"It's done, haha!!"

The four of Ying Zheng couldn't help laughing ecstatically at this moment!

For them, not only have their strength skyrocketed through sacrifice, but they have also obtained the rich blood of the Demon God of Hongmeng, and most importantly, the more than 200 million soldiers and soldiers in the entire army have jointly obtained a huge improvement. North Korea is definitely a big happy event.

This also means that with the current strength of their four immortal dynasties, as long as the enemy does not invest more than three times their force at one time, their four immortal dynasties will not have any fears, and they are now beginning to have some desire for the enemy to invest more. A lot of troops came in, because only in this way, they can destroy the enemy and use the enemy's corpse as a sacrifice, and then complete the sacrifice, and then increase their strength.

This idea has become the obsession and motivation of all soldiers!

However, Ying Zheng and the others did not know that just when they collectively obtained a trace of the power of the blood of the Hongmeng Demon God, there were some terrifying beings in the prehistoric or in the depths of the Chaos Sea who sensed the Hongmeng Demon God. breath.

Prehistoric, thirty-three days away, Zixiao Palace.

Daozu Hongjun, who had been sitting quietly in the Zixiao Palace, slowly opened his eyes at this time, and his eyes were chaotic, which seemed to contain the whole world, which was daunting.

But at this time, a look of shock appeared on Daozu Hongjun's face, as if he had noticed something that shocked him very much.

"The aura of the Hongmeng Demon God? This...what's going on? Why do so many Hongmeng Demon-God breaths suddenly appear??

"Although the breath is very weak, it is indeed the breath of the Hongmeng Demon God, why is this? In the end - what happened?

Sure enough, Daozu Hongjun sensed the appearance of the aura of the Hongmeng Demon God, which made him seem so surprised.

Under the unknown reason, Daozu Hongjun decisively reached out his hand to deduce it, wanting to see what happened and what he didn't know, and there would actually be so many auras of Hongmeng Demon God.

If it was anything else, it would be fine, but the Demon God of Hongmeng was an unusual existence, and even the ancestors of Hongjun had to pay great attention.

Because every Hongmeng Demon God is extremely terrifying, they are innate spirits born from nothingness, peerless powerhouses that existed before the emergence of the Great Desolation, and the most famous of them is the Great God Pangu. He is the number one terrifying figure among the three thousand primordial demon gods, and it is precisely because of the great god Pangu that he created the world.

In addition, Hongjun Daozu himself is also one of the Hongmeng demon gods. He first represented the law of immortality, and later he became the Dao of the Great Desolation by fitting into the Dao.

Therefore, Hongjun Daozu knew better than anyone, or knew better than anyone, just how terrifying the existence of the Hongmeng Demon God was.

Before, most of the primordial demon gods had either died or disappeared, or had escaped from other worlds. Therefore, there were basically no primordial primordial gods in the prehistoric world, unless they were deeply hidden. In the depths of the Chaos Sea, there are still several terrifying Hongmeng Demon Gods.

Therefore, this is also the reason why Hongjun Daozu reacted so fiercely after he noticed the aura of countless Dao Hongmeng demon gods suddenly appeared outside the prehistoric wasteland.

You must know that Hongjun Daozu, as a prehistoric Taoist, has already read everything in the world, not to mention ordinary things, even if it is related to the Daluo Jinxian level, it is not enough to attract his attention, but the existence of Hongmeng Demon God shocked him. abnormal.

However, after a full quarter of an hour, Dao Ancestor Hongjun was unable to deduce any results. He only knew that the breath of the Hongmeng Demon God had just appeared, and all of them only contained a trace of the blood of the Hongmeng Demon God, not the body of the Hongmeng Demon God.

"There are so many thin blood vessels, why is this?"

This kind of deduction result made Hong Jun heave a sigh of relief, but he became even more puzzled.

Fortunately, the power of these bloodlines is very thin, otherwise Hongjun Daozu may be completely restless!

However, although Daozu Hongjun did not deduce specific results, he already knew that this matter was related to Ji Han again.

"It's that person again... It seems that the matter of the Tianyu Realm can't be delayed any longer!"

A rare cold light flashed in Daozu Hongjun's eyes. After he made a decision in his heart, he stopped thinking about it and closed his eyes again.

・・For flowers...  

Outside the prehistoric world, the Chaos Sea.

At this time, in several places in the depths of the Chaos Sea, which can be called forbidden places, a terrifying aura suddenly rose at the same time, just like some terrifying beings were suddenly awakened, the aura leaked out unconsciously, and then stirred Looking at the entire Chaos Sea, countless creatures in the Chaos Sea were shocked and trembling, and they all bowed their heads under the shroud of these terrifying breaths to show respect.

"Hongmeng Demon God's breath? Why did so many Hongmeng Demon God's breath suddenly appear? 35

"What happened? Did I sleep too long, or did the world change too fast?

"It's such a thin bloodline breath, but why are there so many?"

"The Demon God of Hongmeng has reappeared in the world? Impossible, how can there be a Demon God of Hongmeng in this world?

After sensing the sudden appearance of the blood aura of countless Dao Hongmeng Demon Gods in the extreme distance, the terrifying existences hidden deep in the chaotic sea were suddenly awakened at the same moment, and unintentionally released their own aura. , This caused the huge turmoil in the Chaos Sea.

It can be said that these terrifying beings, after feeling the aura of Hongmeng Demon God, immediately turned pale with fright, even if they were in a deep sleep, they were still awakened.

For their existence at this level, the Hongmeng Demon God is the highest level that they can't surpass, or even reach. This is completely the comparison between the two life levels with essential differences, so the horror hidden in the sea of ​​​​chaotic Existed, which was such a shock.

Even the bodies of those terrifying beings contain a lot of the blood of the Hongmeng Demon God, so that they can sense the appearance of the blood of the Hongmeng Demon God at the first time.

For a time, with the appearance of several terrifying auras, the owners of those auras seemed a little unwilling, and they used their powerful consciousness to sweep away the chaos overseas, trying to find their target.

However, the Yanhuang Immortal Domain was too far away from the Chaos Sea, and they could only return without success after sweeping for a while.

Afterwards, those few terrifying beings secretly communicated with each other to test each other, but to no avail, so they could only re-silence with unwillingness, and let the Chaos Sea return to peace! Beg.

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