At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

085 Control the desert, the cunning Ji Han! 【57, please subscribe】

small farm

Ji Han didn't know that Xu Chuyun, a woman with a strong sixth sense, had already guessed something vaguely, not to mention that she had been wandering outside the fog formation for a long time.

He's busy with dinner tonight!

According to the time calculation, Lao Zhao Lao Zhu should also come over.

Sure enough, when he put a table of delicious food on the table, the three Lao Zhu Lao Zhao Lao Wang walked together as if they had made an appointment!

And these three seem to be in a good mood!

Lao Zhao even looked like he was in trouble.

"What? The Huns War is over?" Ji Han asked with a smile.

"The Immortal Master is a god!" Lao Zhao laughed loudly and said, "This time the dispatch of troops is quite smooth. My Daqin troops are divided into three groups, and they easily swept the Huns, directly killing the Touman King City, and completely destroying these damn alien races." "Seven" erase, praise me, Qin Tianwei.

"I don't know about the immortal master, this battle is really cool!" Wang Ben also said excitedly: "After the news came out, the world shook, and the remnants of the six kingdoms trembled with fright.


Ji Han and Chongzhen praised it.

However, the brilliant results of this battle are also expected by everyone.

So everyone is not too surprised.

Chongzhen couldn't help but said proudly: "I haven't been idle during this time. The eight major Shanxi merchants manipulated grain prices to cooperate with the enemy and betrayed the country. Ah! 39

"This time, my Ming Dynasty treasury has added hundreds of millions of taels of silver, which is worth the taxes of the past five years. With these silvers, I will no longer worry about running out of money!


"Congratulations, brother Chongzhen!

Ying Zheng and Wang Ben congratulated each other, and everyone felt very comfortable.

After some business talk, everyone sat down and started to eat and drink.

While eating and drinking, everyone talked about their own situation and what happened in the courtroom, boasting from time to time.

In particular, Ying Zheng and Chongzhen are even more proud and boastful. The two have gradually learned the essence of Ji Han's blowing.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Ji Han said angrily; "You two can really brag, don't you just wipe out a Xiongnu and the eight major Shanxi merchants? It's just bullying and bullying children, which is worth bragging about?

"Of course it's worth it!" Ying Zheng said with a smile: "Isn't the immortal master not aware that after destroying the Huns, I have added thousands of miles of grassland to the Qin Dynasty. This is a large area of ​​fertile soil!"

"From now on, Daqin will have an endless stream of war horses, as well as countless cattle, sheep and farmland. This is a great happy event for our Daqin! 35

The more Ying Zheng talked, the happier he became. Obviously, the achievement of expanding the territory made him very happy.

Ji Han said, "Do you think this grassland is yours? Do you know that there are many alien races on the grassland? To the west, there are the Qiang people, the Da Yuezhi, and further west, there are Central Asian countries, do they? Won't you step over the limit?"

"Humph!" Ying Zheng coldly snorted: "If they dare to step over the border, I will send millions of troops to destroy them. In fact, the Da Yuezhi and all the clans in the Western Regions have sent tribute gifts to show their goodwill, obviously destroying them. The Huns were frightened by this battle, a little alien is really nothing to worry about!"

"You're being careless!" Ji Han said solemnly, "Do you really think that these alien races in the Western Regions are so simple? How many heroes and heroes in the past dynasties have driven them out again and again, but in the end they were unable to control the grasslands, and they took the opportunity to profit!

"You slaughter a Xiongnu, and soon the next nation that is good at riding and archery will emerge, and the alien races on this steppe are inexhaustible!

"Daqin is too far away from the grassland, and the control power is very weak. If anything happens in this huge grassland, it will take a few months to communicate to Xianyang. How can you control them?"

"The various ethnic groups in the Western Regions are showing their weakness on the surface, but in fact, they will definitely continue to devour the pastures of the Huns, and then secretly accumulate strength.

"Once there is turmoil in the Central Plains, then they can send their troops to the south and bring endless harm to our descendants of Kyushu!

Ji Han's reminder immediately made Ying Zheng's face stunned!

After nodding his head, he said: "Sir is very true, but this point is inevitable. I want to set up Jiuyuan County in the Hetao area, with thirty-four counties! 35

"Let's set the desert as Zhenbei County, set up twenty-eight counties, and then relocate the people to build reclamation, what do you think?

This method is also the crystallization of the wisdom of the officials of the Qin Dynasty!

These civil and military officials are all human beings, and they can naturally think of things that Ji Han can think of.

This method can greatly strengthen Da Qin's control over the north!

"Not bad!" Ji Han nodded with satisfaction and said, "How many households do you plan to relocate?

"Most of the soldiers of the six countries who participated in the war have already returned to their hearts. I will let some people choose to join the Qin army, and let them all stay in the desert to settle down and live happily, and give them cattle and sheep!" Ying Zheng replied: "As for ordinary people People, just move another 80,000 households!

"Less, too few!" Ji Han shook his head and said, "There must be at least 300,000 households in order to completely control the north, and 100,000 iron cavalry must be stationed there."

"300,000 households?"

Ying Zheng Wang Ben took a deep breath!

The population of Daqin is not large, and it will only be in the early 20s of life!

There are at least one million people in 300,000 households. Where can they find so many people?

The ancients attached great importance to the local concept, and they paid attention to burying the soil for the sake of the fallen leaves and returning to their roots.

Who is willing to go all the way to the desert to settle down?

Even if Ying Zheng wanted to relocate 300,000 households, it would be difficult for him to do 4.3. Could he still force everyone to relocate?

"What's so difficult about this?" Ji Han laughed dumbly and then pointed out: "The six countries surrendered hundreds of thousands of soldiers, the casualties in this battle are extremely low, and everyone has more or less gained a lot of military merit, which can be exchanged for a large amount of cattle. Sheep! 99

"These cattle and sheep can't be taken away. After you distribute them to them, they can't take care of them by themselves, or they can't take care of their own cattle and sheep when they go to serve in the military!"

"At this time, Lao Zhao, you decreed that you kindly send their family to the desert, will they not be happy? Are they willing to lose so many cattle and sheep?


"Is this all right?"

The three Ying Zheng were stunned.

Seeing the cunning and cunning Ji Han, everyone couldn't help but feel ashamed.

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