At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

832 Why does Mr. Ji have such instructions? 【Subscription】

Dead silence!

In this most important secret conference room in Yanjing, in this conference room where the high-level officials of Kyushu gathered, it fell into a dead silence at this time!

All the senior leaders of Kyushu, no matter how knowledgeable or senior, all fell into a state of sluggishness.

No one spoke, and no one seemed to dare to break the dead silence.

Because what caused this situation was exactly what Lin Mushan said!

As Lin Mushan described the function of [Myriad Worlds Projection] in detail, all the senior officials and bosses in Kyushu were completely horrified, or completely subverted their three views, and thus fell into a state of sluggishness and ignorance. , In a short period of time, it was completely unable to fully receive such information and the impact it brought, so the above situation occurred.

Seeing this situation, Lin Mushan and Feng Muru were a little bit dumbfounded, but at the same time they understood very well, because they were like this when they first heard the news, so they did not speak immediately, but left enough time for the rest of the high-level executives to go. Digest this information before proceeding to the next round of discussions.

In this way, the deadly atmosphere lasted for more than five minutes. During this process, all the senior officials of Kyushu began to digest the horrifying news brought by Lin Mushan, and the originally dull complexion began to slowly return to life. It became complicated, and all kinds of shock, ecstasy, disbelief and hot looks appeared on everyone's face

It even looked a little funny.

The next moment, a thunderous voice suddenly broke the dead silence.


Qi Guohua couldn't help but slapped his palm on the table, then stood up excitedly and asked, "Lao Lin, what you said is true? Mr. Ji really created such a function to change the fate of Kyushu??"

Don't look at Qi Guohua's seventies, but his body is very tough. In addition, he has also practiced advanced basic Qi training techniques. Not only does he not look old, but he is full of energy, and his voice resounds like thunder. In the entire conference room, everyone's thoughts were completely awakened.

"Yeah, Lao Lin, is what you said true or false? Don't fool us!"

"Fuck, Mr. Lin, are you sure you're not telling a story?"

"Lao Lin, are you crazy or am I hallucinating? Could it be that what you said is true?

"Oh my God, isn't this something that only exists in fiction? Can it be realized in reality?

"Mr. Lin, this is what Mr. Ji told you himself? Are you sure?"


Almost all the high-level officials in Kyushu felt unable to sit still, and couldn't help but ask Lin Mushan, with eagerness and doubt in their voices, hoping to get Lin Mushan's personal affirmation.

Looking at the faces of the high-level officials in Kyushu that were full of hope and couldn't help but couldn't believe it, Lin Mushan smiled lightly, then nodded solemnly and earnestly: "There is no falsehood, all of this is done by Mr. Ji himself. What I said, I guarantee the Lin family, this is absolutely true!!

Lin Mushan knew the thoughts and feelings of the high-level officials at this time, so he didn't give a shit, and immediately gave a 100% affirmative response.


After getting Lin Mushan's affirmative answer, there were soothing voices around, and many people's bodies, which had been tense due to excitement and anticipation, began to slowly relax.

Qi Guohua couldn't help but slammed the table again, and then laughed excitedly: "Haha, as expected of Mr. Ji, he brought us a great surprise as soon as he shot, tsk tsk, being able to realize the scene in the novel, will The soul of a person is absorbed and put into various worlds to experience, and at the same time, it can bring back the strength of everyone in the game back to reality. This is simply a miracle, no, it is even more difficult than a miracle. I believe, this is definitely the biggest opportunity for our Kyushu to rise and take off, haha!!

Under the excitement, Qi Guohua couldn't help but dance a little, showing how excited he was!

You must know that this is not an ordinary means and technology, nor is it the core key that any country is qualified to touch at this stage, but a miracle that can make a country rise completely and take off rapidly!

That's right, it's a miracle, this is the result that all the senior officials of Kyushu have recognized.

Whether it is to absorb the soul of God and cast the soul of human beings into various worlds, or to bring the strength obtained by the soul back to reality, these technologies are extremely forward for the entire Blue Star, and it is difficult to What they can achieve is far beyond their understanding or even incomprehensible.

However, Ji Han took out such technology at will and gave it to the people of Kyushu, allowing Kyushu to enjoy such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, which naturally made Kyushu executives ecstatic.

Not only Qi Guohua, but the rest of the high-level executives were all excitedly talking, as if they had seen the scene of Kyushu's rapid rise because of this.

At this time, Tang Yuanming, the head of the Tang family, suddenly asked: "Lao Lin, according to what you said, this [Thousand Realms Projection] function looks like a game, and we Kyushu people are all players who have entered the game, is this the season? Why do you need us to make a Xianxia game, sir?"

Talking about this issue, other high-level executives also stopped 767 and wanted to hear what Lin Mushan had to say.

Lin Mushan nodded and affirmed: "Yes, that's right, for convenience, Mr. Ji is going to make this [Thousand Realms Projection] function into a game, but we are responsible for the production of the game, and Mr. Ji only provides the core It's just a key technology, which is why Mr. Ji asked us to make gaming helmets."5

"Sure enough, since this is the case, then the role of the game helmet is to connect us to the system, so that the spirits of our Kyushu people can enter the game?"

A big guy like Tang Yuanming is naturally a one-pointer, and he immediately wanted to understand the key, and asked back.

"Not bad!!" Lin Mushan smiled and said, "It's basically like this, now you understand why Mr. Ji made such an instruction? 99


Qi Guohua and others nodded in succession!

At this time, most of the doubts in their hearts have been answered, not only have they accepted all the information and surprises that Lin Mushan has brought to them, but also have more expectations in their hearts.

At the same time, the admiration and worship of Ji Han among these Kyushu high-level executives is also skyrocketing, and deep down in their hearts, they dare not have the slightest doubt and disrespect, and worship Ji Han like a god!

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