At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

838 Looking at the ocean and sighing! 【Subscription】


A complete sensation!

When the Kyushu official just announced that the game helmet was about to be released, the people of the entire Kyushu began to go crazy.

In addition, the major game giants of Haotian Group also jointly released some news about [Battle of the Worlds], which confirmed the authenticity of the official news in Kyushu. Therefore, a large number of people began to act crazy.

On the first day after the announcement of the release addresses of dozens of game helmets, people began to line up. You must know that the release locations of these game helmets have only just been announced, and the release time has not yet arrived. The staff is not there yet!

However, this is only the first step in a frenzy!

A day later, Kyushu officials and major game giants seemed to have made all kinds of preparations, and then started a comprehensive and vigorous publicity campaign.

In dozens of large-scale first-tier cities in Kyushu, various press conferences related to the [Battle of the Worlds] game are being held at the same time. At the press conference, several major game giants will make some relevant explanations for the public, And some information about the game will be released simultaneously.

As a result, it immediately attracted countless people to the nearby press conferences to watch, and the location of each press conference was surrounded by water, and the crowds were not enough to describe the terrible scene.

Of course, it was also from these press conferences that the people of Kyushu gradually learned about the game [Battle of the Worlds].

They learned that this virtual game [Battle of the Worlds] was carefully produced by Kyushu officials by gathering several game giant companies, using countless manpower, material resources and various resources, and it is a game that has completed a historic breakthrough and A technologically innovative game.

Most importantly, it was also announced at the press conference that this [Battle of the Worlds] game will definitely bring unimaginable surprises and experiences to the people of Kyushu, but these still need to be experienced by players themselves after the official release of the game.

In addition, in addition to the press conference, Kyushu officials also spent a lot of resources and began to fully promote the game [Battle of the Worlds], not only on the Internet and in various TV channels, but also on the bus, Various external wall screens and various electronic screens and other conspicuous places have been playing the propaganda screen of "Battle of the Worlds".

It can be said that the Kyushu government is completely spared no effort to do huge propaganda. This kind of propaganda is simply terrible. It is more comprehensive than any propaganda, and its coverage is extremely wide. It can be called overwhelming.

The most important thing is that on the second day, the Kyushu official released a message again, which roughly means to support [Battle of the Worlds] and be willing to endorse this game. Once people experience the game, they find that If the game experience does not match the slogan in the slightest, you can contact the Kyushu official, and the Kyushu official will be fully responsible for this, and will make compensation that is absolutely satisfactory to the player.

After the official endorsement from Kyushu, coupled with the overwhelming publicity, it has not yet reached the time for the launch of the helmet. Almost all the people of Kyushu have been aroused, and their curiosity and expectation have reached the peak at the same time.

Yanjing, Tianji No.1 Square.

Tianji No. 1 Plaza is a full-scale multi-functional complex independently invested and developed by Tianji Group, and then a large-scale business district formed independently. It is also a famous consumption place in Yanjing.

Of course, there is more than one Tianji Square in Yanjing, but Tianji No. 1 Square is the largest and the first to be established. Therefore, Yanjing's Tianji No. 1 Square has also become a place for game helmets in Yanjing.

At this time, it was the second day after Kyushu officially announced the release of the game helmet, and it was still early in the morning. The square that should have been deserted was very lively at this time. The long dragon is still growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it cannot be seen at a glance.

Yes, these are all people lining up to buy gaming helmets!

On the Tianji No. 1 Square, although it was crowded and lively, all of this was reflected in the long queue. Outside the long dragon, few people could be seen at all.

After all, it was still early in the morning, so no one came to the square so early.

But for the people who are queuing to buy game helmets, this is already very late. Didn't you see that they were just a little late, and they were already lined up one kilometer away?

Even the first group of people came to the square in the early morning or midnight to start queuing, which was terrible!

At this time, the people in the long queue can be said to represent various groups and age groups in Kyushu, not only young people, but also middle-aged and elderly people in their 50s and 60s, and even junior high school students aged thirteen or fourteen. , It can be said that everyone has it, making this Tianji Square full of lively atmosphere.

And although the long queue is getting longer and longer, it has not caused any conflicts or queue cuts, and everyone who comes to queue here can be said to be fans of the new virtual game [Battle of the Worlds]. Fans, although they complained a lot, but it was just a simple worry that they would not be able to buy the game helmets. In addition, these people of different ages can talk about it, because all their topics revolve around [Wan Jie Zhengfeng], all kinds of excited guesses and excited words kept ringing in various positions of the long queue, no one felt anything wrong, but chatted happily to pass the time in the queue.

After all, it is related to the game [Battle of the Worlds], they can be considered to have an absolute common topic, and chatting face-to-face is more passionate than typing and chatting on the Internet, which makes many people who shoot behind (Zhao Wangzhao) begin to feel This trip is right, even if you can't get the game helmet, but you have met so many like-minded people and chatted happily, and you will not lose anything!

Not only in the Tianji Square in Yanjing, but also in the dozens of game helmet placement locations in Kyushu, almost identical scenes were staged.

With the official endorsement from Kyushu, the popularity of buying game helmets has also reached its peak, which has almost aroused the looting of most people. The sales points of game helmets all over the place are full of people, forming a long queue.

There are even many people who started to line up a day or two in advance, in order to be able to preempt, and then snap up the game helmet as soon as possible!

Such a crazy move, such a terrifying scene, not only did not frighten anyone, on the contrary, more rush buyers appeared at various sales points, and many people who had not had time to queue up were overwhelmed and regretted!

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