Following Ying Zheng's order to begin preparations for the sacrifice, an altar for sacrifice was just finished.

This is a square altar with a length and width of 10 feet and a height of 30 feet. Some inexplicable runes are carved on its surface. It does not look complicated, but it is also a bit simple. table.

Ying Zheng saw that the arrangement of the altar had been completed. With a wave of his hand, a soldier carried the more than ten meters high thing wrapped in red cloth onto the altar and placed it behind the white jade offering table.

After putting it away, the soldiers immediately retreated from the altar respectfully, not daring to stay on it.

Then, under the curious gazes of hundreds of millions of soldiers, Ying Zheng and the others paced up and came to the center of the altar. The four of them performed their respective duties. Cao Cao walked behind the offering table, stretched out his hand and grabbed a corner of the red cloth, and then lightly With a flick, the red cloth was easily torn off, revealing a giant statue more than ten meters high.

The face of this statue is exactly what Ji Han looks like, and it is also a golden statue. Obviously, they want to sacrifice Ji Han to Ji Han, and then Ji Han will give them strength. .

Ying Zheng took out an extremely beautiful incense burner, the incense burner was about the size of a football, and was solemnly placed in the center of the offering table by Ying Zheng.

Li Shimin took out four futons and placed them in front of the offering table in a row.

And Chongzhen took out twelve grades of fragrance, and distributed nine of them to Ying Zheng's three people, and he himself took the third grade.

When the red cloth was revealed, revealing the golden statue of Ji Han, all the soldiers of the four immortal dynasties immediately knelt down and paid their respects: "We are here to pay my respects to the immortal master!!35

After kneeling down, everyone remained motionless in their kneeling postures, waiting for the sacrifice to begin.

In this regard, the four Ying Zheng nodded with satisfaction, and after looking at each other, they immediately stretched out their hands to ignite the third-grade fragrance in their hands, and then knelt on the futon together, holding the third-grade fragrance above their heads, with serious and solemn expressions on their faces. With an expression on his face, he shouted in unison: "The Immortal Master is above, today, Zhao Zheng, Cao Mengde, Li Shimin, and Zhu Youjian are here to offer sacrifices to you, and I hope the Immortal Master will protect us!~々!"

"I hope the Immortal Master bless us!!"

Hundreds of millions of soldiers also shouted that sentence in unison, and their voices broke through the sky!

"Om!! 35

As the four Ying Zheng presided over the sacrifice, the golden statue on the altar responded immediately.

With a humming sound, the golden statue suddenly burst into golden light, and the dazzling divine light radiated directly from the statue, illuminating the entire sky with incomparable brilliance, and then above the statue, a phantom of Ji Han's idol appeared. , This phantom of the god statue exudes hundreds of millions of divine lights, shrouding all the soldiers and suppressing the bloody smell that permeates within a thousand miles.

All the soldiers were bathed in divine light at this time, and their expressions became a little excited. The injuries on their bodies were also recovering rapidly, which made them firmly believe that after the sacrifice, there must be a huge improvement.

And most of the soldiers were shocked, and they didn't expect Ji Han to appear here as a ghost image, which completely refreshed their cognition.

But none of the soldiers dared to break the peace, everyone lowered their heads and silently felt the warmth brought by the divine light.

And after Ji Han's idol appeared, he didn't do anything, just looked at the four Ying Zheng quietly.

The four Ying Zheng also looked excited, and continued to shout in unison: "Thank you for coming, the four of us hereby offer sacrifices, and ask the immortal to absorb blood and food to bless us!!"


After listening to Ji Han's phantom, he nodded with satisfaction. The next moment, hundreds of millions of divine lights swept out again, covering all the corpses and blood on the ground, and then instantly All the blood and food were sucked away, and they were completely sucked. Any divine light swept over, whether it was corpse, blood, or soul, all were directly sucked away, and nothing remained.

Facing such a strange scene, Ying Zheng's four looked as usual, still maintaining a respectful posture, while all the soldiers were shocked once again, with expressions of disbelief on their faces, and looked at Ji Han's idol again. When phantom, the eyes are full of awe and fanaticism like treating gods.

And after Ji Han's idol phantom sucked all the blood and food, a majestic force began to condense in the void.

There are no words to describe this majestic power, because it was gathered by the blood sacrifice of more than 200 million monk soldiers. The horror of its power is enough to make anyone present feel unspeakable horror. The power of the soldiers seemed too insignificant, but after feeling such a terrifying power, all the officers and soldiers showed a look of incomparable expectation.

At this time, a divine light swept across the sky, using a method that no one could understand or see through, to directly purify the majestic power in the void. The power of Ji Han suddenly shrank by half, and then Ji Han's idol waved his hand, and the divine light burst, and the majestic power in the void directly shrouded all the soldiers, and dispersed into the body of each soldier. among.

Under the spreading of divine light, after the sacrifice, the power purified by Ji Han's idol phantom began to pour into every soldier's body, causing every soldier's cells to begin to transform.

At this moment, the dark wounds left by all the soldiers in the body due to the battle quietly disappeared, or were directly healed, allowing the bodies of all the soldiers to return to their healthiest state.

At the same time, an extremely astonishing power began to burst out from the body of each soldier, as if he had taken a tonic, and everyone's soul and body were constantly getting stronger.

Including the four Ying Zheng in the center of the altar, even the changes they felt were much stronger than any soldier Ren (Zhao Wang Zhao).

Everyone present felt that they had transformed from the depths of their blood vessels. It was an indescribable change that could be clearly sensed. It was the most fundamental change from the depths of the cells.

It is the power of sacrifice that is changing roots and blood for them.

And with the continuous injection of power, the aura of each soldier began to skyrocket. Obviously, their strength was rapidly improving in Zhonglu.

In addition, each soldier's physique has increased to varying degrees, all of them have increased a lot, and they have increased by a circle, which seems to have strength.

At this time, every soldier was immersed in the enjoyment of the skyrocketing strength, and the roots and blood began to transform.

And the majestic power in the void is still pouring into everyone's body!

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