At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

844 Is this too weak? 【Subscription】

Liangyi City is huge!!

It was bigger than Marven Ye's imagination, and this was the impression he got after wandering around.

In fact, it is also shown on the map that Liangyi City is divided into six areas. The first is the inner city in the center of Liangyi City, which is the core area, and ordinary people cannot enter at all.

The second is the wealthy area where the rich live, where all the powerful people live, or some extremely powerful people.

Then there is the civilian area. As the name suggests, there is a gathering place for civilians, and almost all ordinary people are allocated in the civilian area.

In addition, the other three areas are the barracks, the trade area and the workshop area.

Needless to say, the military camp was the location of the garrison of Liangyi City, responsible for guarding the safety of Liangyi City and maintaining order in the city.

In the trade zone, there are also trading markets, auction houses and major shops, etc. As long as you want to buy and sell things, you can find them here to meet your requirements, provided that the things you sell are valuable enough, or you have enough money.

As for the last workshop area, there are not only many important workshops in Liangyi City, but also workshops established by various life professionals, such as blacksmithing workshops, talisman workshops and tailoring workshops.

It can be said that in addition to the core inner city and the two major residential areas, the other three areas have a very important role for players, and they will also be the places where players set foot the most in the future, including military camps.

Because of the existence of the military camp, there must be many military tasks, but the current novice players are not qualified to touch it!

Ye Wenhao studied the map carefully, and then spent about two hours to walk around the trade area and workshop area. He kept some important places, shops and workshops in his heart. At the same time, In the process of wandering, Ye Wenhao didn't really idle, but while wandering, he opened the game control panel, and carefully studied the various functions above, so as not to be a novice.

This is just a routine operation, and it is also the most basic thing for a veteran of the game.

After a careful study of various functions, Ye Wenhao found that at this stage, he can only use a few simple ones. One is to view his detailed information and status anytime, anywhere, the second is to form a team and chat functions, and the third is to view Various recorded information, such as combat information and status information, etc., the fourth is the map function, as long as it is the area you have explored, it will be displayed on the map, the rest is pitch black, the last one is the mission area, all missions are displayed in the task area.

In addition to these functions, the rest of the functions are in a gray state, indicating that they are not yet available, including the cultivation system. Obviously, this function can only be activated after obtaining the cultivation method.

And Ye Wenhao's personal information is shown as follows;

ID: Ye Haotian

Race: Kyushu people

Bloodline: none

Experience: 0

Skills: none

Arcane: none

Soul Power: 10

Courage: 8

Energy: 7

Divine Power: 6

Willpower: 3

Fortune: 2

Shouyuan: 60

Merit value: 0


Defense: 10

Health: 100

Spirit: 100

Satiety: 80%

This is Marven Ye's initial personal attribute table.

Among these attributes, the attributes of soul, soul, spirit, spirit, mind, blessing and longevity are innate attributes, which are formed according to the player's personal physical quality and cannot be changed, but can be improved through various means. The merit value, hunger, attack power, defense power, health value and spirit value represent acquired attributes.

Among them, soul power and courage are the two most basic attributes in a character. Soul is a person's spiritual power and six senses. The quicker the reaction; Po is the human body, which mainly affects the character's health, anti-drug index, strength and agility, and also slightly affects the recovery speed of the character's blood.

Energy affects the player's stamina and recovery speed of physical state. Divine power represents concentration, while willpower represents accuracy and Taoism attack power.

Fortune can be understood as the luck value of each player, which is related to whether the player can have or is a factor of chance.

Shouyuan represents lifespan. If the player does not have any improvement, they can only reach 60 years old and die naturally.

And merit value is a very important attribute, which is also an attribute that novice players cannot possess at present.

It is only necessary to understand the satiety degree. When you are full, the maximum value is 100%. If you do not eat for a long time, or you are fatigued and exercise, the satiety degree will be affected, and the satiety degree will decrease, and the satiety degree will drop to a certain level. After reaching a certain level, the player will become extremely weak, thus affecting all attributes, and only eating can remove it. Of course, when the cultivation base reaches a certain level and the player can inediate, the satiety level will no longer be displayed.

The attributes of attack power, defense power, health value and spirit value are basically the same for everyone, which is a very normal initial attribute.

Regarding the function and meaning of these attributes, Ye Wenhao only needs to condense his thoughts on the attributes, and he will naturally understand, without any explanation or hint.

Obviously, in reality, Ye Wenhao, who is thin and thin, has very weak initial attributes in the game. Seeing that, Ye Wenhao can only shake his head with a wry smile, but there is nothing he can do.

"This is too weak, isn't it? How can I kill monsters with my small body? Is it possible to find someone to form a team?"

Ye Wenhao looked at the row of attributes that he couldn't bear to look directly at, and he couldn't help but worry at this moment.

After thinking about it for a while, he sighed: "Hey, let's take a step by step, this game seems to be very grand now, and I should find my own chance!

"By the way, let's see what novice gift package is available!"

Thinking of this, Ye Wenhao immediately opened the personal package with his thoughts, and saw that the personal package was only a mere square size. It was displayed as a small bag on the outside, hung on the waist, and inside, as Ye Wenhao thought, there was a novice gift bag.

"Look what's there!

With a hint of curiosity, Marven Ye decisively opened the gift bag.

Then the gift package disappeared immediately, and three items appeared in his personal package, a rusty iron sword, a novice sackcloth robe, and three steamed buns.

Obviously, the so-called novice gift package is only to provide novice players with the most basic things. The iron sword must be an ordinary weapon, which is convenient for novice players to do tasks. The linen robe is the same, and the three buns should be Used to restore the player's hunger.

"Ah... this is too simple, right? Can this iron sword be used? Anyway, give me a sharper weapon, I'll wipe it!!

After seeing the three items in the novice gift package, Ye Wenhao not only complained in disappointment, but he couldn't help it, the appearance and existence of these three items were completely under Ye Wenhao's expectations, so he was not disappointed.

"Forget it, everyone is the same, the rusty sword is the rusty sword, it's not that it can't be used, haha, let's see the young master go out and kill monsters!!

Ye Wenhao is also considered an optimist. After he figured it out, he didn't care. He immediately cheered up and walked out of the city, ready to start killing monsters and upgrading, and then complete the task!

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