At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

852 detailed test report! 【Subscription】

When he thought that his last thought might be the truth, Marven Ye was stunned.

"No way? Is it possible? This... what game is this??"

The more Marven Ye thought about it, the more terrifying he felt. The whole person was shocked by this incredible information and felt very incredible.

He didn't want to believe it was true, and kept asking himself, but there seemed to be a voice in his heart telling him that this is the truth, this is the truth.

Gradually, the voice from the bottom of his heart completely took over the upper hand, allowing Marven Ye to calm down and slowly accept his conjecture.

Ye Wenhao sat on the bed dumbfounded, and muttered to himself: "If my guess is correct, then this [Battle of the Worlds] game is a little scary, and it is possible to get the rewards obtained in the game. The strength is brought back to reality, although not all of it, but it is too terrifying, it is more incredible than any miracle, how is this achieved?

"The officials suddenly started planning to make this game more than a month ago. Did they already know the secret of 11 stories?"

"How does the official have such a technology? Does every player have such an opportunity? It seems that it may not be long before everyone in Kyushu will be able to fly to the ground?"

At this moment, too many thoughts flashed through Marven Ye's mind, including curiosity, doubt, shock, and association.

In a word, although Marven Ye was not completely sure that his guess was correct, it was a fact that his cultivation had improved, which made him even more looking forward to entering the game next time.

At the same time, not only Ye Wenhao alone, but among the first batch of players who went offline, many of them immediately discovered their own changes, and found that their strength in reality suddenly increased a lot for no reason, and many even broke through. original boundary.

"Damn it, labor and capital actually broke through? What's going on? Why is this happening?"

"Mom, how did my cultivation level improve? Isn't that right?"

"Damn, what's the situation? Playing a game can also improve the strength in reality? Impossible, right?"

"Oh my God, it's unbelievable, it's unbelievable, is this true? My strength has increased so much! 35

"Am I hallucinating? What's wrong? Is it possible that games can still affect reality?

When more and more people found that their strength had been greatly improved, they screamed in shock or horror. They couldn't believe it was true, and they didn't know what happened. Let the strength be improved.

Faced with such a strange situation, many people couldn't help asking on the Internet, wanting to see if they were an exception or if everyone was the same.

At this time, in the Yanjing Military Region, an extremely important test with a large number of people was underway.

On a huge playground in the Yanjing Military Region, a crowd of more than 1,000 people gathered at this time.

Among these groups, there are experts and scholars in white coats, officers in military uniforms at all levels, senior executives in suits and leather shoes, some bigwigs in civilian clothes, and a thousand ordinary soldiers.

It is obviously very important that so many people from different industries gather here.

That's right, the reason why Lin Mushan's big bosses also came to the scene is because they are about to conduct a test that is related to the future of Kyushu, that is, the strength improvement test.

The so-called strength improvement test is to test how much a player's strength has improved after returning to reality from the game, and what is the proportion.

This is very important, so it has attracted the extreme attention of many high-level officials in Kyushu.

After receiving the notice, Lin Mushan's senior leaders resolutely put down everything at hand and came here.

And the thousand ordinary soldiers are the players who just came out of [Battle of Ten Thousand Realms] not long ago, and they all spent five days in the game.

After coming out of the game, those soldiers immediately noticed their own changes, so they reported it immediately, and this was the only way to have this important test.

They are a group of elites specially selected by the Kyushu military department, and the military department also reserved a batch of game helmets for them, the purpose is to verify the core truth of the game [Battle of the Worlds].

Don't look at Ji Han, it seems that he didn't say anything, but which of these big bosses like Lin Mushan is not a human being? Even if they can't guess the specific things, they can guess something, so they did it. So arranged.

After all, they put the game helmets on the market, and it is not too simple to reserve a batch.

Therefore, ordinary people do not know that the first batch of game helmets is not 10 million sets, but 101,000 sets, and the Kyushu military has prepared 10,000 game helmets.

This time, there are only a thousand soldiers who have entered the game. With these thousand soldiers participating in the test, the specific parameters and results can basically be obtained.

Lin Mushan and the others were standing on the high platform on the side of the playground at this time. He looked at it and ordered softly, "Let's start!"

"Yes, Mr. Lin!"

A lieutenant general next to him and the person in charge of the test immediately nodded.

Following Lin Mushan's order, a detailed test of a thousand soldiers began.

The test is divided into ten groups to be carried out at the same time, that is to say, ten soldiers will start the test at the same time each time. There are many staff members around the test area, who are responsible for recording the detailed strength of each soldier, such as strength, Items such as speed, explosive power, bouncing power, mana and cultivation realm have been refined to almost every aspect.

The playground of the Yanjing Military Region is very spacious, enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people to gather at the same time. At this time, only 1,000 soldiers are testing, and it is completely spacious.

As time goes by, soldiers enter the test area continuously to test items such as strength and speed.

These soldiers were exposed to cultivation techniques earlier than ordinary people, so their cultivation was naturally much stronger than that of ordinary people. They generally reached the fifth level of Qi training, and some even reached the sixth and seventh levels.

Of course, their strength gains in the game are also stronger than ordinary players, so naturally more strengths are brought back to reality.

The speed of the test is neither fast nor slow, but at a steady pace.

After more than two hours, the thousand soldiers were all tested and dispersed.

And Xie Tianhua, who was in charge of the test, spent more than ten minutes summarizing all the test parameters and information, and then came to Lin Mushan and the others again, ready to report the test results in detail.

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