At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

086 The expansion of Daqin will never stop! 【67, please subscribe】

"Wonderful, this trick is so wonderful!"

"Hahaha, Mr. is indeed treacherous, oh no, this is called wisdom! 35

"I admire, quite admire!

After the three of Ying Zheng came back to their senses, they couldn't help but praise each other!

This trick is indeed wonderful. It is said that people use cattle and sheep to lure people over for food. Who can stand this trick?

In this war, the cattle and sheep of the entire grassland and the wealth of the Huns were plundered by Da Qin, and the number of war horses, cattle and sheep is almost uncountable.

You must know that any small tribe of Xiongnu with a thousand people has more than 100,000 cattle and sheep, otherwise it will be difficult to feed them.

With so many cattle and sheep in hand, Daqin has no shortage of livestock at all!

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers from the Six Nations have contributed a lot this time, and many of them have made great contributions. It stands to reason that they have to distribute cattle and sheep to them!

There are at least two or three hundred cattle and sheep, and even war horses!

The few can also be divided into forty or fifty cattle and sheep11, enough to support themselves.

With so many cattle and sheep in hand, many people could not take care of them at all, and many soldiers were also selected into the Daqin army, and they had to report to the army immediately.

Wouldn't their cattle and sheep be left alone?

At this time, if Lao Zhao issued an imperial decree to allow their families to relocate and settle down, and then gave various preferential policies, would they be able to watch so many cattle and sheep not?

You must know that most of the remnants of the Six Kingdoms have had a very hard life!

The value of a cow in the eyes of farmers is simply incalculable!

There are dozens and hundreds of cattle and sheep waiting for them to feed, plus the rare earth lands in the north are widely cultivated, can they withstand this temptation? This will definitely move the whole family. ah!

"This is a great plan!" Ying Zheng said excitedly: "With millions of people in the north, you can firmly control these sites, and you can bring in a steady stream of taxes. I don't even need to build the Great Wall!

"The Great Wall doesn't need to be repaired!" Ji Han laughed dumbly: "This thing was originally designed to defend against the Huns. Now that the Huns have been wiped out, the future goal of Daqin is destined to be the stars and the sea, so why stick to one Great Wall?"

"Well said, what a sea of ​​stars, hahaha!""

Ying Zheng couldn't help but be overjoyed, Ji Han literally spoke to his heart.

The pace of Daqin's expansion will never stop.

"But the Great Wall doesn't need to be built, but you can build the Chi Road!" Ji Han suggested: "After all, it is still too far from the desert to Xianyang. If you want to strengthen your control, you must have a smooth road, and even in the future you have to build it. railway."

"Sir, I understand this road, but what is a railway?" Ying Zheng was stunned.

"Railways and highways are the transportation systems developed in later generations!" Ji Han explained: "Chilled roads are called highways in later generations. They extend in all directions and connect all parts of Kyushu. From south to north, it can be easily reached and unimpeded, and vehicles and horses can easily travel the day. Traveling thousands of miles, you can transport a lot of materials!""

"As for the railway, it is to open up fixed roads and rails, and use steam engines to drive the carriages, which can transport thousands of passengers at a time, and can also pull 10,000 tons of goods!

Ji Han carefully explained these two modes of transportation in later generations!

When Ying Zheng and Chongzhen heard this, their eyes couldn't help but light up.

Both of them are human beings, and naturally they can see the benefits of this thing.

How cool would it be if Da Qin and Ming Dynasty had these two modes of transportation? Thousands of tons of goods could be easily transported, and thousands of soldiers could be delivered at any time!

Ying Zheng sighed again and again: "If there are such railways and expressways, no matter how vast the territory of our Qin Dynasty is, I can easily control it. Why can't I reach it!""

"Yes, sir, how to build these two roads? Can I build it in the Ming Dynasty? If it is feasible, I will have to build it even if I break the pot and sell iron!" Chongzhen asked anxiously.

Ji Han laughed and shook his head!

"Old Zhu, don't think too much about it!" Ji Han said with a smile: "Although the industrial system of the Ming Dynasty was much more advanced than that of the Qin Dynasty, there were opportunities to manufacture steam engines, but the current domestic situation is in a mess, and it is really difficult to build such a large scale. Engineering.99

"What you said is very true!" Ying Zheng said triumphantly: "Brother Chongzhen, what you should consider now is how to develop armaments and accumulate strength. This kind of big project of national development is not suitable for you for the time being! 35

"All right!

Chongzhen smiled wryly and nodded!

Although he was very unwilling, he had to admit that what Ji Han said was right!

How can he be qualified to carry out such a big project now?

Although he has a little money in his hand, he is full of corrupt officials, and the Ming Dynasty is still rotten. Forcibly carrying out such a big project will cause accidents.

Lao Zhao is different, his control over Da Qin is so awesome!

He even dared to undertake such big projects as the Great Wall and Lishan Emperor Mausoleum. He was afraid of a ball.

"Sir, if I want to build this highway and railway, please teach me!" Ying Zheng 187 sincerely pleaded.

"The railway is not in a hurry for the time being. With the industrialization level of Daqin, it is not suitable for steam engines for the time being. Let's build expressways first!"

"This thing is similar to galloping. When encountering mountains, open mountains, and when encountering water, build bridges and build wide straight roads!

"If you encounter a big mountain in the process of building the road, you can also use a grenade to blow up the mountain to save time!"

"However, the way of building the road is too backward and the speed is slow. You can lay it with cement, and the road will be fast and hard! 35

"Once a highway is built to connect the north, south, east and west, then Daqin will open up the two veins of Ren and Du, and the development will be extremely fast! 95

Ji Han talked with Kai Kai, and directly set the next development direction for Da Qin!

While developing the desert, roads have to be built, and this cement is something that cannot be obtained.

"Oh yes, you still don't know what cement is!"

"Cement is what makes sand and soil harder than stone, and the floor you step on is all made of cement!

Ji Han's reminder made everyone's eyes light up again, and they couldn't help but look at their feet.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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