At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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Every move of the Kyushu official, not only affects the hearts of all Kyushu people, but also receives the close attention of all Western countries!

In the past month, not only the people of Kyushu have been waiting for the Kyushu government to lift the secret hood, but even Western countries have been spying on and waiting for the real purpose of this move in Kyushu.

Who would have thought that the Kyushu government did not make much publicity, nor did it give too many prompts, but quietly announced such a piece of news on the People's Internet that shocked and surprised countless people.

When the Kyushu official news was announced, it immediately caused a huge shock in Kyushu, and it also attracted countless Kyushu people to stop and watch, and all kinds of crazy discussions.

"What? After waiting for a month, you told me you were developing a game?"

"Damn it, 100% virtual reality? It's impossible, and current technology simply can't do it!"

"The virtual online game in the novel? Is it really fake? The official is big, you are going to ruin your image by doing fake propaganda!

"Am I crazy or is the world crazy? A 100% virtual reality game? Can this really be experienced in my lifetime?

"I'm rubbing 11, this title is too domineering? Is this true? The official action this time is to develop this [Battle of the Worlds] game?"

"My God, is it too exciting? A historic technological innovation? Does this mean that our country has broken through the shackles of technology and has really successfully made such a virtual game?"


In less than a minute after the Kyushu official announcement, it attracted the attention of the entire network. Not only on the Internet, but also in reality, countless discussions broke out. Almost half of the people were shocked by the news, and then all the The voice, all the topics, began to talk frantically around the game [Battle of the Worlds], and there was a feeling that it couldn't stop at all.

Because this is different from the past, this is not an ordinary online game, but a virtual game that claims to be able to achieve 100% virtual reality!

For the people of Kyushu, this is absolutely something that they never dared to think about in the past, and even a game that can only exist in a novel, it is impossible to appear in reality.

Because with the current technology in the world, it is very difficult to achieve.

But now the Kyushu official has announced such a shocking news. If the Kyushu official did not cheat, it would prove that the Kyushu side really broke through the shackles of technology, completed an unprecedented breakthrough and progress, and successfully produced a virtual game.

Such a game that can 100% virtual reality, let alone young people, even children down to the age of 70, all have great interest, and they want to experience what this virtual game feels like.

Therefore, when the news of this side was released, the people of all Kyushu were boiling, and there were endless crazy discussions on the Internet, saying anything.

Some people don't believe this is true, thinking that the current technology can't achieve virtual reality at all; some people are dubious, but they can't bear all kinds of discussions; some people choose to believe it, because it is absolutely impossible for Kyushu officials to falsify. , they will not publish such a message.

In short, there are various voices on the Internet and in reality, but they are very concerned about the next move of the Kyushu official, and they are both curious and looking forward to it.

At the same time, when Kyushu caused a huge shock, Western countries also knew the news at the same time, and immediately set off earthquake-like turmoil in Western countries.

"Walter? Kyushu people developed a virtual game?"

"My God, is it true? It's impossible, right?"

"It must be the case, how could Kyushu have such technology? 39

"That is, what we can't do in developed countries, how can they do it in Kyushu?

"A 100% virtual reality game? Kyushu has been developing this for the past month? No way?

"It's awesome, what kind of technology does Kyushu have mastered? How can there be such a technological innovation all of a sudden?"

Countless western netizens began to have various discussions on the Internet, and many people expressed their amazement. Of course, most western foreigners expressed doubts and refused to believe that Kyushu could do such a thing.

After all, this kind of technology is not owned by Western countries at present. They naturally do not believe that Kyushu can complete technological breakthroughs and innovations. In the eyes of Western foreigners, it will take at least several decades, and it is impossible to do at this stage. Yes, so they all thought that Kyushu was nothing more than grandstanding.

It can be said that the game [Battle of the Worlds] was born out of nowhere, almost stirred up the entire Blue Star, and attracted the attention of countless people all over the world.

However, the Kyushu side doesn't care what Western foreigners think, an hour after the first news was announced, the Kyushu official immediately followed up with the second news:

"[Battle of the Worlds], an unprecedented virtual game, breaking stereotypes and creating history, will bring you an unparalleled experience!

The game production has been fully completed, and the game will be officially released in a week!

At the same time, the first batch of game helmets for accessing the game will also be fully launched in three days, so stay tuned! 35

Such a message was instantly pushed to the top and became the hottest spot on the entire network.

And at the back of this news, the addresses of dozens of game helmets are also attached, so that people can choose 767 to buy them.

In this way, without any publicity, an hour after the first news was released, the official announced that the game had been completed and that the game helmet was about to be released.

It seemed unremarkable, but it was as if an atomic bomb had been dropped on the calm lake, instantly making the entire Kyushu shake again.

"What? This propaganda message is so simple? Official, you are the real skin! 55

"Fuck, game production has been completed? Official release in a week?"

"My God, it really is a virtual game, and there is a game helmet, is it so powerful?"

"The game helmet will be released in three days? Damn it, where is the location? I'm going to line up now, I want to buy a helmet, and no one will snatch it from me!! 35

"My God, is this for real? Even the game helmets are out, hurry up and see where you can buy them, this time you can't miss it!!

Countless people in Kyushu were shocked by the second news. It was a surprise to them. They didn't expect the official to come true, and the game helmet was about to be released.

For such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and for such a game that cannot be rejected, it is natural that countless people immediately signed up enthusiastically, and they all expressed their desire to buy helmets and experience this game as soon as possible!

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