At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

856 Angry and hateful! 【Subscription】

When the truth was exposed, the game [Battle of the Worlds] once again became the hottest hot spot in the entire Kyushu!

And such a huge and sensational movement on the whole network naturally attracted the attention of countries all over the world.

From the preparatory stage of the game [Battle of the Worlds] to the official release and operation, the eyes of all countries in the world have never left Kyushu, and they have been closely following the development and progress of this matter.

Therefore, when the entire network of Kyushu was completely sensational, the countries of the Blue Star world naturally noticed these movements at the first time, and immediately turned their attention to Kyushu again, wanting to see what happened.

When countries around the world learned the truth about the game [Battle of the Worlds], and knew that training in the game can also bring strength back to reality, all countries in the world who knew the news "seven-eighty" Everyone was completely shocked, and they were all dumbfounded. They couldn't believe it for a long time. Countless people couldn't believe that there was such a thing in this world, such a technology, and such a shocking luck.

The first time they heard the news, countless people were shocked, horrified, bewildered, unbelievable, and all kinds of incredible, and they didn't know whether it was true or false.

"My God, how is this possible, this is absolutely impossible!!

"Yes, it is absolutely impossible for such a thing to happen, it must be the Kyushu people who are bragging and doing stunts! 39

"Omg, isn't this something that only happens in fiction? How can it happen in reality?"

"Crazy, must be crazy, Kyushu people seem crazy!!"

"It's enough to cheat and show off gimmicks, Kyushu is enough, you dare to say such a false thing, do you really think we are fools?

"It's funny? It's just a game, but it can bring the power in the game back to reality? It's ridiculous to think about it, haha!!

After being shocked and stunned, countless foreigners have subconsciously started to refute and question on the Internet, and few people believe this is true.

However, when things became more and more serious, more and more people came out to confirm the incident on the Kyushu network, and all kinds of evidence were posted, Western countries and countless foreigners suddenly felt a huge impact, and felt that their three views were collapsing destroy.

Especially when the official Kyushu government also personally came out and issued an announcement to prove that the matter was real, all the countries on the Blue Star, as well as the countless people, became a complete sensation.

At this moment, all rebuttals and doubts turned into ridiculous remarks, all Western foreigners shut their mouths instantly, and then almost everyone became crazy, and all kinds of remarks appeared on the Internet in various countries around the world. came out.

Great Eagle Empire:

"Fake, this is actually true, the people of Kyushu actually have technology that surpasses this era!"

"My God, why is this? How could it be true?"

"It's incredible, it's incredible, Kyushu really is a magical place!

"Crazy, really crazy, why do Kyushu people have such good luck?


"I bought it, did Kyushu step on the shit? How come they got all the good things?

"Sheet, Kyushu, what is Kyushu? Why not our US? Why don't our US have such technology?"5

"The official will come out and give an answer, why don't we in the United States have the ability to make such a game? 99

"Yes, we strongly demand to have the same game, if we don't have it, we will steal the teacher, won't we?"

"You're right, if we don't have a game like this, wouldn't we be further behind?"


"Baga, goddamn Kyushu, why are they again? Why didn't we get such a good thing from the Japanese country?

"I'm so angry, how can the people of Kyushu have such good luck? Why can't we make such a game in Japan? 99

"I really want to have a game helmet, I really want to experience what kind of game it is!"

"Come on, ask the R&D department to move it for me immediately, you must make the same game for me, hurry up!! 35

Republic of Korea:

"'s amazing, the people of Kyushu are really amazing, I really envy them!"

"Yes, yes, playing a game can improve the strength in reality, this is simply a fairy experience!

"I really want to be like the people of Kyushu, why can't we enter the game? Why doesn't Kyushu release foreign versions?

"Oh my god, I really want to be a Kyushu native, but I found out that the Kyushu people really take up all the good things!"

"Hey, this is the gap. As a result, the gap between Kyushu and other countries in the world will widen, and we will never be able to catch up!"

People from all over the world expressed all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred. They could say anything, but also have all kinds of ideas. In short, Kyushu produced a game like [Battle of the Worlds], which has seriously stimulated every non-Kyushu. people..

Countless western foreigners hope to have a game helmet, and also hope to enter the game to experience it. More and more people are in the official organization of Aite's own country, calling on them to make the same game as soon as possible, so as not to let the Kyushu family Dominance, thus making Kyushu's national strength stronger and stronger.

At the same time, there are countless people who have climbed the wall to the Kyushu network and left messages on it, hoping that the Kyushu official will release the foreign version of "Battle of the Worlds", so that everyone can enter the game.

It can be said that after learning about the true role of the game [Battle of the Worlds], countless Western foreigners went crazy for it, trying to realize their unrealistic greed through various means and ideas.

Of course, these ridiculous remarks were completely ignored by the Kyushu government, while Kyushu netizens ridiculed and responded to 4.3 in various ways. Angry and hateful, but helpless.

There is no way, Kyushu is ahead of all countries, has obtained technology beyond this era, and produced a unique virtual game, which is incomparable to other countries. For now, even the Great Eagle Empire and the United States All big countries have to ask for Kyushu, and they don't dare to have any arrogant and superior attitude, otherwise they will never experience the possibility of the game [Battle of the Worlds].

It can be said that since the release of "Battle of the Worlds", this game is destined to become the focus and center of the world's attention, and everyone will start various remarks and related things around it, and Kyushu will also be in the A very transcendent position that can no longer be shaken!

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