At the same time, just as the sacrifices on the Yanhuang Immortal Territory began to be carried out simultaneously, the Kyushu, which was far above the Blue Star, also began to move.

Today, all the high-level officials in Kyushu, including the patriarchs of the major families and other bigwigs, have been officially notified that they will gather in Yanjing at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and then participate in an important meeting. When present, anyone who is absent will be responsible for the consequences.

Finally, at the end of the notice, there was an accompanying sentence: The meeting was held at the request of Mr. Ji Han!

In this regard, the senior leaders of Kyushu, including the bosses of the major families, who did not dare to neglect before, after seeing the last sentence, they rushed to Yanjing at the fastest speed as if their butts were on fire. Don't delay for half a minute.

At this time in Kyushu, Ji Han's status is like the god "Seven Six Seven", and he is the protector of Kyushu. Therefore, the importance of this meeting convened at Ji Han's request can be imagined. They didn't dare to ignore it at all, and even they were worried that they were late, and if they didn't get any benefits, it would be useless to slap their thighs.

In fact, after the four of Ying Zheng left the small manor, Ji Han also thought about the follow-up plan for a long time, and notified Lin Mushan and others the next day, and asked them to be responsible for calling all the senior leaders of Kyushu for a meeting.

Of course, Ji Han also explained in detail to Lin Mushan and Feng Muru about the main body of the meeting, asking them to come forward for him at the meeting, to make arrangements for the explanation work and various matters, and make sure to let his plan go ahead. .

After Lin Mushan and Feng Muru listened to Ji Han's detailed instructions and requirements, they were completely sluggish for five minutes before they woke up.

But Lin Mushan and the two did not dare to ask any more questions, they could only nod their heads hurriedly to agree, and did not dare to have any idea of ​​refusing, even if Ji Han made a more outrageous request, they would find a way to satisfy Ji Han.

Soon, before two o'clock in the afternoon, the most secretive and safest large conference room in Yanjing was already full of senior officials of Kyushu, as well as the bosses of major families.

Obviously, this meeting was held in the name of Ji Han, and no one dared to neglect, even to show their importance, they came to the conference room many times earlier.

It was only after coming to the conference room that they didn't see Ji Han, and many bosses couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but they didn't show it in the slightest.

At two o'clock, as the host and caller of this meeting, Lin Mushan and Feng Muru also entered the conference room on time and took their seats.

Lin Mushan looked around and found that the hundreds of people who had been notified had all arrived. He couldn't help nodding his head in satisfaction and said, "Very good, you are all on time, first of all, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to participate in this meeting. , This meeting was held at the request of Mr. Ji Han, but Mr. Ji Han will not be present, but will be co-chaired by me and Mr. Feng, if you have any opinions, feel free to put them up!!"

As soon as these words came out, all the senior executives of Kyushu present suddenly laughed.

"Haha, Mr. Lin, how dare we have any opinions!"

"That's right, Mr. Lin is joking!"

"Since it is Mr. Ji's intention, then we must believe Mr. Ji's arrangement!

"Yes, Lao Lin, stop talking so much nonsense, let's get started!""

The senior leaders of Kyushu and the big family members present have a good relationship with Lin Mushan and Feng Muru. Moreover, both Lin Mushan and Feng Muru are big bosses, no matter their seniority or seniority, they are enough to quell any doubts .

Lin Mushan just asked casually. Seeing that no one objected, he nodded and said: "Thank you for your attention. Even so, I won't say much nonsense. The main body of this meeting is about manufacturing a game helmet, and Step up to make a Xianxia game, and then put it on the market, in general, that's it!"5

Just after Lin Mushan briefly described the main body of the meeting, all the senior officials of Kyushu present were stunned.

"What... what? Elder Lin, are you sure?"

"What do you mean? Make game helmets and games? Does Mr. Ji want to play games or what?"

"Old Lin, are you sure this is what Mr. Ji meant? Did you make a mistake?

"Lin Lao, is it true or false? Why did Mr. Ji have such instructions? Can you tell me in detail?"

"It's a bit novel, Mr. Lin, did Mr. Ji say why he made games and game helmets?"

Hundreds of senior officials in Kyushu asked questions in surprise. This did not mean that they questioned Ji Han, but simply that they could not understand the main body of the meeting that Lin Mushan said.

Because in their opinion, the so-called game production and the production of game helmets only need Lin Mushan to recruit some manufacturers and game developers, and there is no need to gather all their high-level executives here. , Those senior officials in Kyushu still understand that there must be a deeper meaning behind this, and they believe that Ji Han will not do such boring things.

Lin Mushan seemed to have anticipated the questions of the high-level officials, his face was extremely indifferent, and after everyone calmed down, he slowly said: "Don't worry, everyone, I will explain the reason later, I will let you know now. A message, a message about the future development of our Kyushu!""

"what news?"

The attention of all the high-level officials was immediately attracted, and they all looked at Lin Mushan.

Lin Mushan replied solemnly and earnestly: "That is, Mr. Ji Han will conduct an experiment called "Projection of Ten Thousand Realms" in all Kyushu soon! 35

"What is [Wanjie Projection]? According to Mr. Ji Han's explanation, this is an experimental function created by Mr. Ji Han in order to enable us Kyushu to rise rapidly, and for all the people of Kyushu to rapidly improve our strength, The specific function of this function is to select our Kyushu people and let their souls enter a system. You can think of this system as a transfer station, or you can imagine it as the kind of system in the novel, and then this system The system will put all the souls that enter it into each of the three thousand worlds, so that all Kyushu people can get various experiences, various adventures, or great opportunities in each world, and then allow them to quickly improve their cultivation. !"

"This is like a game of immortality, and the people of Kyushu are players!"

"The most important effect of this [Myriad Realms Projection] function is that all the cultivation bases obtained by everyone in the game can be brought to reality, so as to quickly strengthen themselves!!".

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