At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

850 What do the three brothers think? 【Subscription】

For Ji Han's various miraculous methods, Ying Zheng and the four were deeply impressed and shocked at the same time.

Who would have thought that the fleshly body condensed by the power of the heavenly way has the characteristics of immortality and immortality, and it can also have unlimited potential.

If nothing else, just talking about these two characteristics is enough to make Ying Zheng and the others pay attention to those Blue Star players.

Ying Zheng thought about it, and then asked the three of Cao Cao around him: "What do you think, three brothers?

For this matter, the four of them naturally have to unify their opinions. After all, this is also one of the plans that Immortal Master Ji Han came up with for them. It must have only advantages and no disadvantages.

Cao Cao had already had an idea, and he said softly: "In my opinion, these aliens are really amazing, their characteristics and potential are extraordinary, and it is not too much to say that our soldiers are definitely far inferior to them, although Their strength is low now, but it may not take long for them to grow up quickly, presumably this is exactly what Mr.

Therefore, I think that we need to give those aliens some convenience and help as much as possible, and help them grow up quickly without interfering with them as much as possible!"

"That's right, I think so too!" Li Shimin immediately replied: "Now it seems that what Mr. means is that he wants to use the environment of the Yanhuang Immortal Region to help those aliens grow rapidly, so as to help us defend against foreign enemies, so we Indeed, we should try our best to give them some convenience and help."5

"I don't think we need to be too concerned about this. Since this is arranged by Mr., Mr. must have his own plan. We only need to provide some help, and we don't need to interfere too much. When we need to interfere, Mr. will definitely Explain to us!"

Zhu Youjian considered it for a while, and then expressed his opinion.

Obviously, in the general direction, the opinions of the four Ying Zheng are basically the same, and after listening to Zhu Youjian's opinions, Ying Zheng and the others also nodded in agreement.

"That's fine, let's do it this way. We don't need to interfere too much in the early stage, and we can provide them with some benefits and help to a certain extent. Of course, we have to keep an eye on their situation and progress. What do the three brothers think?

Ying Zheng summed it up, and then asked Cao Cao for their opinions.


Naturally, the three of Cao Cao nodded their heads in agreement.

In a flash, five days passed quietly in the game.

[Battle of the Worlds] The time of this game is not equal to the real Blue Star time, but is converted according to the ratio of 10:1, that is to say, after ten days in the game, the real Blue Star time It's only been a day since the star.

Of course, [Battle of the Worlds] does not allow players to wait for ten days before going offline. According to the game settings, players can only go online for a maximum of five days each time they log in, which is half a day in reality. If you stay in the game 24 hours a day, it will also have a great impact on the player's body, so this is not allowed, and this is also for the player's physical consideration.

After staying in the game for five days, Marven Ye reluctantly went offline and returned to reality.

Because in [Battle of the Worlds], Ye Wenhao is full of energy and motivation. He has been killing monsters and doing tasks all the time, and constantly working hard to improve his strength. Before he goes offline, his strength has been successful. After being promoted to the sixth level of Qi training, not to mention walking in front of all players, at least in the middle and upper reaches!

And in the five days of game time, Ye Wenhao not only improved his strength by several levels, but also learned some superficial spells, such as the simplest fireball technique, rejuvenation technique and palm thunder.

These three are the simplest spells, and they are also spells that players can learn after reaching the third level of Qi practice.

However, learning it does not mean how powerful the power is. Even these most basic spells, their power is proportional to the cultivation base and the mana. .

Take Palm Thunder as an example. In fact, Palm Thunder is not small at all. Many people in the Foundation Establishment Stage or the Golden Core Stage are still using it all the time. It is especially useful for some demons and evil spirits. Fight monsters and monsters.

The reason for this is because those monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage or Jindan Stage Realm have their own cultivation support, and the palm thunder they emit can reach the thickness of the mouth of a bowl, or even the size of a sea bowl, and the power is very impressive.

But if it is used with Ye Wenhao's current cultivation, the thunder and lightning will be like a small table tennis ball at best, and it will not have much effect at all.

・・For flowers...  

The fireball technique and the rejuvenation technique are also the same. Only after Ye Wenhao's cultivation level has improved, the power of these spells will gradually appear.

It can be said that those three spells and the sixth-level Qi practice are Ye Wenhao's biggest gains in the past five days!

After Marven Ye got off the assembly line, he slowly opened his eyes, and then saw the ceiling that he was familiar with, got up and looked at the room he was familiar with.

But after seeing this room, Ye Wenhao seemed to be in a trance, and he almost couldn't recognize the difference between virtual and reality.

"Grass, I've been in the game for a long time, and I can't tell which is the reality when I come out!!"


Marven Ye complained secretly, then shook his head fiercely, and finally woke up.

Ye Wenhao didn't know. In fact, this was the first time that most players came into contact with virtual games, but it was not serious. It would not appear after logging in many times later.

After waking up, Marven Ye rolled over and got out of bed excitedly, and then said to himself: "Haha, cool, it's really cool, it really is a game that claims to be 100% virtual reality, it's not too much praise, Haha, the young master has now reached the sixth level of Qi training, I don't know if he is behind!

"Hey, if it wasn't for the game forcing the young master to go offline, the young master would have to spend a few more days! 35

"But it's not bad. In five days, I have basically figured out the mode of this game. It is indeed an immortal game. The spell effects and wild monsters are really unforgettable, haha!!

While Ye Wenhao was talking to himself excitedly, he skillfully opened the refrigerator and prepared to treat his temple with five internal organs. After all, he had been hungry for a long time, and his stomach was already flat.

When I was in the game, I didn't think that it was because there were recovery items in the game, which kept Ye Wenhao in a good state, but as soon as he came out in reality, he couldn't help it, and he had to eat something right away.

Not only Ye Wenhao, but also the first batch of players who went offline. Immediately after they went offline, they felt their chests were sticking to their backs.

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