At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

857 Self-respect, you are paralyzed!! 【Subscribe】

Kyushu has once again become the center of attention from all over the world!

And the focus is on the game [Battle of the Worlds]!

Since three days ago, countless people from all over the world have been following the movements of Kyushu and various news on the Kyushu network in real time.

There's no way, who is called [Battle of the Worlds] This game is only available in Kyushu, and only Kyushu people can enter it, so if you want to find out some detailed information, you can only pay attention to Kyushu Network.

Among them, of course, there are also a large number of unscrupulous Western foreigners. They just want to see if there is a chance to get the game helmet of [Battle of the Worlds], to see if they can inquire about some game research and development technology, or want to see See if you can collect information on some professionals who make games, so as to dig corners at high prices.

Of course, there are also many people who are very interested in all kinds of information in the game [Battle of the Worlds], and they have been collecting it on the Kyushu network. Anyway, there are countless people who have countless ideas and actions, and in short, they all want to achieve their goals. thoughts in mind.

As for Kyushu, during this period of time, Kyushu has completely fallen into a game frenzy.

More than one billion people in Kyushu are discussing the game [Battle of the Worlds] almost every day. The training system, environment, all kinds of wild monsters, strange weapons, magic weapons, and various spells in the game are inexhaustible. One does not attract the minds of all Kyushu people, making them deeply fascinated by it, even intoxicated and unable to extricate themselves.

Of course, during the discussion, all Kyushu people revealed an indescribable feeling of pride and smugness. This is a characteristic of Kyushu people, because [Battle of the Worlds] is a unique virtual game in the world, and it is Kyushu. The first one produced, and only Kyushu can have such technology, so Kyushu people are fully qualified to be proud.

At the same time, in the process of discussing the game every day, more than one billion people in Kyushu are also looking forward to the launch of game helmets, hoping that they can grab a game helmet so that they can enter the game, and then hope that various game helmets will appear. Such adventures, etc., contributed to the rapid improvement of his actual strength.

Therefore, in the next period of time, every sale of game helmets will be frantically looted by countless people.

Yes, it is crazy, even very crazy, it can be said that the whole people are fighting for it!

No one in Kyushu would give up such a great opportunity, even for the elderly in their seventies and eighties, down to the children in their eighties and nines!

Because everyone understands that the sooner you grab the game helmet, the sooner you can enter the game and thus improve your strength earlier. This is completely worth racing against time, and it is absolutely impossible to give up.

Therefore, every time the game helmet is sold, as soon as the news is announced, countless people start to queue outside the game helmet sales location, even if they are in line for three days and three nights, they are willing, as long as they can grab the game helmet.

In this way, the people who grab it are naturally happy, and then go home and log in to the game immediately, wanting to experience the joy of the game and the feeling of strength improvement as soon as possible.

And those who didn't grab it were eager to pat their swollen thighs, and with remorse, they could only wait for the next sale.

For such a situation, countless foreigners who have been following Kyushu are naturally envious.

"Hey, why aren't we from Kyushu? Why aren't we qualified to buy game helmets?"

"Oh my God, they're starting to sell gaming helmets again, why don't they sell some in our country?

"Crazy, it's so crazy, this game helmet is like stealing money, no, it's more crazy than stealing money!!

"Kyushu has released tens of millions of game helmets. Isn't it not long before all Kyushu people can enter the game?"

"I really want to grab a game helmet, but unfortunately we can't grab it, alas, I'm envious!!"

Watching the scene of Kyushu people rushing to grab the game helmet, countless Western foreigners expressed all kinds of envy and wanted to join in, and then grab a game helmet.

However, they do not have such an opportunity at all, nor do they have such qualifications. Except for people from Kyushu, no one is qualified to buy game helmets, even high-level Western countries.

In response to such a situation, countless Western people can only helplessly, watching the people of Kyushu frantically grab the game helmets, but they have no way to participate.

However, in this world there is always a shortage of people who go to the extreme and take extreme actions. In order to achieve their goals, these people dare to do anything.

Faced with this situation, many rich or powerful people could not suppress the greed in their hearts and began to act secretly.

In order to grab the game helmet and enter the [Battle of the Worlds], it can be said that they used various means.

Or coercion, or inducement, or forced buying and selling, or large sums of money, or even through the black market, bribes, assassinations, etc., many super rich and powerful people in Western countries have paid Different channels have obtained the game helmets they want.

And before they got the game helmets, those rich people knew that these game helmets were bound with personal information, but they were not reconciled, and they also held a glimmer of hope and were unwilling to give up, so they had to try it anyway.

However, being able to get a gaming helmet is one thing, but being able to log in to the game 780 of [Battle of the Worlds] is another.

After getting the game helmet, many rich people immediately started to test it, and couldn't wait to enter the game.

However, after the test, they found that it was of no use at all. The game helmet was completely a decoration for them, and it had no effect and could not log in to the game at all.

Many people didn't believe in evil at first, but after exhausting all means and means, they found that they still couldn't log in to the game. As a result, the game helmets in their hands completely lost their value and could only be used as ornaments at home. .

Even, during the test, those rich people got the same hint from the game helmet:

[Ding, warning, non-Yanhuang Kyushu blood is not allowed to log in the game, please respect yourself!!]

You are paralyzed!!

Those rich people who obtained game helmets from various channels immediately became so angry that they vomited blood after seeing this prompt, and even cursed in various ways when depressed.

However, no matter how they react, the game headset will not change the settings because of this, and they will not be able to log in to the game because of this.

In this way, this can be considered to completely cut off the unrealistic idea of ​​foreigners wanting to log in to the game, or even stealing technology!!.

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