At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

853 Mysterious means! 【Subscription】

When Lin Mushan and others saw Xie Tianhua coming with the thick test results, they immediately took the initiative to take a few steps forward, wanting to know the test results immediately.

From this, it can be seen that the urgency in the hearts of big bosses such as Lin Mushan is also evident.

"Tianhua, how is it, is the result out?"

Lin Mushan waited for Xie Tianhua to approach, with a look of anticipation on his face, and immediately took the initiative to ask.

Xie Tianhua nodded with a smile and replied: "Lin Lao, the test results have come out, they are all here, have you seen them?

"Hey, you don't need to look at it, can I still trust you?" Lin Mushan waved his hand to refuse, and then ordered: "You can hand over these detailed test data to the relevant personnel to save later, and now you can tell us directly Tell me about the test results, I want you to summarize the results!""

Lin Mushan is very clear that, with Xie Tianhua's rigorous attitude, he wants to hear the aggregated big data, not the detailed data of the individual, compared to the final test results.

The high-level military officers and other bosses on the side also stared at Xie Tianhua, with strong expectations and curiosity in their expressions.

As for the changes of the 10,000 soldiers in the army, in fact, those senior officers in the army received the notification immediately and knew that each soldier had gained a lot of strength, but the specific improvement can only be known after testing. .

Xie Tianhua knew the urgency of these bigwigs in front of him, he smiled, and at the same time took a deep breath to suppress the horror in his heart, and then replied: "Lin Lao, Tang Lao, and the leaders, after the thousand After conducting rigorous tests with each soldier, and after summarizing and analyzing the test results of each soldier, we have come to a conclusion that the strength in this game [Battle of the Worlds] can indeed be brought back to reality. Come on, as long as the strength in the game exceeds that in reality, it can lead to an increase in strength in reality, and this rate of increase is 10%, which is 10%, which is the case for almost every soldier!~々!"

When Xie Tianhua said this terrifying result that was enough to detonate the whole world, everyone present, including Lin Mushan and these bigwigs, couldn't help but their faces changed dramatically, and then they were full of ecstasy.

"What? Tianhua, are you sure? Can the strength in the game really be brought back to reality?'

"Hi...really? Is this true? Mr. Ji actually prepared such a big gift for us in Kyushu?"

"Haha, ok, ok, I didn't expect to improve the strength in the game, the strength in reality can also be driven to improve, this is really great!!

"That's right, God bless us Kyushu, this is simply the biggest miracle in our Kyushu, worthy of being Mr. Ji, the moment he made a move, he was a shocker, haha!! 35

"Yes, yes, even if this ratio is only 10%, it is already very amazing, God, so this is the real intention of Mr. Ji!! 99

Everyone was horrified by the result that was enough to set off a storm of terror all over the world, and they all exclaimed, even Lin Mushan and other bigwigs were shocked. There will be such a terrifying effect, and I didn't expect that Ji Han's real intention was actually this.

Lin Mushan and the others could even imagine how much turmoil and shock it would cause when the news spread throughout the country, or even around the world.

However, such a shocking benefit was only enjoyed by the people of Kyushu. When they thought of this, Lin Mushan and the others were overjoyed and burst into laughter.

Such a huge surprise, such an exciting result, really made Lin Mushan and others feel an unparalleled impact!

It can be said that this matter, this result, is more shocking than any miracle they have seen before, because before this, it was something they could not imagine in their dreams, and this kind of thing was only possible. appear in the novel.

Lin Mushan thought of Ji Han who had been silently guarding Kyushu in Dongshan City, and his admiration and worship reached the peak, and he sighed softly: "As expected of Mr. Ji, such an amazing method, such a shocking technique, when I am lucky in Kyushu!!

At this moment, Lin Mushan is very fortunate. He is fortunate that Ji Han is from Kyushu and not an enemy. He is fortunate that he got to know Ji Han so early. He is fortunate that he has put his attitude right at the beginning, that he did not anger Ji Han, and that he also won Ji Han's favor. Favored, and fortunate that Ji Han can bring them all kinds of help and improvement in Kyushu.

It can be said that without Ji Han, they would not have such a status in Kyushu today, nor would there be those technologies, exercises, and resources that would allow Kyushu to upgrade to a higher level.

Before today, in fact, Lin Mushan didn't know why Ji Han had to specifically ask them to make such a game. Now Lin Mushan knows that Ji Han is paving the way for all Kyushu, thinking about all Kyushu people, wanting Kyushu People quickly increased their strength, thus allowing Kyushu to truly rise completely.

Lieutenant General Luo Haorong next to him also echoed: "Yeah, without Mr. Ji, our Kyushu would not be where we are today, and there will be no such thing that is enough to change the entire country and enhance the overall national strength!!

"That's not it, Mr. Ji is really a genius!"

"Yes, yes, all this is thanks to Mr. Ji. Without Mr. Ji, there would be no today!"

"I didn't expect Mr. Ji to have such a mysterious and unpredictable method to connect the virtual with the reality, which is simply unheard of, unseen!

"That's right, with this technology and this game, all of us in Kyushu will soon be able to improve their strength, haha!! 35

The high-level people next to them also touted Ji Han, and (Zhao Qian's) directly regarded Ji Han as pure as a god.

If it is not a god, how can there be such a mysterious method?

This kind of technology, let alone the next hundred years, Lin Mushan and others believe that even if the technology develops for another two hundred years, it may not be able to achieve such a result, but Ji Han arranged it casually.

This kind of means, this kind of arrangement, even the big bosses like Lin Mushan can't figure out and understand, they can only feel deeply in awe, and the shock in their hearts can't be calmed down for a long time, and their admiration and worship reach the peak.

After a while, Lin Mushan said solemnly:

"This is the most important weapon of the country. It is related to the future national strength of our Kyushu and the strength of all people. It is the top priority and must not be lost. This is not just a game, but the capital of our Kyushu's rise. Please pay attention to it, and make all arrangements and preparations, don't be careless!!

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