At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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At this moment, Lin Mushan looked extremely serious and solemn, and his body also exuded great majesty and aura, while speaking, he slowly scanned the crowd.

"Don't worry, Elder Lin, we understand!"

"Yes, yes, this game is related to the future of our Kyushu, how dare we ignore it!

"That's right, don't worry, Elder Lin, there will be no problem!

"Old Lin, we know what to do even if you don't say anything, don't worry! 39

The people around immediately understood what Lin Mushan meant and spoke out one after another.

They all know very well that since the game [Battle of the Worlds] can bring strength from the game back to reality, it means that it may not take long for them to emerge a large number of masters of immortality in Kyushu. The improvement of their national strength is extremely huge and extremely important, so they must pay attention to it.

And now that they know the effect of the game [Battle of the Worlds], whether they will continue to put game helmets in the future, how to put them in, whether to keep this matter a secret, etc., they all need their Kyushu executives to carry out a detailed analysis. To discuss, you still need to ask Ji Han for instructions.

Therefore, Lin Mushan and the others did not stay here long, and left in a hurry with the test report. They need to inform every senior management of Kyushu about this, so that they can know what to do.


At the same time, at this time on the Kyushu network, some news about the improvement of his own strength also began to be released slowly.

It started with a post on the game forum called "On the Connection Between Games and Reality". In this post, the author briefly introduced his own changes and made some speculations. The original text is as follows:

[I am one of 10 million players, I was lucky enough to grab a game helmet, and then I entered the game with great interest at the first time.

The various settings in the game, the realistic environment and the rapid increase in strength all fascinated me, and I fell deeply into it and couldn't extricate myself.

I will not describe the game process. After staying in the game for five days, I was forced to go offline. After I went offline, I suddenly found that my strength has been greatly improved, and I have broken through the original The realm, reaching the fourth level of Qi training, is simply incredible.

I was immediately stunned. The whole person was stunned by this huge surprise. I don't know how this was done. Yes, I have only logged into the game for half a day, but the breakthrough has been directly completed, which makes me almost unbelievable.

I thought about it, but couldn't come up with a good explanation. In the end, I thought about the game. I felt that my breakthrough in strength was related to the game. It is very likely that the strength in the game was brought back to reality. Although this is a bit unbelievable, It's even a fantasy, but it's the only result I can think of.

I also know that this idea may be a bit outrageous, so I just wanted to ask other players, do you have this situation? Is it the same as me? Or is it just me?

If there is a similar situation, please let me know, thank you very much!! 】

When this post first appeared, it was not very conspicuous, but after some sharp-eyed and careful netizens discovered and read the content, they immediately seemed to have discovered the new continent, especially those players who had the same situation, they discovered that, It turns out that it is not only me that is like this, but other people are also like this.

For a time, a large number of netizens and players began to leave comments below the post.

[Girl's Little Match]: Damn, are you writing a novel, landlord? Or are you talking about strange things? How is this possible? Just kidding!

[yeao@naiwohe]: Damn it, the landlord is like this too? Me too, I just found out from the game, and my strength has improved a lot, what's going on?

[Little World]: Grass, I thought I was the only one who was like this (bbed), do you guys too? What the hell is going on here? How could it be like this?

[Love You 1990]: I am also me, I also broke through, it is really very strange, very inexplicable, is it really like what the landlord said, this is related to the game?

[Yijian Guanghan Nineteen Continents]: The landlord is really open-minded, I thought it was a fantasy, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems to have some truth, otherwise it would not make sense at all!

[Little Sheep in Sicily]: My God, I also feel like it's true after hearing what the landlord said. Apart from the game, I can't think of any other possibility. Could it really be the strength in the game that I can bring back? Are you here now?

【Crazy and Bumpy】:

Various replies and comments began to appear in that post. Among them, there were not only many netizens who were eating melons and watching dramas, but also a large number of players who had the same situation. They all said that the same situation happened to them, and they all improved. At the same time, a lot of strengths began to analyze the landlord's guess from various angles, and many people actually agreed with the landlord's guess.

In this way, this post started to become popular, and then it was directly pushed to the top of the game forum. It became the hottest hot spot and the most eye-catching title. More and more netizens joined the discussion and made various responses. And messages, of course, there are also various controversies and doubts that follow.

In a word, with the explosion of this post, the game [Battle of Ten Thousand Worlds] has also become a hot topic of discussion among most netizens, and many players have also become the object of discussion among netizens. That guess is the center of all netizens' crazy discussions. point.

When this post went viral, it immediately caused an uproar in Kyushu, causing a huge shock. At this time, many players realized that they were not an exception, but that all players were the same, and their strengths were not equal. little boost.

Obviously, such a strange and consistent situation immediately made most players understand that the guess in that post might not be a guess, nor an outrageous fantasy, but most likely the real truth.

If this is not the case, how to explain the power improvement of all players?

If not, are there any other answers?

No, it doesn't seem to be!

Does that mean that the strength in the game can really be brought back to reality?

Therefore, when the speculation in that post really became a reality and the only answer was exposed, all netizens were in an uproar, and then the whole network was completely boiled.

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