At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

859 This is not what Ji Han wants to see! 【Subscription】

For Kyushu players, Ji Han is extremely concerned.

Don't look at the low strength of those Kyushu players now, but they have infinite potential, with extremely high ceilings and endless possibilities.

As players, as long as they have enough tasks and enough experience, their realm and strength can be raised to a very exaggerated level.

Therefore, for those Kyushu players, Ji Han is actually very valued and very optimistic about them.

You must know that, whether in the virtual games in the novel or in some games in reality, players have an alternative unified title, which is known as the [Fourth Calamity]. Players who are the [Fourth Calamity] , Because of the great uncertainty and the extremely high growth potential, etc., it may have a great impact on the game. Therefore, if the more than one billion Kyushu players are trained well, they may not be able to become a worthy player. than the power of the four immortal dynasties.

As long as they are given enough time, so that they can continue to complete their tasks and gain experience, those Kyushu players will not be weaker than the army of the four immortal dynasties when they grow up.

Most importantly, as the existence of the [Fourth Calamity], Kyushu players have the ability to be reborn, which is unmatched by anyone or any army, even if players have a limit on the number of deaths each time they log in, but This rebirth feature is enough to become the biggest feature of the players, and it can also make them completely fearless and not afraid of death. In some key battles, it is enough to completely change the situation!!

Imagine that two armies are fighting against each other, even if they have the same strength, but one side has half of the Kyushu players mixed in, while the other side does not. When the war starts, the side with the Kyushu players is not afraid of death. Especially those players from Kyushu, who died but had no corpses left, and then they could return to the battlefield to continue their mad rush to kill, repeating this many times, such a terrifying scene, such a bizarre picture, it was a bit terrifying to think about, It's also enough to make the enemy feel terrified!

Moreover, Ji Han, as the Heavenly Dao of the Two Realms, is also the actual owner of the game system. Naturally, he knows these things clearly, which is why he attracts Kyushu players into the game.

Also, those nine (bbed) state players not only have great potential, high ceilings, fast growth, but also can be reborn, and more importantly, for Ji Han, it is very easy and very easy to control those Kyushu players. It's simple, because the bodies of all Kyushu players are condensed by Ji Han through the power of heaven, and the souls of all Kyushu players are also put into Yanhuang Xianyu by Ji Han through the system. Therefore, whether it is the player's The body and the soul are all under Ji Han's complete control.

No matter how strong those players become, no matter how high their strength is, they will not be able to rebel, nor will they be able to rebel. Ji Han is more at ease than the four immortal dynasties.

Therefore, at this time, most of Ji Han's thoughts were placed on the players in Kyushu. How to improve the players' strength was something Ji Han needed to consider and arrange.

Otherwise, if you just cast Kyushu people as players, but don’t care about it, don’t make any arrangements, let them hang around, then the players don’t know when they will be able to fully grow up, and then they want the players to help the four immortal dynasties. The purpose of the event is naturally impossible to achieve, so Ji Han has to make some arrangements for both public and private.

In order to improve the players' strength and opportunities, Ji Han actually worked very hard. After thinking about it for a long time, he finally decided to start from the following aspects and do it simultaneously, so that a large number of players can quickly improve their strength.

1. Publishing tasks:

For players, there are many things that are very important, such as exercises, experience, magic weapons and spells, etc., which are related to a player's overall strength.

In fact, these things can’t be distinguished, which is the most important, in fact, they are all important, but if you want to subdivide, experience is definitely the top priority, because experience is related to a player’s cultivation realm, and you can’t improve without experience. Realm, so experience is a shackle for a player, limiting their realm improvement, in other words, they can't level up without experience.

Therefore, Ji Han chose to release a large number of tasks to the players, because doing tasks is one of the best ways to get a lot of experience points. Apart from killing monsters and upgrading, there is no more convenient way to do tasks.

Moreover, doing quests and killing monsters to gain experience do not conflict at all, but complement each other. As long as players continue to accept quests and continue to complete quests to gain experience, they can quickly improve their cultivation level.

2. Provide ways to obtain magic weapons and spells:

Everyone knows that the realm of cultivation does not represent the real combat power. A cultivator, the real combat power is determined by combining various factors. If only the realm of cultivation is improved, but there is no magic, there is nothing With the magic weapons and weapons in hand, once they encounter those who hold powerful magic weapons but whose cultivation realm is lower, then they are likely to be unable to beat those with lower cultivation.

Therefore, in response to this situation, Ji Han must find a way to provide some ways or methods for players to obtain important things such as magic weapons and spells.

If players just rely on their own exploration, they may not be able to obtain any good magic weapons in a few years, and more important things such as spells will not be mentioned.

Therefore, Ji Han thought of using the magic weapons eliminated by the four immortal dynasties to arm the players.

Of course, this is not a gift for nothing, but provides some opportunities and ways for players to join the army, or serve the army, and then accumulate contribution points. As long as the contribution points reach the specified amount, they can be exchanged for them. The magic weapon and magic that you want.

In this way, players can quickly arm themselves, and can also obtain many low-level spells, thereby enhancing their combat effectiveness.

3. Arrange adventures.

Why arrange an adventure?

The so-called arrangement of adventures is that Ji Han arranges some magical encounters for some players with outstanding aptitude and great potential, so that those players can obtain more benefits than ordinary players, such as better magic weapons and spells, such as some rare exercises , There is also a lot of experience, etc., or the guidance of a mysterious powerhouse.

In short, once a player can have adventures, they must have a higher starting point and development potential than ordinary players, and their strength will increase rapidly.

It's just that these adventures can't be arranged too much, and the proportion among the players is also considered rare, otherwise it will be too disruptive, and it will also encourage the growth of the seedlings, this is not what Ji Han wants to see!.

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