At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

087 White wolf with empty gloves, the method of making cement! 【77, please subscribe】

"This thing is called cement? I thought it was made of stone slabs?"

"Wonderful, this floor is flat and sturdy when stepped on, if it is used to build roads, it will definitely be able to build a healthy way!

"Sir, how is this cement made? Ask me!""

Ying Zheng and Chongzhen suddenly became interested!

While they were studying the concrete floor under their feet, they fantasized about using this thing to build countless road palaces, how cool it was.

You must know whether it is the Great Qin or the Great Ming Dynasty!

At this time, their roads and houses were either paved with soil or made of slate.

The former has low cost and poor effect. Once it rains, the road will be muddy and difficult to travel. People who have walked through it once will never want to walk again.

As for the latter, the cost is too high. This slate needs to be transported from far away and then carefully carved by craftsmen before it can be laid. Ordinary people simply cannot use this stuff.

If there is cement, then all this will be solved!

This is definitely an epoch-making significance for the infrastructure of Daqin Daming.

Now Ying Zheng and Chongzhen only care about one thing, is this thing expensive? How about the cost?

"In fact, this thing is very simple to manufacture, and the cost is low, which is very suitable for mass production!

Ji Han explained it casually!

Then directly took out two pieces of white paper, which were filled with the precautions and procedures for producing cement!

This is a gift Ji Han specially prepared for the two of them after being bored for the past two days. One is written in Xiaozhuan and the other is written in regular script, just so they can understand.

"When it comes to cement, lime is indispensable!" Ji Han continued: "This thing has been used on the land of Kyushu for a long time, and it was used in the rammed earth layer of the Great Wall in the Qin Dynasty.

"You go back and get lime and clay, mix and stir them together in a ratio of three to one, and then use the lime kiln to calcine the clinker~々!

"After taking out the dry clinker, it is then crushed into powder by a ox-horse grinding disc, and it has become the closest modern cement!"

"When using it, mix cement with gravel and sand, and then it can be used to pave roads and build houses, and it can be as hard as stone in two to three days!"

"If the road is paved, it has to be dried for seven days after it is paved, and water is poured on it from time to time for maintenance!

Ji Han told them one by one!

In fact, it doesn't have much technical content at all.

Although the cement made according to Ji Han's method is not as good as modern high-grade cement, it was absolutely sufficient in ancient times.

"Thank you sir for the pointer!"

Ying Zheng and Chongzhen bowed and worshipped excitedly!

This thing is definitely an epoch-making product for Daqin Daming.

Although it is not as eye-catching as guns, its role is definitely very large, and it can be said that it determines the level of infrastructure in an era.

How can they not be excited when Ji Han bestows such a divine artifact?

Once the highway extending in all directions is built, the territory of their empire and their control over remote areas will be greatly strengthened, and the army will no longer have to waste time on muddy roads.

"After I go back, I will immediately let people produce cement, and then recruit 100,000 corvée to build roads, and strive to make this expressway unimpeded in all parts of my Daqin and Daqin as soon as possible. I want to make all roads lead to Xianyang, hahaha! 99

Ying Zheng is complacent and looks forward to the future with great ambition.

Ji Han couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard this!

Angrily, he said: "Your uncle's old Zhao, have you forgotten the national policy I made to stabilize people's livelihood? You also recruited corvés to build roads? You want the people to rebel again, right?"

"How can we build roads without conscripting corvés? 35 Ying Zheng's face was dumbfounded.

Ji Han was a little speechless when he saw this.

At this time, Da Qin was still in a semi-slavery society.

At this time, their vision is very limited.

You can't look too far into the problem, let alone hire people to work like a capitalist society!

For example, in the current Ming Dynasty, the germ of capitalism has already appeared!

At this time, if Chongzhen recruited corvés and slaves to work, he would definitely be sprayed to death, and the common people might rebel.

But Daqin didn't have a big problem at this time, it just increased the burden on the people. This is a very normal thing in the eyes of Ying Zheng Wang Ben.

Ji Han couldn't change their minds for a while!

He can only say: "The future of Daqin will definitely be very fast, and there are still many foreign races to conquer, so the people's recuperation is very important, and it is not possible to let the people give up their farm work and go all the way to build roads, which is very important to Daqin's national strength. There is huge damage.

Ji Han's rhetoric can be accepted by Ying Zheng!

He thought for a while, if building roads in major state capitals would have to mobilize hundreds of thousands or even millions of people, how could so many people not be a drag on Qin's national strength?

".. what Mr. said is very true, I almost misunderstood the country!" Ying Zheng said ashamed: "But if we don't recruit corvés, how should we build roads?"

"Contract out!" Ji Han said with a smile: "You just need to contract a section of the road to the merchants, let them hire people themselves, and build the road when the people are slack, right?

"In this way, you don't have to worry about it, you can send someone to check it on time, which is convenient and fast. Forgive these merchants who don't dare to charge shoddy!"

"Of course, you can also recruit prisoners from various prefectures. All prisoners who have committed crimes will be asked to repair roads. It's too hard to squeeze, and it's more than happy to keep these prisoners!"

“As for the road sections contracted to the merchants, you don’t have to pay any money. You only need to charge the road after the road is repaired, and then divide the fee collected by the merchants who built the road. 35

"You think, how can the common people and merchants not take such a good road? Many merchants transport goods from a distance, the better the distance, the higher the profit for them, and they will definitely pay! 35

"This part of the money is distributed to the merchants who build the road, can they not be happy? In this way, wouldn't they be prostitutes for nothing? You don't need to pay a lot of money to build a road of 108,000 miles. "

Ji Han patiently taught the road construction experience of later generations, and shocked Ying Zheng and the three of them for a while.

"Today Chapter Seven, Ask for Flower Evaluation Tickets".

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