It is said to be a novice village, but it is not really a novice village!

The reason why the place where Ye Wenhao and others appeared was called the novice village subconsciously was just an habitual name, because it was called this way in previous games, and it was also regarded as a protected area for game novice players.

But the place where Ye Wenhao and the others appeared at this time was not a village, but a place similar to a town. It was many times larger than an ordinary village, and the facilities and buildings they had were completely different.

At this time, the huge square where Ye Wenhao and others were located was the central square of the town, and was also regarded as the place where novice players appeared.

After feeling the complicated shouts and the crowded crowd around him, Ye Wenhao's excitement did not decrease much. Compared with ordinary people, he naturally had his own unique thinking and actions.

Marven Ye squeezed open a passage with both hands, immediately left the central square, and walked outside.

Because Marven Ye knew that since this place is already in the game, he must race against time to find out the game, so as to be conducive to the future development.

For example, accepting quests, or exploring the surrounding environment, etc., all help players understand the game, so Ye Wenhao did not hesitate, and walked directly to the crowded place in the city to see what quests could be taken.

There are still many people who have the same thoughts as Ye Wenhao. They all walked out of the square in twos and threes, looking for the legendary NPC to take the quest, and then fight monsters to level up.

Behind Ye Wenhao, a man of five or three thick men said excitedly to the people next to him: "Haha, Lao Wu, I didn't expect that we were assigned to a novice village, this is really great, let's form a team together in the future!

This man is not only tall and thick, but his voice is not small, it is difficult for Ye Wenhao not to hear.

And the tall and thin man next to him responded with a smile: "That's a must, what is fate, this is fate, haha, it's definitely leverage for us to form a team together!!

"That's right, haha, let's go, let's hurry up, or we'll all be robbed~々!"

The man laughed loudly, and then the two quickly walked past Marven Ye.

Ye Wenhao shook his head amusingly, but he didn't care, because he had carefully read some of the information given by the game's official, although not much, but he understood that in this game, you won't be able to get ahead if you work hard. What is more important is chance. As long as the chance comes, the strength will surpass countless people. At that time, no matter how hard the ordinary players are, they will not be able to surpass them.

Therefore, Ye Wenhao does not pay much attention to the tasks of the so-called Novice Village. What he pays more attention to is the understanding and cognition of the entire game, as well as the development of the game system. A good development direction is certainly not difficult.

Thinking like this, Marven Ye came to the place where the novice tasks were posted.

It wasn't Ye Wenhao who knew the way, but in front of him, there were layers of players surrounded by them, all of them were accepting quests, so it was difficult for him to know.

"Fuck, so many people?"

Ye Wenhao was startled by the crowd in front of him, but then he reacted immediately, and immediately pushed forward desperately, trying to squeeze to the front to accept the task.

"Haha, I got it, I got it!"

"I got it too, haha, walk around, let's go out of town to fight monsters! 39

"Hurry up, let's go too, don't let others snatch all the wild monsters!

"Grass, don't crowd, can you line up?"

In the process of Marven Ye pushing forward desperately, some smug laughter after receiving the task, as well as all kinds of complaining shouts rang out from time to time beside him.

However, Ye Wenhao was not moved at all, he just pushed forward with all his heart, and soon, the clever Ye Wenhao successfully squeezed to the front.

In the center surrounded by countless players, it was not the white-haired old village chief as imagined, but a mighty and majestic middle-aged officer.

Marven Ye managed to squeeze in, and just after the last player who took the quest left, Marven Ye immediately stepped forward and asked, "Hello, how can I help you? 35

Ye Wenhao is very smart. He knows that since it is a virtual game, these NPCs should not be treated as virtual characters, but should be treated as normal people, even smart people who are much stronger than them, so Ye Wenhao did not dare to have the slightest bit of tone and attitude. disrespectful.

And the middle-aged officer looked at Marven Ye, nodded, and said in a business-like manner: "It happens that I have a mission here. Recently, many poisonous snakes have suddenly appeared outside the city. Can you help me remove these poisonous snakes?"

[Ding! The military lieutenant of Liangyi City has issued a task to you to remove poisonous snakes. Would you like to accept it?]

Just after the middle-aged officer finished asking, the system prompt sound immediately appeared in Ye Wenhao's mind.

Is that even a question? Marven Ye nodded decisively and said, "I do, I'm honored to serve you!"

[Ding, the mission was successfully accepted]

With Ye Wenhao's affirmative answer, this task is the next.

The middle-aged officer nodded towards Marven Ye again and said, "...very good, I'm waiting for your good news!"

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged officer ignored Ye Wenhao, apparently having completed the process of accepting the mission!

Ye Wenhao didn't care either, turned around and left, walking out while checking the tasks he received.

[Beginner task to clear poisonous snakes: Three days ago, a large number of poisonous snakes suddenly appeared in the woods outside Liangyi City, biting and injuring many people.

The task requires beheading ten poisonous snakes, there is no limit to the type, and you can complete the task by handing in ten snake galls!

A quest reward Basic Qi Jue! 】

The mission is very simple, Ye Wenhao read the mission introduction and requirements in a few seconds, and after seeing the mission reward, Ye Wenhao couldn't help but light up, knowing that this is a benefit for novice players, as long as you complete a simple mission, you can get a This basic practice Qi Jue, this is the starting point of the player's development.

But Ye Wenhao didn't rush to kill the poisonous snake right away, and (Zhao Wangzhao) went to other directions in the city, because he wanted to know more about the building distribution and regional division of this Liangyi City.

As the saying goes, sharpening knives does not fail to chop firewood. Only by clearly understanding the surrounding environment and the area where you live can you facilitate the player's actions later. Otherwise, it will take a long time to find a place, which will definitely take a lot of time.

Moreover, Ye Wenhao thought very clearly, since this novice task is arranged for every novice player, and it is all the same, it proves that this is an opportunity for novice players to acquire basic Qijue, and it is also a basic level for training players. Only after completing the task can the next action be taken. If the task is not completed and the basic Qi Jue is not obtained, it will definitely delay the next development.

Therefore, there would not be the problem of all the monsters being robbed. At most, it would be difficult to kill the poisonous snake, so Marven Ye didn't worry about this at all, but just wandered around in Liangyi City with peace of mind!

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