At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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After more than half an hour, Marven Ye quickly solved the hunger problem.

"Huh...I'm finally full, the feeling of hunger is really bad!!

After Marven Ye was full, he couldn't help taking a long breath, looking very satisfied.

With his full stomach, Ye Wenhao didn't have any thoughts at this time, he just wanted to sit quietly and digest food.

Because according to the settings of the game [Battle of the Worlds], the time limit for each login to the game is five days. If you stay in the game for five days before going offline, you must wait six hours before you can log in again. The login was online, so Marven Ye couldn't log in to the game at this time, and he had to wait another five hours.

Thinking of the game, Ye Wenhao thought to himself and said to himself: "In five days, I will practice the sixth level of Qi, and I don't know how long it will take to reach the Foundation Establishment Stage. To be promoted to the Foundation Establishment stage, there must be other conditions!"

After fighting for five days in [Battle of the Worlds], Ye Wenhao also has a little understanding of the situation in Yanhuang Xianyu, and he is naturally clear about their cultivation system. At least Ye Wenhao understands that after the Qi training period is the foundation building period, but As for the conditions for promotion to the Foundation Establishment Stage, Ye Wenhao is still not clear, just guessing.

"Hey, it would be great if the speed of improvement in reality was as fast as in the game, then it won't take long for the young master to fly to the sky, haha!!"

Thinking about it, Ye Wenhao began to think of the cultivation situation in reality, and even couldn't help fantasizing about it, wishing that his strength in reality could be improved just like in the game, like a rocket, he could be promoted after experience.

It's just that Marven Ye knows that games are games, and reality is reality, which are incompatible and impossible to connect.

However, when Marven Ye thought of this, even though he knew it was unrealistic, he still subconsciously activated the Qi training in his body.


It's okay if it doesn't work. With this exercise, Ye Wenhao's eyes widened in an instant. His whole body was like a spring, and he jumped up from the chair in shock.

"This...this this...this is impossible, what's going on?"

Ye Wenhao had long lost the excited look he had before, and his whole person seemed to be frightened, and he began to stutter when he spoke.

Because just when Ye Wenhao was subconsciously running the cultivation techniques in his body, Ye Wenhao suddenly found in horror that his cultivation in reality had improved a lot, and he had directly broken through the bottleneck that was difficult to break through in the past, from the second level of Qi training to the Qi practice three layers.

You must know that Ye Wenhao has been on the second level of Qi training for almost three months, and he was unable to break through to the third level of Qi training because he always felt that he was a little bit worse. It takes more than half a month of hard work to truly complete the breakthrough.

Ye Wenhao, like the majority of the people in Kyushu, cultivates the official high-level Qi Jue, but Ye Wenhao does not seem to have too high talent and aptitude. He has only practiced the second level of Qi for more than half a year, so Ye Wenhao's own cultivation status That is quite clear, quite understandable.

But now he suddenly broke through the bottleneck inexplicably and entered the realm of the third level of qi training, which made Ye Wenhao very shocked and inexplicable.

Marven Ye's face was full of disbelief, he suddenly patted his head fiercely, and then whispered: "Could it be that I've been in the game for a long time, I'm a little uncomfortable, and I have hallucinations?"

Until now, Marven Ye didn't seem to really believe that he had broken through to the third level of Qi training.

Although in the game, he, Ye Wenhao, was already at the sixth level of Qi training, but how can the game compare to reality.

Just before Ye Wenhao returned to reality from the game, he felt hungry for the first time, and all his mind and attention were focused on filling his stomach, so he did not immediately notice the change in himself.

It was not until he subconsciously operated the cultivation technique that he realized that he was already a cultivator of the third level of Qi practice!

"No, I'll try again, this is not a joke, it must be figured out!!"

At this time, all kinds of complicated thoughts flashed in Ye Wenhao's mind, but they were immediately suppressed by him, because he didn't want to make any conclusions before it was determined.

Ye Wenhao went straight back to the bed, sat down with his knees crossed, held his breath, and then began to seriously operate the Qi Qijue he had learned.

One day...two days...nine days...

After a full quarter of an hour, Marven Ye slowly opened his eyes.

This time, he didn't stop at all, and ran nine Great Zhoutians directly before slowly stopping.

At this time, Ye Wenhao was full of shock, and at the same time, his eyes were full of unspeakable ecstasy, because he had confirmed that he had indeed broken through to the third level of qi training. fact.

"Haha, I made a breakthrough, I really made a breakthrough, and I actually made a breakthrough. What a surprise, right??"

Marven Ye was full of ecstasy at this time, all thoughts were thrown aside, and only the joy after the strength was improved in his heart.

Ye Wenhao really didn't expect that after only half a day, he just entered the game, but he didn't expect that after he came out, he made a breakthrough inexplicably.

"What the hell is going on here? How did it break through inexplicably?"

After the ecstasy, followed by the full of doubts.

Marven Ye couldn't understand how he broke through.

Because he didn't have any feeling of breakthrough, if it wasn't for running the exercises, he hadn't even discovered his breakthrough.

Marven Ye thought a lot and thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't think of a really suitable answer for 4.3.

"It stands to reason that only half a day has passed in reality, and it is impossible for me to break through no matter what, but five days have passed in the game. The cultivation base in the game can be brought back to reality to help players improve their strength in reality??

Thinking of the end, Ye Wenhao suddenly thought of the cultivation situation in the game, and then he was so blessed that he immediately realized that the game was the key, otherwise how could he have made a breakthrough!

It doesn't matter if you think about it like this, Ye Wenhao's thoughts are like a flood that has opened the gate, and as soon as it goes out of control, all kinds of related thoughts can't stop popping up, and he even thinks of the real truth.

Marven Ye didn't know, his guess was already very close to the truth!!.

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