At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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At the same time, what happened in Kyushu not only caused domestic shock, but also shocked many western countries.

"What the hell are the Orientals doing? Are they going to make a big move?"

"What is Kyushu doing? Can't they just calm down for a while?

"Walter? Kyushu, what does this mean? Want to develop a game? Or want to hide from the public? Or maybe it's grandstanding?

"It's not right, so many large enterprises have been used all at once, this is definitely going to be a big move, hurry up, let people keep an eye on me, and see what the hell is Kyushu thinking - what the hell!

"That's right, at all costs, even if it costs a lot of money, I must let someone figure out the real purpose of Kyushu for me, go!!"

Not only the people in the country are talking about it, but the people in many Western countries, including various high-level officials, have also had various discussions about this. Obviously, this matter has also caused a lot of shock in Western countries.

You must know that Kyushu is definitely the center of the entire Blue Star now, or it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the focus. A series of events in recent years, including the advent of various miracles, are all related to Kyushu, and Kyushu’s response to supernatural powers R&D is also ahead of all countries. Even the alien world that happened not long ago can only be entered by people from Kyushu. Therefore, Kyushu has already become the most concerned country in the world. Every move of Kyushu is within the scope of Western countries' attention, and they all want to deepen their research on Kyushu through the things they pay attention to, or they want to catch up with Kyushu's footsteps.

Therefore, when such a big thing happened in Kyushu this time, all countries in the world naturally noticed it immediately, and paid great attention to it, so that people could conduct various detailed investigations.

The Kyushu side also seemed to have no intention of covering up at all, and even regardless of domestic discussions and foreign investigations, they were still carrying out various tasks step by step.

The development of a game is very time-consuming. Even if the major game companies in China join forces to develop together, various resources and top talents are also involved, but it is impossible to develop a game in just a few days. Various discussions about the game's settings and parameters are still in the development stage.

On the contrary, the game helmet was made first. Strictly speaking, it was the first batch of test products. Because according to Ji Han's request, the game helmet was not difficult to manufacture, so in just a few days, the A batch of test products has already been released.

The manufacture of game helmets does not pose a big technical problem for domestic manufacturers, and the core is to inscribe those complex runes, so it is not difficult, but the first batch is just a test product. It can not be regarded as the final product, and it needs to be corrected by various experiments and data before it can really be settled.

However, after the first batch of test products of game helmets came out, Western countries that had been paying close attention to this matter immediately learned the news from secret channels and were shocked.

"Walter? Gaming helmet? Kyushu's big move this time is to make gaming helmets?"

"Sheet, are you kidding? Why a gaming helmet?"

"Could it be that Kyushu is trying to develop a game? That doesn't need to be such a big battle, right?"

"Virtual reality game? Kyushu doesn't want to develop this, right? Impossible, this is simply impossible!"

When they learned that Kyushu made such a big move this time, it was actually for the purpose of making game helmets, and the high-level officials of various western countries were immediately surprised.

However, it’s hard to understand, the investigation still needs to be investigated, because the high-level people in Western countries know that it is absolutely impossible for Kyushu to do meaningless things, and they have used so much human and material resources. The game helmets they made must be There are secrets.

Therefore, with the idea that the real purpose of Kyushu can be cracked by cracking the game helmet, several countries in Europe and the United States joined together, used all the means and resources they could use in Kyushu, and successfully stole several finished game helmets.

United States, Texas.

At this time, in a top laboratory in Texas, dozens of top scientists in various fields surrounded the three beautifully-looking helmets with several complex runes engraved on the surface. Helmets undergo various tests.

These three helmets are the game helmets that European and American countries have jointly stolen from a manufacturer in Kyushu.

After the game helmet was successfully stolen, European and American countries immediately convened a large number of top scientists in various fields to test and analyze the game helmet in an attempt to crack the secret of the game helmet.

・・For flowers...  

"Strange, the values ​​are all normal, nothing out of the ordinary!

"The manufacturing technology is not very advanced, with our technology, it can be imitated immediately!

"There is no abnormality in the connection port, and the manufacturing material is being decomposed!

"Look, will the key to the helmet be those runes? No matter how you look at it, there is nothing special about the three helmets except for the runes!!"

"It is possible to parse the rune immediately!!"

The dozens of top scientists have been studying for a day and a night. They have done detailed analysis and research from all aspects and angles, including the materials, technology, manufacturing process and the trend of electronic circuits for making helmets. It even deconstructed a gaming helmet.

Of course, the most important runes have not escaped the analysis of these scientists, but no matter how much these scientists study, or how long they have analyzed, they have not obtained the desired results, because no matter from which aspect, the three Each helmet is just a very normal game helmet, the difference is that there are a few more complicated runes than ordinary helmets, but the secrets they imagined are not obvious at all.

"Impossible, how could this be? It's impossible!"

"I can't see anything abnormal at all, is this game helmet really any different?

"It shouldn't be, how could the people of Kyushu spend so much effort to make a batch of ordinary helmets?

"Are we missing something critical? Why don't we get any results?"

"The runes must be those runes. As long as the runes are parsed, we may get the secrets we want!"

After researching for a period of time, the results obtained surprised all scientists, because they did not get any research results at all, and the so-called cracking became a joke.

Such a result is unacceptable to many scientists. Even though they have thought that those runes are the real key, they can't parse them out, or even completely incomprehensible, so they are quite helpless! Beg.

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