At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

847 This trick really works! 【Subscription】

Entering a forest with lush trees, Ye Wenhao quickly saw the piebald python, the target of mission one.

A piebald python was squatting on a tree the size of a basin, spewing huge long letters from time to time, and the snake was just like its name.

Ye Wenhao immediately activated the observation technique given by the system and looked at the piebald python.

Spotted python: a highly venomous jungle python, generally between 3 meters and 5 meters in length, likes to entangle on the trees.


Defense: 12

Health: 300

Spirit: 200

Skill 1. Python Strangulation: The piebald python uses its super long body to entangle the prey and strangle it hard, so that the prey slowly suffocates to death. Once it is entangled by the piebald python, unless its strength exceeds the piebald The giant python, otherwise it cannot break free.

Skill 2: Poison Mist Spray: The piebald python is highly poisonous and can spray a poisonous mist from its mouth.

After launching the observation technique, the information of the piebald python was immediately presented in front of Ye Wenhao.

This most basic observation technique is directly presented to the player after the player is born, in order to facilitate the player to observe the basic information of wild monsters and some things.

In addition to the observation technique, the system also presents the collection technique, which allows players to collect the corpses of wild monsters to collect various quest items.

When Marven Ye read the information and attributes of the piebald python, his face could not help but become extremely serious.

"Fuck, it's so strong? There are two more skills? How can you kill it? Isn't the young master delivering food?"

Marven Ye suddenly smiled wryly, and then complained fiercely.

To be honest, the strength of this piebald python is indeed a bit reluctant for Ye Wenhao, and the piebald python also has two powerful skills. As long as Ye Wenhao hits one of them, he doesn't need to say much, and he doesn't need to struggle, he can directly Back to the city, therefore, Marven Ye suddenly became tangled.

"Fuck, it's no wonder that the mission also rewards a fang dagger, it turns out that the difficulty is so high!

Marven Ye looked at the piebald python not far away, and only then did he understand why the first mission was rewarded with a fang dagger.

But now that he's here, Ye Wenhao naturally has no reason to give up, and since the reward for Mission 1 is so generous, he naturally wants to complete it.

"Let's try it first, if it doesn't work, let's talk about it. Now I'm on the second level of Qi training, and my attack power and health value have increased a bit. I should be able to break the defense, but be careful of its two skills! 35

Marven Ye muttered to himself, and immediately decided to take action.

Because after he upgraded the second level of Dao Qi and Qi training, his attack power changed from 1-5 to 5-10, plus the bonus of the iron sword was 7-15, and his health became 200 points.

In terms of Ye Wenhao's maximum attack limit, theoretically, it can break the defense of the piebald python, but if the strength is insufficient, it is difficult to say.

Marven Ye's eyes were firm, he clenched the iron sword in his hand, and slowly walked towards the piebald python.

Before that, he had observed that there was only that piebald python within a range of more than ten meters nearby, and even if they fought, it would not affect other wild monsters.

And as Ye Wenhao slowly approached the big tree where the piebald python was entrenched, the piebald python sitting on the tree raised the triangular piebald snake head with a big bowl mouth, a 20 cm tall snake. The long blood-red letter quickly vomited out, and two snake eyes the size of the tail finger fiercely stared at Ye Wenhao.

Marven Ye suddenly stopped: "Fuck, are you so alert?"

Marven Ye looked left and right, and found that not only the trees were denser on the right, but there were also several large rocks as tall as two people.

Ye Wenhao resolutely moved closer to the piebald python, and sure enough, the already alert piebald python immediately made a "hissing, hissing" sound, then the snake's head stretched out, its body twisted slightly, and it was on the tree trunk. He circled down a few times, and then headed straight towards Marven Ye.

Before the piebald python really got close, a foul stench hit his face, causing Ye Wenhao to vomit.

"Grass, this smell is also absolutely amazing, it seems that the poison of this giant python is not ordinary!

After Ye Wenhao smelled the stench, he immediately understood that it was caused by the highly poisonous piebald python, and it was the smell of the python.


Despite its huge body, the piebald python was as big as a football, and more than three meters long, but its speed was not slow. The huge triangular snake head bit directly towards Ye Wenhao.

Ye Wenhao had been waiting for a long time, and when he saw this, he immediately flashed to the side, and then his right hand holding the iron sword slashed at the piebald python, almost using the sword as a knife.

This blow condensed all of Ye Wenhao's strength!


Ye Wenhao's iron sword slashed on the snake's body, as if he had cut an old cowhide. It was very tough. Ye Wenhao pulled back with all his strength, and only then did a shallow wound on the snake's body.



Two damage values ​​immediately popped out of the python.

One is the damage caused by Ye Wenhao to the piebald python after breaking the defense, and the other is the bleeding damage. These two extremely slight numbers seem to be insignificant to the piebald python.

"Grass, it's so hard, even if the defense is broken, it will only do so little damage?"

After seeing the two damage values, Marven Ye couldn't help but want to curse.

780 Moreover, Ye Wenhao's actions also completely angered the piebald python. Under the pain, the piebald python made a neigh and immediately turned around and swam towards Ye Wenhao at a high speed, and both snake eyes became red.

However, Marven Ye was not only not afraid at this time, but hehe smiled and said: "Hey, angry? It's right to be angry!!"

He flashed directly to the right, and there was the real battlefield he had chosen.

The piebald python was extremely fast under its rage, but it was precisely because of this that after Ye Wenhao dodged to the limit, the piebald python had no time to react, and slammed into the boulder next to it.


With a muffled sound, the piebald python was also hit and dizzy, and for a while, it fainted in place.

"Haha, good chance, this trick really works!

Seeing this, Ye Wenhao was instantly overjoyed, jumped out of the side in a hurry, and stabbed the piebald python at the seven-inch position.

As the saying goes, hit a snake and hit seven inches. As long as it is a snake, it is absolutely not wrong to attack its seven inches.


With a muffled sound, the iron sword in Ye Wenhao's hand pierced directly into a depth of almost five centimeters.


A huge blood-red damage value instantly emerged from the piebald python, which also directly caused the piebald python to lose one-third of its HP.

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