[Battle of the Worlds] After becoming the focus of the whole world, the popularity has no signs of decreasing, but intensified!

In Kyushu, a batch of game helmets are sold every once in a while, gradually allowing the people of Kyushu to gradually enter the game. in-game.

For this, the people of other countries can only express all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred, but they are unable to change all this, and can only watch more and more Kyushu people buy game helmets and then enter the game.

For this reason, many countries that had a good relationship with Kyushu, including many neutral countries, couldn't hold back, and immediately began to show goodwill to Kyushu, and even acted as Kyushu's licking dog, giving Kyushu all kinds of compliments And to please, in order to let Kyushu make the external server version of [Battle of the Worlds] as soon as possible, and then distribute it in their country.

Of course, if Kyushu can support some core technologies a little bit, or share the technology, it is naturally the best, so that those countries can quickly imitate the same game.

If it weren't for countries like the United States and the Great Eagle Empire, and they have always had a big or small conflict with Kyushu, they would all want to follow Kyushu. After all, this is a major event related to the future development of the entire country and its future national strength. , as long as there is hope, they are absolutely willing to pay any price.

However, such a beautiful idea can only be realized in those countries' dreams, and it is absolutely impossible in reality.

The Kyushu side has definitely reached a high degree of consensus, that is, to make the game [Battle of the Worlds] a unique super virtual game in Kyushu, even a unique game in the world, and elevate it to an absolute high level, Let it become the card face of Kyushu.

As for Western countries wanting to share this technology, or requesting the release of foreign servers, it is impossible, and it is enough to refuse directly.

What a joke, our Kyushu has just begun to develop, this unique opportunity can enhance the strength of all Kyushu people as a whole, how can it be shared with other countries!

This is not only the idea of ​​Kyushu executives, but also the idea of ​​all Kyushu people.

Because of the miracles and events that have occurred in recent years, all Kyushu people have long been deeply proud and fortunate. They are proud that they are Kyushu people and have everything they have now. They are also glad that they are Kyushu people and have not been abandoned by the country. All Kyushu people are treated the same.

The people of Kyushu understand that from the moment the game [Battle of the Worlds] came out, the status of Kyushu has completely changed. It is no longer the same as before, and there is no country to be afraid of. From now on, Kyushu His status has become extremely aloof, and he doesn't need to look at any country's face anymore. Instead, other countries in the world need to help Kyushu, and they need to please Kyushu.

And from now on, the national strength of Kyushu will only become more and more prosperous and stronger, and the strength of the people of Kyushu will become more and more terrifying, which is unmatched by any country in the world, let alone surpassed.

Therefore, from now on, even if Kyushu stands at the top of the world pyramid, and far surpasses other countries, it is a unique existence, and even the gap between those countries behind it will only widen.

In the following period of time, the attention of the people of Kyushu gradually shifted from reality to [Battle of the Worlds].

As the birthplace of the Kyushu players, the Yanhuang Immortal Territory was naturally gradually known to the Kyushu players, and even learned a lot.

During this period of time, the Yanhuang Immortal Domain can be described as constant wars and small battles!

Inside the Yanhuang Immortal Territory, the Western Religion continued to invest batches of monk soldiers into the Immortal Territory. While constantly impacting the outer defense line of the Yanhuang Immortal Territory, they also wanted to open up the situation within the Immortal Territory.

Under the command of Ying Zheng and others, the four immortal dynasties continued to exterminate waves of enemies that were thrown in. Therefore, various wars continued incessantly and were frequently staged.

This is also because the Western Sect is very cunning. They did not choose the same location as the delivery location, but randomly selected the delivery location in various remote areas of the Yanhuang Immortal Territory. You can only run around in various ways, encircling and suppressing the enemy everywhere.

Therefore, this caused the constant wars and small battles in the Immortal Domain!

Of course, as Western religions continue to put waves of monk soldiers into the Immortal Realm, the strength of the four immortal dynasties has also been greatly improved, because every time they destroy a group of enemies, they will make a sacrifice , The enemy's corpse is regarded as the resources for every soldier to advance, and it will not be wasted at all.

Therefore, with the sacrifice of the enemy's corpse again and again, the soldiers of the four immortal dynasties are also sharply improving their strength, and the blood of the Hongmeng Demon God in their bodies has also become more and more intense.

Of course, such a battle has nothing to do with the low-strength Kyushu players, and they are not qualified to participate in those battles.

It's just that as more and more Kyushu people enter the game, Kyushu players from all over the fairyland are also constantly improving their strength. Since they know that the improved strength in the game can be brought back to reality, all Kyushu players have become more and more powerful. Crazy, continue to start crazy leveling, or crazy accepting tasks, just to be able to improve their strength as much as possible.

Even if the proportion of this strength brought back to reality is only 10%, it is enough to make Kyushu players go crazy.

You must know that in the first few days, many players have been promoted to the fifth or sixth level of Qi training. If they reach the ninth level of Qi training, either in the foundation-building stage, or in the Jindan stage of Nascent Soul What about the future? So what? Even if they can only convert 10%, what level will their strength increase to?

Thinking of this, countless Kyushu players couldn't suppress the excitement and excitement in their hearts. While looking for quests, they also began to desperately kill monsters in the wild.

In a word, as long as it is something that can help Kyushu players improve their strength, whether it is doing quests, killing monsters, or gathering materials and herbs, etc., they are all madly robbed by Kyushu players, just like buying game helmets.

That crazy and positive energy is far more terrifying than any liver emperor, as if you don't need to rest, just do it and you're done!

Therefore, under such circumstances, even novice players who have entered the game, their strength is rapidly improving, and they are slowly chasing after the first-tier players!

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