"The aroma is strong, and its taste is elegant and slightly sweet, like an orchid, but also like a green bamboo. That's right, this is exactly the same taste described by the mysterious person, it is definitely the Seven Star Silver Moon City!!"

After Ji Wanting smelled the faint fragrance, she was immediately pleasantly surprised, and then took a sharp sniff, and instantly analyzed the specific taste of the fragrance, just as the mysterious person was the same as what she described at the beginning. Therefore, Ji Wanting Instantly became ecstatic.

As early as when receiving the mission, the mysterious person once described some information about the seven-star silver moon grass to Ji Wanting, otherwise, how could Ji Wanting have confirmed it so quickly!

Thinking of this, the excited Ji Wanting began to speed up her pace, and walked in the direction of the fragrance.

Of course, although Ji Wanting was full of joy, she was not careless or let down her guard, she was still cautious.

It's just that the imaginary danger and wild monsters didn't appear. Soon, Ji Wanting found her quest item Seven-star Silver Moon Grass in the right area deep in the valley.

"I found it, and it really is here!"

After Ji Wanting approached, her eyes lit up instantly, and she felt that all expectations had become reality.

Not far in front of her, a large clump of silver grass about a foot high was swaying in the breeze, releasing a faint fragrance, as if waiting for Ji Wanting's arrival.

Ji Wanting approached slowly with excitement. Seeing that there was no danger, she squatted down and carefully looked at one of the silver grasses.

"It is about a foot tall, and its shape is like a tree, and its leaves are slender! 35

"The branches, stems and leaves are all plated with silver, and each leaf has seven black round dots, which are called seven stars!

"The taste is the same, the shape is the same, and they all agree. That's right, these are the seven-star silver moon grass. Haha, I finally found it!!"

Ji Wanting just began to observe carefully, while softly analyzing the detailed shape and characteristics of the grass in front of her, in order to mutually confirm with the information described by the mysterious person.

A few minutes later, Ji Wanting finally confirmed that these grasses in her eyes were definitely the seven-star silver moon grass she was looking for. No matter the taste, shape and characteristics, they all matched the number, exactly as described by the mysterious person.

Therefore, Ji Wanting couldn't hold back the joy in her heart and laughed out loud.

The most important thing is that there are no powerful wild monsters around these seven-star silver moon grass, which saves Ji Wanting a lot of effort.

"It doesn't matter, it's useless to think too much, let's dig it up and talk about it~々!"

Ji Wanting was too lazy to think about it, and now she only had the seven-star silver moon grass in her eyes, so she decisively waved the medicine hoe and started digging.

Although Ji Wanting was careful and did not dare to make too many moves, the number of those spirit grasses was not too large. In less than half an hour, Ji Wanting quickly excavated all the more than 20 seven-star silver moon grasses in total. out and place them properly.

"Huh... finally all dug up!"

Ji Wanting straightened her slender waist, took a deep breath, and then slowly relaxed.

Now that the quest items have been collected, it is not a problem to complete the quest. Next, you only need to return to the area where the mysterious man is located.

However, at this moment, Ji Wanting suddenly caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye, and there seemed to be a flash of light behind the seven-star silver moon grass, that is, on the mountain wall.

Ji Wanting's stretching movements stopped because of this, she frowned slightly: "What? Could it be that I have hallucinations?

Ji Wanting wasn't sure if she had read it wrong, because the light only flickered slightly, but then disappeared immediately, making Ji Wanting almost think that she was hallucinating.

However, a mysterious feeling appeared in Ji Wanting's heart at this time, as if something was pulling her invisibly and wanted her to check it out.

Ji Wanting herself did not notice the mysterious feeling that suddenly appeared, she only felt a little curious, so she followed her own thoughts and slowly approached the mountain wall.

At this time, Ji Wanting was located on the far right of the deep valley, and the seven-star silver moon grass grew not far in front of the mountain wall, but at the beginning, all Ji Wanting's attention was attracted by the seven-star silver moon grass. Observe the surroundings.

"Is there really something, or is it blinding?"

Ji Wanting frowned as she slowly approached the mountain wall.

It's just that this time Ji Wanting wasn't too nervous or too vigilant, because she just wanted to see if there was anything unusual on the mountain wall, there shouldn't be any danger.

As Ji Wanting slowly approached the mountain wall, a faint light flashed again. This time Ji Wanting was sure that she was not dazzled, and there was indeed a light on the mountain wall.

"Sure enough, there is something, but I want to see what it will be!"

Ji Wanting was slightly certain in her heart, since she didn't read it wrong, she could just walk in and check it out.

Ji Wanting suddenly took a few big steps forward, and then used the sharp sword in her right hand to directly open the vines and weeds and other coverings attached to the mountain wall, and then, a primitive stone more than one meter high was reflected. Ji Wanting's eyes.

After Ji Wanting saw the stone, she immediately stopped the movement in her hand, and then exclaimed: "...Huh? What is this? Why does it look like a door?"

In Ji Wanting's sight, the one-meter-high quaint stone really resembles a door, because the top of the stone is arc-shaped, like a semicircle, connected to the one-meter-square stone below, which looks like a Just like a stone gate.

"Huh? Any words?"

Ji Wanting looked at it intently, and above the quaint stone gate, there were four big characters that were like dragons flying and phoenix dancing, exuding vastness and mystery, but Ji Wanting didn't know the four big characters at all.

If someone who knows the goods (Zhao Qian's) sees it, they will exclaim: "Qian Yuan Xianfu?"

That's right, those four quaint and mysterious characters are the Qiyuan Xianfu.

Obviously, the quaint Shimen should be the gate of this Qiyuan Xianfu, but Ji Wanting has not yet understood this information.

The light Ji Wanting saw before was actually the faint light of the four big characters "Qi Yuan Xian Fu" from time to time. At this time, Ji Wanting had also seen that the four mysterious characters were definitely not ordinary things, and they could still be seen from time to time. There was a flash of light that was unheard of.

"What exactly is this, and how did it appear in this valley? Also, what do these four characters mean? Could it be that this is a legendary opportunity?"

Looking at the four mysterious and inexplicable characters, Ji Wanting's heart suddenly became suspicious, and all kinds of thoughts followed, which made her eyes begin to light up!

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