At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

845 I knew it wasn't that easy! 【Subscription】

[Rusty iron sword:

Attack power 2-5

The characteristic is tough. Don't look at the rusted sword, but it is very tough and difficult to damage. 】


Defense 1

The clothing of ordinary people is only used for body wrapping and is easily damaged. 】

【Steaming buns:

Recover a total of -20 health over ten seconds

Don't look at this is a very ordinary steamed bun, but it can save your life at a critical time. 】

These were the attributes of the three items in Marven Ye's personal package. They were very simple, but they were necessary items for novice players.

Especially those three buns, just like its introduction, can indeed save the player's life at a critical time, so Ye Wenhao didn't dare to use it easily.

Along the way, from the inside of the city to the outside of the city, in addition to various patrolling soldiers and NPCs, there are also a large number of novice players constantly pouring out, one can see that they are all eager to go to the wild to kill monsters.

Moreover, all kinds of excited discussions constantly entered Ye Wenhao's ears, allowing him to collect a lot of information.

During the time he was wandering around the city, many players had already completed the basic quests, obtained the basic Qijue training, and opened the training panel, thus walking ahead of many others.

It's just that Marven Ye is not worried or impatient, but intends to play steadily, take it slowly, and talk about the solid foundation.

Out of the city, it is even more crowded, there are players everywhere, doing everything.

Ye Wenhao didn't care about anything else and went straight to the mission location. Soon, he came to the forest outside the city, where a large number of poisonous snakes suddenly appeared.

At this time, in the forest, there are already many players killing wild monsters by various means. Of course, Ye Wenhao can see figures falling down from time to time, and then disappear into white light. That is the player who was killed. Performance.

Obviously, these poisonous snakes are the most basic monsters, but for many novice players, it is also a big problem. If you are not careful, you will be bitten, and then poisoned and killed, even if you eat buns, you can't save it.

As a result, Ye Wenhao became more vigilant. He looked at the figures of players everywhere, and didn't bother to fight for anything, but cautiously went deeper into the forest and slowly explored the past.

Of course, there are also many players who have the same thoughts as Ye Wenhao. After all, no one is a fool, and they all want to find a holy place for monsters that will not be disturbed.

Ye Wenhao did not form a team or compete with others, but instead found a place with as few people as possible.

During this process, Ye Wenhao also saw scenes of many players teaming up and cooperating. Some players were already very skilled in killing. Several people cooperated, some attracted the attention of the poisonous snake, and some were in charge of attacking, which was very neat.

"No wonder someone has already completed the task, it seems that it is more advantageous to form a team! 35

Seeing this, Marven Ye couldn't help but sigh.

But he did not have the idea of ​​forming a team, and instead accelerated the pace.

Soon, he found an area with relatively few people. As soon as he arrived here, Ye Wenhao heard the sparse and sparse voices of various poisonous snakes. At a glance, in the mountains and forests, in the cracks in the stones, on the trees, In the grass and other places, there may be a poisonous snake coiled, and there are various types of poisonous snakes, and there are everything.

Seeing this scene, Marven Ye also felt a little scalp numb, but he quickly stabilized his mind and comforted himself that these were just wild monsters, and there was no need to be afraid.

"Try it first! 35

Ye Wenhao took a step forward cautiously, and just approached within one meter of a five-step snake, the five-step snake immediately sensed it, immediately raised its triangular tongue, and swam towards Ye Wenhao with a letter.

"Grass, the sensing range is only one meter? 35

Ye Wenhao groaned, he didn't have time to think about it, before the five-step snake approached, he moved his feet, and moved quickly to the side of the five-step snake, holding an iron sword and slashing it down.


The iron sword hit the stone on the ground and made a crisp sound, but it did not hurt the five-step snake.

Because the speed of the five-step snake suddenly increased, and it was swimming like a Z-shape, Ye Wenhao's attack was directly missed.

"Grass, I knew it wasn't that easy!"

Ye Wenhao let out a strange cry, and hurriedly rolled to the side, dodging the mouth of the snake that was bitten by the five-step snake.

After standing up, Marven Ye not only felt a cold sweat, but felt a little helpless in his heart.

He knew that even the most common poisonous snakes and monsters were not so easy to kill, otherwise there would not be so many novice players flying directly back to their birthplaces.

As a result, Ye Wenhao also became serious and began to choose to slowly swim with the five-step snake, and observe the five-step snake's attacking habits.

"Death to my lord!!

Five minutes later, Marven Ye had gradually become familiar with the five-step snake's attacking habits, and then predicted the position and direction of the five-step snake's sudden acceleration, and cut it down with a single sword.


A blood-red number emerged from the five-step snake, and the five-step snake was directly divided into two sections by Ye Wenhao, struggling slightly and completely motionless.

"Huh...this is too easy!!"

Marven Ye took a long breath, looked at the two corpses of the five-step snake on the ground, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

It took him more than five minutes to kill a poisonous snake, which made Marven Ye feel that this game is really not that simple.

However, he was not injured, and he also gained something. This is the most important thing. Ye Wenhao immediately squatted down, cut open the body of the poisonous snake with an iron sword, and found a pale green snake gall.

"Haha, one more!"

Ye Wenhao happily put the snake gallbladder into the package. This is the proof for him to complete the task, and naturally he needs to put it away.

After collecting the snake gallbladder, Ye Wenhao rested for a few minutes before continuing to kill monsters.

In fact, as long as the poisonous snakes are common wild monsters, as long as they clearly observe their attack habits and have no fear, it is not difficult to kill a poisonous snake alone. Of course, it is easier to form a team to kill monsters.

After Ye Wenhao had the experience of beheading the first poisonous snake, he became more and more proficient in the following battles. From the first five minutes to solve the battle, it only took less than one minute to kill a poisonous snake, a tenth improvement. quick.

An hour later, Marven Ye successfully collected enough quest credentials.

"It's done, go back and hand in the task!"

Ye Wenhao put away the last snake gall, and then did not plan to stay here any longer, but chose to return to the town to hand in the task. After all, obtaining the basic Qi Jue is the most important thing at the moment.

Soon, Ye Wenhao returned to the middle-aged officer, handed over ten snake galls, and said, "Sir, the task has been completed, please check it!

After speaking, Marven Ye looked up at the middle-aged officer, his eyes full of fiery begging.

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