At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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April 18th seemed like a very normal day.

But this day is a day that countless Kyushu people look forward to.

Because this day is the official release of the virtual reality game [Battle of the Worlds], and it is also the time to officially open the server, many people have been waiting for this day and can't wait. They speak on the Internet every day. Jie Zhengfeng] Let it out, especially those who have grabbed the game helmet, can't wait to enter the game to experience it right away.

On April 18, when the game was officially announced, countless people got up early, took care of everything, and quietly waited for the game to officially open.

This is not only the 10 million people who grabbed the game helmet, but also many people who follow the game news are eagerly looking forward to see what this virtual reality game is like.

"Seven Six Seven" As the time draws near, many players waiting with their helmets slowly become excited and nervous. After all, let alone them, even in the whole world, a virtual reality game appears for the first time. , and they have already fantasized about various scenarios after entering the game, so seeing that the time for the official release of the game is approaching, the excitement of those players can't be restrained.

At ten o'clock, several major game giants such as Haotian Group issued an announcement on the Internet on time, saying that the game [Brave of the World] has been officially released, and all players with game helmets can immediately enter the game and start the wonderful game. trip.

As soon as this announcement came out, the entire network seemed to pause for a second, and then various remarks came out like a rainstorm. A large number of netizens expressed their anxiety about waiting, and many players who had been waiting for several days did not Not much nonsense, immediately put on the helmet and began to enter the game.

In short, because of the official release of the game [Battle of the Worlds], the entire Kyushu was once again caught in a heated discussion.

Yanjing City, Chaoyang District, Wanyuan Community, in a certain set of commercial housing.

The area of ​​this commercial house is not large, with two bedrooms and one living room, it seems to be only 70 to 80 square meters, and the decoration is not luxurious, it can only be said to be average.

But considering that this place is within the Fourth Ring Road of Yanjing City, even if this house is not large, not everyone can afford it.

In the master bedroom, a thin young man was lying on the bed at this time, a beautiful game helmet was placed flat on the side, and the young man was staring at the clock opposite the bed with a serious face, not blinking his eyes. a bit.

This young man was the first person to buy a helmet in Tianji No. 1 Square. His name was Ye Wenhao. Both his parents died, and the house he lived in was the only legacy left by his parents.

Soon, when Marven Ye saw that the clock was about to turn to ten o'clock, he immediately shouted excitedly: "Haha, it's time, it's finally time, [Battle of the Worlds], the young master is here, haha!!

Excited, Ye Wenhao immediately pressed the start button of the helmet, and then put the game helmet directly on his head.

At this moment, like Ye Wenhao, a whole 10 million people put on their helmets almost simultaneously and started to enter the game.

After Marven Ye put on the helmet, his eyes darkened and his consciousness went into a trance for a moment, as if he had been sucked into an unfamiliar place.

At this time, Marven Ye couldn't open his eyes yet, because there was a strong pressure restricting him, making him understand that now is not the time to open his eyes.

And in his consciousness, a clip similar to a video suddenly began to play.

"Whoosh whoosh!!

The beginning of the clip is a magnificent scene. In front of Ye Wenhao, countless crossbow arrows are as dense as a torrential rain, shooting towards him angrily. At the same time, there are also terrifying words whistling and breaking the air, which makes Ye Wenhao suddenly agitated.


Marven Ye subconsciously wanted to scream out, but found that he couldn't speak at all.

Because Ye Wenhao was only consciously able to see this clip at this time, he couldn't do any dodging movements, he could only watch countless crossbow arrows pass through his body and shoot behind him.

At this time, Ye Wenhao realized that although he saw countless crossbow arrows flying towards him from his perspective, the target of the crossbow arrows was not him, but the birdmen behind him with wings on their backs. Moreover, Ye Wenhao didn't seem to exist, he could only see to the grand and terrifying battlefield, but it does not exist in the battlefield.

Countless crossbow arrows were shot down, and large swathes of birdmen immediately screamed, and then they were shot down into the air, making the entire huge battlefield look extremely tragic, completely like a one-sided slaughter.

As soon as the screen changed, Ye Wenhao seemed to have come to another place. Not far in front of him, a black-faced Taoist man wearing a dragon and tiger robe was hitting twenty-four egg-sized balls in front of him. In an instant, it rose against the wind, becoming more than ten feet in size, and then spun around and circled the blood-red text that had always been huge.

Then Qi Qi went to the middle to suppress..

The blood-red giant mosquito only had time to scream, and it was crushed to the ground in an instant.

This scene made Ye Wenhao stunned. At this moment, he was like being there, and he could fully feel how terrifying the breath of the black-faced Daoist was. Compared with it, he was as small as an ant, which scared Ye Wenhao quite a bit. for trembling.

However, without waiting for Ye Wenhao to think about it, the screen turned again, and Ye Wenhao suddenly came to the sky. On the opposite side of him, there were densely crowded and overwhelming figures madly killing him in his direction. The figures on the opposite side were all from Kyushu. He looked like, dressed in various armors, holding sharp weapons and crossbow arrows. The number of people was so large that it was impossible to see at a glance. The whole sky was densely covered, which directly refreshed Ye Wenhao's cognition and made him numb to numbers again.

Such a huge battlefield and such a terrifying number of soldiers, even if Ye Wenhao magnified the ancient battlefield he knew a hundred times, it would not be comparable to what he saw before him.

When countless figures rushed towards him frantically, Marven Ye found that behind him, there were also countless figures, but they all had one thing in common, that is, bald heads.


Marven Ye could only have these 4.3 questions in his heart.

The next moment, the armies of the two sides collided frantically. Various spells, magical powers, and tragic hand-to-hand fighting were staged one after another, allowing Ye Wenhao to intuitively face a tragic battle that he had never seen before. as if participating in person.

Next, before the end of the clip, there were also various bizarre wars, including magnificent and solemn golden Buddha statues, still pictures of time, bloody sacrifice scenes and phantoms of idols, etc., which made Ye Wenhao stunned. Scene after scene, in Marven Ye kept flashing before his eyes.

These grand and magnificent scenes, these terrifying images that refreshed the three views and cognition, coupled with Ye Wenhao's immersion, made him feel incomparably enthusiastic, and could not wait to join it immediately.

"This is what I want, this is the game I want, haha!!"

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