At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

836 Big action brewing! 【Subscription】

"Why is that?"

Almost all the scientists involved in cracking the secret of the helmet had the same question in their hearts at the same time.

They don't understand why these game helmets look beautiful, but in terms of material and manufacturing technology, as well as in terms of craftsmanship and various aspects, they are all very ordinary, and there is not much to pay attention to. Only the few complicated runes on the surface they couldn't parse out.

Therefore, all their thoughts at this time are on those runes, and they have reached a consensus that the biggest secret is on those runes.

It's just that no matter what method they used, they couldn't parse out the secrets of the runes, and they couldn't even figure out the basic meaning, leaving dozens of scientists confused and unable to start. "Seven Six Seven"

The cracking work lasted for two days. In the end, all the scientists looked at each other with some self-doubt. They didn't know if they were incompetent and couldn't find the real secret, or if it was just an ordinary game helmet. There are no secrets.

Because of these two days of cracking work, they have achieved nothing, and no useful research results have appeared at all, wasting time and manpower and material resources in vain!

In this regard, the leading scientist could only sigh helplessly, and then presented the research results.

The high-level executives in Europe and the United States have been waiting eagerly. They were overjoyed when they saw the research results being presented in two days. Kyushu used such a big battle to develop such a product.

However, when they heard the leading scientists say that they were powerless and failed to study any secrets from the helmets, all the European and American executives were completely stunned, like pouring ice water from the top, making their original joy and expectations all It has vanished into nothing, and it has been completely drowned out.

"Impossible, are you not attentive?"

"How can there be no secrets? It's absolutely impossible!

"Walter? Did I hear it right? Is this true?"

"It took two days and you told me nothing was researched? Wardfack!"

"Oh, Shet, this is what you've done? Nothing out of the ordinary? Do you think it's normal?"

Almost most of the high-level executives in Europe and the United States questioned or yelled at the top of the European and American countries. They couldn't believe it. They waited for two days and only got such a result.

However, the leading scientists could only respond to them with ugly faces, repeatedly confirming that they did not find any abnormalities or secrets, and that was an ordinary helmet.

Faced with such a result, the European and American executives who had been looking forward to it were extremely disappointed and could only reluctantly accept such a result.

If Ji Han saw the wonderful faces of these European and American executives, he would definitely laugh.

Because they never imagined that the so-called game helmet was just a trick released by Ji Han, so no matter how much they researched, it was impossible for them to come up with any results.

Even if they parsed out the complex runes, what they got was nothing but ineffective symbols, meaningless at all.

The most important thing is that the reason why Ji Han can ensure that all Kyushu people can enter the game is not a game helmet. The people of Kyushu, and then used the medium of game helmets to cast Kyushu people into the world.

Therefore, this is something that European and American countries cannot crack no matter how hard they try. If Ji Han is not happy, Western foreigners will never be able to enter the game.

This is something that European and American countries cannot think of at present. They reluctantly accepted such a result, and then began to think of ways from other aspects to see if they could find out the real purpose of the Kyushu people.

In Kyushu, no matter what Western foreigners think or what they do, the high-level figures in Kyushu put most of their energy on the tasks assigned by Ji Han, mobilized countless manpower and material resources, and consulted Ji Han from time to time on game development. The opinions and ideas, and strive to be able to make the game in the shortest possible time.

Of course, for this extremely important game, Kyushu has already started various preparatory work, such as publicity, such as the launch of the game, etc. These work must be well arranged, and it also requires a lot of investment. Funds must not be hurriedly dealt with, nor perfunctory.

For these preparations, Lin Mushan and others have already issued strict orders, so that the people under their command do not dare to have any thoughts of neglect, and they all complete every step with trepidation.

In this way, all preparations, all matters, including the development of games and the manufacture of game helmets, are progressing steadily.

Under the condition that all the high-level officials of Kyushu are united, a terrorist force gathered in this way can naturally complete everything, and there will be no difficulties.

a month later.

In the past month, the matter that caused a huge shock in Kyushu has gradually subsided over time, but the people of Kyushu will not think that the matter is over, but pay more attention, because they have officially From the perspective of actions, a lot of information can still be analyzed.

It’s just that ordinary people still don’t know the specifics. They only know that the government seems to be planning a big move, so even if things calm down, many people in Kyushu have been waiting for the official announcement from Kyushu.

Because they know that the Kyushu government is planning a big move, and it is impossible not to announce it.

Sure enough, after waiting for a month, the people of Kyushu, who had been waiting eagerly, finally got the 4.3 results they were expecting, and it was a super heavy news that was beyond everyone's expectations.

On this day, the Kyushu official personally announced a message on the people's website, and at the top were several striking big characters:

【Thousands of worlds, who will compete with each other?】

Just looking at the eight big characters as the title, a domineering and majestic grandeur rushed to the face, making the hearts of countless people subconsciously tremble when they saw these words for the first time.

Then, below the title, a few lines of a slightly smaller introduction follow:

"The breakthrough from zero to something, the historic technological innovation, and the unprecedented transition between virtual and reality will give you a completely different feeling, allowing you to have the ultimate gaming experience, an online game that can achieve 100% virtual reality. 【Fighting for All Worlds】, please look forward to it!!

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