Once the rush starts, you can't stop!

At the sales point of Tianji No. 1 Plaza, it is naturally impossible to send only two staff members to sell helmets. That would be too inefficient, and it would definitely cause people to complain.

Therefore, the inside of the door of the point of sale is actually divided into five counters, just like a bank counter, where five people can go through the purchase of game helmets together. In this way, the efficiency is naturally greatly improved.

Of course, the security personnel who are responsible for maintaining order at the door are also very important. You can't let too many people in at one time. You can only put one in an empty space, so that there will be no waiting.

Not only the Tianji No. 1 Plaza in Yanjing, but also dozens of other sales points. The sales work of each sales point has been carefully arranged in advance, and under the condition of ensuring efficiency, it also takes care of the public. Emotions are the most appropriate.

In this regard, even the people at the bottom of the line have no complaints, because one person can only buy one game helmet, and there is no scalper.

Therefore, although dozens of sales points are still crowded, the rush to buy is going on steadily, and there are no surprises.

Of course, looting is for sure, everyone in the queue is anxious and wants to buy helmets, but the number of the first batch of game helmets is limited, only 10 million sets, while stocks last.

Therefore, in less than half an hour after the sale, 10 million sets of game helmets were looted in an instant~ and they were completely sold out.

"I'm sorry, the [Battle of the Worlds] game helmets have all been sold out, the people in the back can disperse and wait for the second batch of game helmets!

After the game helmets were sold out, the staff at various sales points immediately made a statement and signaled that the people behind them did not need to queue up any longer.

Originally, many people thought that 10 million sets of helmets were a lot, but they were all robbed after half an hour. This was a bolt from the blue for the people behind.

"What? Gone? Is this sold out?"

"Damn it, kidding? It's only half an hour? You told me it's sold out?"

"My God, how crazy are you guys, you don't even give us any scum!"

"What's the matter, it's awesome, it's really awesome, the labor and management thought they had a little hope of being able to line up, but they didn't even see the gate?"

"Nima's, it's crazy, 10 million sets are gone like this? Isn't it a real-name system? How can you grab it so fast, can you give me some way to survive? 39

"Oh, it's gone, it's gone, I'm going home, come earlier next time!!

Hearing the news that the game helmets were sold out, the people who were still lined up behind dozens of sales points wailed, all kinds of unbelievable voices rang out one after another, accompanied by many disappointed sighs.

But no matter how unwilling it is, the game helmets have already been sold out, and it doesn't make any sense for them to line up any more, so those people can only slowly disperse, hoping that the second batch of game helmets will be released as soon as possible.

The news that the first batch of 10 million game helmets were sold out in just half an hour immediately caused a heated discussion on the Internet.

"Fuck, it's so awesome, 10 million units were snapped up immediately!"

"How crazy is it? Can you grab it in an instant with real-name verification?"

"666, sure enough, 10 million sets can't satisfy the appetite of the players at all, and a 100 million sets is almost the same!"

"Haha, fortunately I didn't go to the queue, I knew I would definitely not be able to grab it!

"It's really awesome, don't they have to eat and sleep? Just for a gaming helmet?

On the Internet, a large number of netizens expressed all kinds of shock and amazement, as well as all kinds of ridicule and slander. For a time, the popularity of the game [Wanjiefengfeng] broke the original record again, reaching Unprecedented peak!

And this matter quickly spread to Europe, America, Japan and South Korea. Originally, Western countries have paid great attention to the sales of the game helmet [Battle of the Worlds]. After learning that 10 million sets of game helmets were sold out in an instant, People in Western countries have also begun to express various remarks on the Internet.

"Really or fake? Ten million sets were sold out in half an hour?"

"Omg, the people of Kyushu are so crazy, it's terrifying!

"Sheet, why are only Kyushu people able to buy it? Why doesn't Kyushu sell gaming helmets to other countries? 99

"That's right, is it true that after [Battle of the Worlds] comes out, only people from Kyushu will be able to play it? Can't you open an external server?""

・・Ask for flowers・

"Hehe, I see, the people of Kyushu just love to loot, maybe that game is just a trick to fool people, they also believe it!

"Alas...why did our country fail to develop a virtual game, all the limelight was taken away by Kyushu, damn it!!"5

In Europe and the United States, as well as in small countries such as the Japanese and Han countries, all kinds of comments of envy, jealousy and hatred have occupied the Internet popularity of these countries. At the same time, a large number of foreigners expressed their complete indifference in a sour tone. Obviously!

Obviously, most Western foreigners are still very envious of the fact that Kyushu has developed virtual games, especially those players who grabbed the first batch of game helmets, making them feel very jealous.

It's just that apart from envy, jealousy and hatred, they can't change all of this at all, let alone experience the game themselves, so they can only express their disdain in various sour tones.

Of course, in response to Kyushu's high-profile announcement that it had produced a virtual game, many experts and scholars who were not used to Kyushu jumped out at this time, trying to snatch Kyushu's popularity and suppress Kyushu's momentum.

"It's absurd, it's just absurd, you believe in such a thing, it's really an insult to IQ!"

"Joke, how can a virtual game be realized, Kyushu is simply sensationalizing!""

"Yes, virtual reality games are not realistic at all, this is impossible with current technology, Kyushu is fooling the public!!

"No matter from a technical perspective or from a practical point of view, virtual reality games are still immature. I don't believe that Kyushu can really develop and produce them. I hope the people of Kyushu can wake up a little and don't be deceived! 35

In this way, many experts and scholars have jumped out to comment, saying that virtual reality games do not exist and are impossible to achieve. These are all methods used by Kyushu to fool the public.

In a word, in order to suppress the black Kyushu, but also to show off the popularity, those experts and scholars are a little shameless!

However, in Kyushu, no matter what foreigners think, everything is progressing steadily!

Kyushu people even regard these remarks as envy, jealousy and hatred, and they don't care at all, but are quietly waiting for the official release of "Battle of the Worlds"!

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