Bu and other generals each set their sights on a Western master, and then took advantage of the powerful characteristics of the time magic weapon to kill their opponents in a short period of time, thus completely solving the enemy's high-end combat power.

It is precisely because of this that all the masters of the Western religion were destroyed, which affected the morale of the monk soldiers. Although those monk soldiers had been trained and brainwashed by the Western religion, they no longer cared about their own life or death, but after knowing that this battle could not be won, their mentality Naturally it will be more or less affected.

Under such circumstances, the morale of the four immortal dynasties has been greatly boosted, but the morale of the Western religions has fallen.

What's more, when Lu Bu and the others dealt with their opponents, and then turned to deal with the ordinary monk soldiers, it directly aggravated the demise of the monk soldiers of several Buddhist countries.

The battle lasted for more than three hours. Although the morale of the monks and soldiers of the Western religion was affected, they still showed their determination to fight to the end. They had no intention of escaping. Delayed the fight for so long.

Of course, it was precisely because of this that the Four Great Immortal Dynasties also suffered no small casualties, but these casualties were insignificant compared to the results of the battle.

When the battle was over, all the soldiers of the four immortal dynasties couldn't help raising their hands and began to cheer.

The four Ying Zheng saw that the battle was over in the distance, they all smiled with satisfaction, and then Ying Zheng said: "Let's go, it's time!!

The three of Cao Cao nodded and flew to the battlefield with Ying Zheng.

Behind them, not only a large number of guards followed, but at the same time, these guards also carried a tall object more than ten meters tall, but the object was covered by a red cloth, and it was impossible to see what it was.

Soon, the four Ying Zheng approached this tragic battlefield.

At this time, on the ground below this battlefield, there are corpses all over the field and rivers of blood are not enough to describe this scene like the Shura Field. All kinds of corpses fell on the ground, and even piled up, too many to count. clear..

When Lu Bu and the others saw the four kings coming together, they were a little surprised, and immediately went up to meet them.

"Meet the King!!"

Lu Bu and the others came to Ying Zheng and the others and saluted respectfully.

Seeing the four Ying Zheng approaching, the surrounding soldiers immediately stopped cheering and became quiet again.

They didn't know why the four Ying Zheng appeared at this time, so they were all curious.

Ying Zheng waved his hand, indicating that Lu Bu and the others don't need to be too polite, then he stood in front of the soldiers and praised: "Well done, sons, you are worthy of being soldiers of our four immortal dynasties, you are all good. !39

As emperors, Ying Zheng and the others naturally knew that they should treat ordinary soldiers generously, so as to make them give up.

"Thank you king!!

All the soldiers immediately responded in unison with excitement.

After all, it is a very honorable thing to be able to get the emperor's appreciation and praise.

Ying Zheng nodded with a smile, and then ordered: "Since the battle is over, the next thing to do is to clean up the battlefield, send an order to bury the corpses of our compatriots who died in battle, and collect all the corpses of the enemy and put them together in the Here, make no mistake! 99

The corpses of the compatriots who died in battle and the corpses of the enemy are naturally treated differently, and the reason why Ying Zheng collected all the corpses of the enemy was to facilitate the sacrifice.

After Lu Bu and the others heard this order, they were a little confused and didn't know what Ying Zheng wanted to do, but they wisely didn't ask any further questions.

The same is true of the surrounding soldiers. They responded immediately, and immediately began to act after receiving the order to clean the battlefield together.

At the same time, they did not let go of the battlefield in the Mirage Mountains. They first found the bodies of all their compatriots who died in the war, and then bury them collectively in the Mirage Mountains, so they didn't let them go into the wilderness.

The rest were all the corpses of the enemy, and they took all the corpses to the place that Ying Zheng had set up to place them.

It took more than two hours for them to complete Ying Zheng's instructions!

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