Ye Wenhao succeeded with one blow, although his face was overjoyed, but he did not dare to be careless. At the same time that the blood-red damage value appeared, he immediately drew out the iron sword, and then the whole person suddenly rolled to the side twice, all of a sudden Hiding behind the boulder.

Marven Ye didn't even dare to pull the iron sword down as hard as before, because he would delay the opportunity for him to dodge, and some of the gains outweighed the losses.

Sure enough, just as Marven Ye expected, after suffering huge damage, the piebald python instantly woke up from the dizziness, and then went berserk.


The piebald python let out a frantic neigh in pain, then immediately opened its bloody snake mouth and bit down hard towards Marven Ye's original position.


The bloody giant mouth slammed together, and with a click, only bit the air.

Marven Ye happened to hide behind the boulder just now, and it can be said that there is no difference. Once he is greedy for more damage, he will definitely be bitten.

"Fuck, it's too thrilling, fortunately, the young master is not greedy for knives!!"

Seeing the scene of the piebald python's anger biting, Ye Wenhao was so scared that he wiped his cold sweat and felt very fortunate in his heart.

Sure enough, as he expected, the piebald python would definitely fight back with hatred immediately when it suffered huge damage, so this was also the reason why Marven Ye diddge decisively.

Obviously, Marven Ye guessed right, and just avoided the fatal blow!

Naturally, the piebald python that only bit the air would not be reconciled. It immediately stared at bloody eyes, twisted its body slightly, and swam towards Ye Wenhao behind the boulder.

At this moment, the head of this piebald python was raised high, and its abdomen was slightly bulging. The body more than three meters long swam very quickly, and immediately went around the side of the boulder.

Ye Wenhao was not at all careless in the first place, his eyes kept staring at the piebald python. When he saw the piebald python, he immediately remembered its second skill, Poison Mist Spray.

"Fuck, what's the trick? I'm sorry!! 99

Ye Wenhao screamed out of fear, but his feet moved faster than his brain's instructions, and subconsciously kicked the ground violently, and then he bounced to the other side of the boulder with a swoosh.

That's not all, after Marven Ye landed, he rolled twice and immediately left the boulder area.

At this time, the piebald python just looked forward to its head, the snake mouth opened, and a light green poisonous mist shot straight towards Ye Wenhao's original position.


The poisonous mist didn't look like a fog, but the speed was not slow. The moment Ye Wenhao just bounced off, it was sprayed onto the ground, and then the light green poisonous mist immediately corroded the ground, letting the poison "Zizi" white smoke appeared in the area covered by the fog, making Ye Wenhao's eyelids twitch.

"Mass, it's really poisonous, if the young master is a little slower, it is estimated that there will only be a skeleton left?

Ye Wenhao was half-squatting on the ground, looking at the poisonous mist that had corroded even the boulders, he was suddenly dripping with cold sweat, and at the same time his eyes at the piebald python became fierce.

He stood up abruptly, and while killing the piebald python, he said viciously: "Gan, you want to kill the young master? The young master will kill you first beast!! 35

Obviously, Ye Wenhao was also provoked, and he had not yet captured a mere piebald python, which made Ye Wenhao very unhappy, and the hostility in his heart was instantly aroused.


The iron sword slashed fiercely on the piebald python, and once again drew a shallow wound, causing single-digit damage to the piebald python.

But Ye Wenhao didn't care at all. Since his attack power was only enough to break defenses, he planned to grind this piebald python to death. Moreover, he already knew the weak point of the piebald python. As long as he found a chance, He will definitely grasp it, and then kill the piebald python.

Of course, Ye Wenhao also maintained the highest vigilance at all times to avoid being hit by the two powerful and deadly skills of the piebald python.

And the piebald python has long regarded Ye Wenhao as an enemy of life and death, and it is the kind of endless death, so naturally it will not retreat, and immediately fights with Ye Wenhao.

"Ding Ding Ding!!


The iron swords in Ye Wenhao's hand kept gathering, stabbing or slashing, and when they hit the piebald python, it made a crisp and dull sound.

The crisp sound is because Ye Wenhao's iron sword can't break the defense, stabbing on the piebald python is like stabbing the iron plate, and it can only forcefully cause a little damage, while the dull sound is that Ye Wenhao caused a slight damage to the piebald python. The bigger damage left a few shallow scars on the python.


"Bang bang bang!!

The piebald python was naturally furious, not only madly attacking Ye Wenhao, but at the same time it kept making a neigh, and its huge body slammed against boulders or trees from time to time, making a loud noise.

During this period, Ye Wenhao took advantage of the terrain to successfully stab the iron sword into the seven inches of the piebald python again, causing another 100 points of damage, which instantly dropped the piebald python's health to less than 60 points. , is in jeopardy.

However, the piebald python at this time is the most dangerous time, because the beasts that are dying are crazy, and the piebald python is no exception. After it was injured almost fatally, it went completely crazy. The huge snake tail flicked violently on the ground, and the entire body more than three meters long rose into the air and swept towards Ye Wenhao.

What the hell, desperately this is it??"

Ye Wenhao's complexion changed dramatically in an instant, and it was obvious that the piebald python wanted to use his first skill, the python to strangle, but he had already expected this situation, so although he was not panicked, he did not retreat. Jin, suddenly rushed towards the piebald python.

However, when Marven Ye rushed towards the piebald python, he suddenly dipped halfway and knelt down on both knees. The whole person changed into a dashing method of sliding and kneeling, and at the same time he held up his sword (Zhao Qian's) high.


Because the piebald python swept in from the sky, it wanted to wrap the three-meter-long body around Ye Wenhao, but because Ye Wenhao suddenly changed into a dashing method of sliding and kneeling, the piebald python couldn't react in time, and went straight to Chun flew over from Marven Ye's head.

However, it was the iron sword in Ye Wenhao's hand that greeted the piebald python. It was completely conceivable that the scene was where Ye Wenhao slipped on his knees, the iron sword was held high above his head, and the piebald python flew violently. Therefore, Ye Wenhao's iron sword instantly opened a long wound under the piebald python's abdomen, and blood spurted out instantly.


The piebald python did not expect such a change, and before it fell to the ground, it had already let out a feeble howl and neigh.


The blood sprayed, and the huge body of the piebald python suddenly fell to the ground, and then completely lost its vitality.

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