At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

827 Reverence and worship! 【Subscription】

"Your Majesty, the corpses of all the compatriots who died in battle have been collected and buried, and all the corpses of the enemies have also been collected, please instruct your Majesty!!

When Ying Zheng's order was completed, Lu Bu and the others came to return immediately.

At this time, Ying Zheng and all of them had already landed on the ground. Thousands of miles around them, all kinds of corpses were piled up. All of them were collected, and none of them were let go. Therefore, at this moment, countless corpses were stacked around, forming a mountain of corpses layer by layer.

The scene is extremely terrifying and spectacular, it is ten thousand times more terrifying than the ordinary sea of ​​corpses and blood. You must know that more than 200 million monks and soldiers died in this battle!

Moreover, such a large number of corpses are piled up together, and the surrounding area for thousands of miles exudes a strong and disgusting bloody smell. Ordinary people will be directly scared to death if they stay here, and it is estimated that they will faint if they smell the air. past.

However, such scenes were already accustomed to the soldiers of the four immortal dynasties. They smelled the disgusting and rich bloody smell, and looked at the stacked mountains of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, and their expressions did not change in the slightest.

But Ying Zheng and the four looked at 11 behind the scenes, but instead they were delighted, as if these corpses were like treasures.

Ying Zheng looked around, then looked at the soldiers and said solemnly: "All the soldiers, you are all the elites of our four immortal dynasties, and they are also heroes, and they have been fighting for our four immortal dynasties, beheading countless enemies, standing Thanks to all the hard work, today, I will use the blood and corpses of the enemy to give you a reward, and help you on the road to becoming stronger! 99

"Come on, set up the altar!!"

Ying Zheng waved his hand, and the group of guards that followed immediately began to move, using the materials at hand to start arranging something on the ground, and the things they had been carrying that were more than ten meters high were also put down. .

For such an inexplicable situation and Ying Zheng's words, most of the soldiers seemed even more puzzled, not knowing what this was for.

"A reward? What reward?"

"On the road to becoming stronger? 99

"What are you doing, Your Majesty?"

"I don't know, just look at it!"

Most of the soldiers looked at them with puzzled faces, and after talking in a low voice, they became quiet again.

Only those who had experienced sacrifices like Xu Zhu understood Ying Zheng's intentions. For a time, Xu Zhu and others who had experienced sacrifices began to light up, and infinite expectations appeared in their eyes.

The altar had not yet been set up, so Ying Zheng took advantage of this time to explain to all the soldiers: "All soldiers, this is the reward you deserve after defeating the enemy, I know you have great doubts, and now I will tell you, Next will be a sacrifice, a sacrifice with the blood and corpses of the enemy as sacrifices. The function of sacrifice is to enhance the strength of all soldiers and even change your roots and blood, so that you Getting stronger, no, getting stronger!!"

"Because, the strength improved by sacrifice is without sequelae, and it can be sacrificed indefinitely, as long as you have the sacrifice!"

"This sacrifice is provided by the Immortal Master, and the Immortal Master also said that in the end, as long as the sacrifices are enough, you may even be promoted to the level of the Hongmeng Demon God, so, are you ready?

Ying Zheng's words were full of excitement and temptation, and in an instant, all the soldiers were completely excited, and their eyes became red because of the excitement.

At this moment, let alone ordinary soldiers, even generals like Lu Bu and Zhang Fei couldn't help but make an uproar.

"What? Sacrifice? Can you directly increase your strength?"

"Also change our roots and blood? True or false?

"My God, such a surprise, as expected of the Immortal Master!

"Haha, long live the immortal master, long live your majesty, the four immortal dynasties will live forever!! 35

"Is it possible to make sacrifices indefinitely? In the end, can it reach the level of the Hongmeng Demon God? This is too scary, isn't it? Is this true?

With a humming sound, all the soldiers were in an uproar because of the shock and impact brought by Ying Zheng's words, all kinds of exclamations and cheers rang out one after another, and everyone was ruthlessly expressing their shock and ecstasy.

Although many soldiers had some doubts about this, these doubts were quickly suppressed, because they believed that Ying Zheng would not lie to them, and they could immediately experience the true effect of sacrifice. At that time, it will naturally be able to verify whether what Ying Zheng said is true!

Once it is true as Ying Zheng said, they can continue to become stronger through sacrifice, which is absolutely unavoidable for ordinary soldiers like them, and this will also be the best way for them to become stronger, no one.

Moreover, the sacrifice can also change their roots and blood, allowing them to have a higher upper limit, which is simply a huge surprise that fell from the sky, so how can we not make those soldiers ecstatic?

For a time, all the soldiers became extremely looking forward to it, and even some couldn't wait. They looked at the corpses around them, and their eyes also radiated the light of looking at treasures.

Because these are their sacrifices, the treasures that can make them stronger!

Thinking of this, the soldiers of the four immortal dynasties are full of expectations for the future battles, and there is no need to do anything to improve morale in the future, because the corpse of the enemy 767 is their biggest motivation, and those soldiers will also be positive. Respond to every war.

Even the generals like Lu Bu and Wang Ben have hot eyes. Compared with ordinary soldiers, they understand the benefits and power of sacrifice better, and they even look forward to the strength of their own roots and blood after the change, because they are Ji Han through special means to improve In today's Golden Immortal realm, with their aptitude, it will be extremely difficult to improve it, but if the fundamentals and bloodlines are changed, it means that their aptitude and upper limit will also be greatly improved. It will become much easier to improve the realm.

Therefore, the generals such as Lu Bu felt great admiration and admiration for Ji Han's methods!!

This time, the four Ying Zheng did not stop the soldiers' discussion, but were extremely satisfied with this scene, because the soldiers' reaction was exactly what they hoped to see. Full of motivation for future battles.

After a while, all the discussions slowly subsided this time, and all the soldiers looked at the four Ying Zheng with scorching targets, waiting for the sacrifice to begin.

Seeing this, Ying Zheng nodded silently, and then ordered:

"All the soldiers are ready, lined up, ready to start sacrifice!! 39

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