[Ten Thousand Worlds Fight for Frontage], Qilian Mountains.

At this time, as Ji Han's former class flower, Ji Wanting was walking alone in the mountains.

In the game, Ji Wanting was wearing a black tight-fitting dress, with a pair of brown moccasin boots, holding a sheathed long sword, wearing a delicate wrist guard on each wrist, a personal luggage hanging around her waist, and a beautiful head. The black hair was tightly bound by a silver ribbon and turned into a ponytail, making Ji Wanting look very sassy

Coupled with her delicate face, she looks like a super beauty!

The reason why Ji Wanting appeared at the foot of the Qilian Mountains was because she received a mission to go to the Qilian Mountains alone to collect a rare medicinal material.

The experience of this collection task is very impressive. Even if the task location is a little far away, Ji Wanting still takes it, because she can kill monsters while rushing on the road, which does not delay her leveling up, and once the collection task is completed, Ji Wanting can break through to Qi practice nine layers.

"Come on, I must win the title and reward of the first person to establish the foundation!"

Thinking of the achievement reward, and thinking of her realm and experience points, Ji Wanting couldn't help but get a little excited on the way, and even secretly cheered for herself 11!

I have to say, Ji Wanting is really a strong woman, she is actually coveting the title and reward of the first person to establish a foundation, and she is definitely not hopeless. It's big, or at least not small.

Ji Wanting's talent was fully revealed after she entered the game. She was able to master it quickly, whether it was cultivating techniques or spells, and she was also able to use ordinary martial arts techniques quickly, and at the same time, she was extremely timid. vulgar, in the face of all kinds of wild monsters that look enough to make little girls scream in fear, Ji Wanting completely ignores them

Instead, they dared to kill.

Therefore, Ji Wanting was able to quickly stand out from the ordinary players, and even attracted the attention of Ji Han.

And Ji Wanting didn't have the slightest pride, instead, she worked harder to level up, in order to achieve some ideas in her heart.

"Hee hee, I seem to be lucky, I actually met a mysterious person, and I also accepted a quest with such a rich experience reward. As long as this quest is completed, it will not be a problem to practice the ninth level of Qi!"

Ji Wanting muttered softly to herself while carrying her sharp sword to open the way.

The mission she accepted was to ask her to go to a branch of the Qilian Mountains alone to search for and collect a herb called [Seven Star Silver Moon Grass]. There is a hint in the mission introduction that [Seven Star Silver Moon Grass] may be possible. It grows in a branch of the Qilian Mountains.

The person who issued the task was a mysterious person who Ji Wanting met by chance. She had no idea that it was actually a task issuer specially arranged for her by Ji Han.

Fortunately, the mission location was not in the main region of the Qilian Mountains, and the mysterious person also told Ji Wanting that the wild monsters there would not exceed the Qi training period, so she could go there with confidence.

Ji Wanting also didn't know that among the many players, there were four other players who also received the task issued by the mysterious man at this time, which meant that the opportunity that Ji Han arranged for them was coming.

Ji Wanting lightly touched a stone in the mountains, and her whole body flew forward a distance of more than ten feet. Obviously, Ji Wanting, who has reached the eighth level of Qi practice, is already comparable to some martial arts masters in the arena. Yes, the skill is very good.

Soon, Ji Wanting came to the edge of the mission location displayed on the map, in front of a valley.

"Is the mission location inside?"

Standing in front of Taniguchi, looking at the valley that was covered by big trees, rocks, grass and vines and seemed to be untouched, Ji Wanting couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

But the doubts turned into doubts. The mission location shown on the map was indeed here, so Ji Wanting could only put away the doubts and started walking towards Taniguchi slowly.

Chi Chi Chi!!

It was like a virgin forest here, with tall ancient trees and vines like horned dragons everywhere. Ji Wanting could only use a sharp sword to split a path and slowly walk into the valley.

If it wasn't for the mission prompts and map guides, Ji Wanting would never have discovered that there was a valley here.

Ji Wanting is not a hypocritical person, and soon opened a path and entered the valley.

As she walked into the valley, the face of this large-scale valley gradually appeared in front of Ji Wanting.

Ji Wanting looked up and saw that the area of ​​the valley was not small at all, it was tens of thousands of square meters, or even bigger. The whole valley was in the shape of a gourd, and the place where Ji Wanting was standing at this time was the position of the mouth of the gourd. The wider the valley, the wider the valley, and there is a checkpoint composed of rocks on both sides of the middle of the valley, just like the shrinking waistline of the gourd.

"Hey, what is this place, it feels so strong!!

After entering the valley, looking at the scenery in the valley, Ji Wanting couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Because she can clearly feel that the concentration of spiritual energy here seems to be very high, and it is a good place for cultivation.

And the scene in the valley and the outside of the valley are completely two places. Outside the valley is like a virgin forest, with overgrown trees and vines everywhere, while in the valley there are no trees, just like a plain, with green on the ground. The weeds just arrived at Ji Wanting's instep.

The special scene of this valley really attracted Ji Wanting, making her stunned for half a minute before she could react.

She sighed softly: "I didn't expect this mission land to be such a place!

Sighing and sighing, Ji Wanting has not forgotten the purpose of her trip.

Holding a sharp sword in her right hand, Ji Wanting slowly walked deep into the valley with a vigilant expression on her face.

Although Ji Wanting has not seen any wild monsters at present, it does not mean that there will be no danger in this valley, and there is nothing wrong with being careful. Ji Wanting still has some vigilance.

Ji Wanting walked slowly and carefully into the depths of the valley, checking everywhere along the way, but she didn't see anything strange or noteworthy, as if this valley was an ordinary valley .

Soon, Ji Wanting crossed the waistline of this gourd-shaped valley and came to the depths of the valley with a wider space.

However, as soon as she entered the depths of the valley, Ji Wanting immediately smelled a faint fragrance, which immediately made Ji Wanting sober, and her body shook slightly.

"[Seven Star Silver Moon Grass] Sure enough, that mysterious person is not deceiving me!!"

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