At this time, the huge conference room had changed from a deadly atmosphere to a heated discussion.

Although most of the doubts have been answered, many of the key details are still unclear to many people, which is the direction they will discuss next.

Qi Guohua thought about it and asked, "Lao Lin, it's not difficult to make a game helmet and make a game. I wonder if Mr. Ji has any special explanations. Are there other requirements for the manufacture of the helmet? Does the game need to be made to Ji from time to time? Report the progress of Mr. Ji? After all, we need to be satisfied with Mr. Ji before we can put it on the market!

"Yes, yes, it should be like this, I think it should be like this!

"Yes, the production of this game is not a trivial matter, it has to be reported to Mr. Ji from time to time!"

"Yes, and the manufacture of game helmets, did Mr. Ji have some specific requirements?"

"Yes, Mr. Lin, you didn't say this, we have to understand it clearly!

After listening to Qi Guohua's question, the rest of the senior management also spoke up.

After all, the production of games and the production of game helmets are relatively simple, but it is not so simple to create a fairy-tale game that makes Ji Han satisfied, and games are not the areas that these high-level executives are good at, plus Gaming helmets may also have special requirements, so they must know in advance.

For this, Lin Mushan was already prepared, and he answered directly: "Old Qi's question is good, Mr. Ji does have requirements about the manufacture of game helmets. First, Mr. Ji requires that the game helmets must be used as much as possible in the current Kyushu. The highest technology, including neural access technology, etc. Second, the manufacture of game helmets should not be too expensive, and the manufacturing cost must be reduced as much as possible, because this is for all Kyushu people, Mr. Ji requires all Kyushu people to have it. With one, in the end, Mr. Ji also asked for such a rune to be carved on the game helmet~々!"

As he spoke, Lin Mushan took out a prepared sheet of paper on which several complex and mysterious runes were drawn.

"I still need to carve the rune? In this way, the rune is the most important thing!"

Qi Guohua looked at the rune in Lin Mushan's hand and thought thoughtfully.

The rest of the high-level executives are also smart people. Naturally, it can be seen at a glance that the rune in Lin Mushan's hand is the most important thing. The so-called game helmet is just an external body. If there are not those complicated runes Wen, presumably the game helmet will not play any role.

Lin Mushan smiled and said: "Yes, Mr. Ji personally handed it to me, and these runes are also the key to connecting the [Myriad Realms Projection] system. As for the production of the game, according to Mr. Ji, just First, it will be jointly designed and produced by several of the largest game companies. If there are any ideas or requirements in the future, Mr. Ji will explain to us. The most important thing is that this game must be designed and produced with all his heart and must not be treated perfunctory!!

"After the game is made, Mr. Ji will complete the rest. We only need to be responsible for the promotion of the game and putting it on the market!""

"It's natural. Everything will be done according to Mr. Ji's requirements. At the same time as the task is assigned, our people will also explain to those game companies and manufacturers to ensure that no one dares to give up their hearts!"

Qi Guohua understood what Lin Mushan meant, and immediately responded and made a guarantee.

The rest of the high-level executives also nodded their heads. For them, it is absolutely impossible to deal with perfunctory treatment. They only need to give an order, and the people below will definitely complete the task with the highest standard. After all, the people here already represent Kyushu. The right to speak, not to mention that they all reached an unanimous opinion.

In Kyushu, this is a force that is enough to crush any opposition. All the manpower and material resources of Kyushu will also fully serve the tasks they convey next. Everything must be in the back row. You don't need any reason or any objection, just do it!

For this point, the people present are still very confident. If they don't even have this control, they don't deserve to sit here!

Lin Mushan and Feng Muru are naturally very aware of this, not to mention that they are one of the big bosses themselves, and they are also confident that they can ensure that everything will be implemented according to Ji Han's requirements.

However, Qi Guohua seemed to suddenly remember something at this moment, with anticipation and anxiety on his face, and asked Lin Mushan: "By the way, Lao Lin, did Mr. Ji tell you that since this [Thousand Realms Projection] function can transform the game If the strength that has been improved in the game is brought back to reality, what is the proportion of this? It is impossible to bring all the strength that has improved in the game back to reality, right?

This is the key to the key. Before, I was only concerned with discussing other issues, but Qi Guohua suddenly forgot to ask. Now that I remembered it, I naturally wanted to ask clearly.

Although it is best to bring the strength in the game 100% back to reality, Qi Guohua can't imagine such perfection, and he also knows that this is impossible, this ratio will definitely not be too high, otherwise this is not a god It's a trace, but a fantasy.

With Qi Guohua's reminder, the rest of the senior management immediately responded.

"..Yes, I almost forgot about this, Mr. Lin, did Mr. Ji ever talk about this?

"This is the most critical thing, this ratio is very important, but it is related to the improvement of our overall strength!

"That's right, Lao Lin, what's the percentage that can bring back reality from the game?

"Is there 10%? Don't say 10%, even if it's only 1%, it's absolutely acceptable to us!

The rest of the high-level executives also looked at Lin Mushan, and at the same time (Zhao Wang Zhao) were each making guesses.

However, Lin Mushan shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Mr. Ji really hasn't explained this point, and I think he doesn't want to give an inaccurate value. We just need to wait for us to make the game, and after an experiment, we can get the result. In the end, you don't need to worry too much. 99

Lin Mushan's answer was not unreasonable, and since Ji Han didn't explain the issue, they couldn't ask more questions, so they could only guess in their hearts.

At this time, the meeting has reached this stage, and basically all matters have been discussed, and the rest are only some specific arrangements.

Therefore, Lin Mushan said at this time:

"Since all of you have understood, then please cooperate with all of you to complete the two requirements of Mr. Ji, I believe that Mr. Ji will bring us unimaginable surprises!

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