At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

864 Ecstasy and excitement! 【Subscription】


That's right, seeing this scene, Ji Wanting subconsciously thought that this might be the legendary opportunity!

Among the many players, there are not many who have obtained opportunities, but they are definitely not too few. Many players can't help showing off on the Internet after getting the opportunity, so that many people know that "Battle of the Worlds" is a There are many mysterious and rare opportunities.

What Ji Wanting sees in front of her eyes is likely to be an opportunity, and an opportunity that belongs to her alone.

Thinking of this, even with Ji Wanting's concentration, she couldn't help but breathe quickly, her eyes began to shine, as if she had seen some rare treasure.

No way, the legendary opportunity is indeed like a rare treasure, even more rare, enough to make every player who gets the opportunity stand out quickly, thus walking in front of countless players.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to say that Ji Wanting does not want to get the opportunity, and even she wants to get her own adventure more than anyone else.

"Whether it is or not, let's see!

Looking at the large characters and the quaint stone gate in front of her, Ji Wanting's face flashed a moment of determination, and then she put away the 780 sharp sword, and instead stretched out her left hand, and her fingers began to slowly approach the four mysterious shimmering lights. big print.

According to Ji Wanting's idea, she wanted to touch the four big characters first to see if there was a mechanism to open the stone gate. If not, then see if she could break the stone gate.

However, Ji Wanting never expected that just when her left hand touched the four mysterious characters, a mutation suddenly occurred!


A burst of indescribable dazzling light suddenly burst out from the four big characters "Qi Yuan Xian Fu", Ji Wanting was unprepared, and immediately felt a sudden light in front of her eyes, and then her eyes suddenly darkened, as if a short period of time. In one breath, two inversions occurred, and Ji Wanting felt a slight dizziness, and the whole person was in a trance, and suddenly appeared in another place.

If there are outsiders watching, they will find a magical scene, that is, after Ji Wanting reached out and touched the four mysterious characters of "Qi Yuan Xian Fu", a flash of dazzling colors flashed, and then a two-meter-long, like a black hole The opening of the space suddenly appeared, and the unprepared Ji Wanting was directly sucked in, making her figure disappear into the valley.


With the sudden change, the unprepared Ji Wanting was just like a normal girl at this moment, and she was so frightened that she subconsciously screamed.

However, the next moment, Ji Wanting appeared in an unfamiliar environment and was no longer in the valley.

At this moment, Ji Wanting stumbled slightly, but she still stood firmly on the spot immediately. Only then did she feel that she was stepping on a huge bluestone.

"This...what's going on here? How did I come here all of a sudden? 35

After Ji Wanting stood firm, she instantly unsheathed her sword and lay it across her chest, looking extremely vigilant and careful.

This is actually quite normal. It's the same for everyone. When you are unprepared, you suddenly move from one place to another unfamiliar environment, and you will naturally make a defensive posture subconsciously.

It's just that Ji Wanting waited vigilantly for a while, but nothing happened, as if no one else existed here except her.


Ji Wanting breathed a sigh of relief at this time, and then began to slowly look at her current environment.

Ji Wanting glanced around slowly, and soon opened her mouth slightly, her eyes bursting with surprise.

Because Ji Wanting saw that the place she was in was a huge cave, the cave was very spacious, and the four walls, together with the ground under her feet, were inlaid with very hard and smooth bluestone slabs, with very artificial traces. Obviously, it looks very rich, obviously it is impossible for a (bbed) person to build such a cave

This cave is not only wide in area, but also terrifyingly high. If Ji Wanting hadn't seen the obvious traces of man-made around, she wouldn't believe that someone could have excavated such a spectacular and large-scale cave. stone cave.

The surrounding of this cave seems to be empty, nothing exists at all, and there are only bluestone slabs on both sides.

But right in front of Ji Wanting, there is a huge square that is a hundred feet square, and this square is all paved with white jade. It is also very dazzling in the huge stone cave, which is very eye-catching and makes Ji Wanting very attractive. It's hard to ignore.

Obviously, that huge square should be the most important place in the entire cave, because apart from the square, the entire cave no longer has any superfluous objects.

And most importantly, in the center of the huge white jade square, stood a blue stone pagoda about ten meters high.

After seeing the blue stone pagoda, Ji Wanting froze in place, followed by a burst of ecstasy.

"This...haha, is this really a legendary adventure? I actually met it?"

"It's not a hallucination, it's definitely not a hallucination!!"

"Could it be that the four mysterious characters outside are the keys to enter this cave? I happened to meet you?"

"Stone cave, white jade square, cyan stone tower, my God, this is definitely a proper adventure, my luck is here, I must catch it!!

Ji Wanting fell into a state of ecstasy, and couldn't help but start talking and talking to herself, as if she was venting her emotions.

Five full minutes passed before Ji Wanting suppressed the joy in her heart and slowly calmed down.

To be honest, although I had long imagined that I would look like a god after encountering an adventure, but after I met it, the ecstasy and excitement in my heart could not be compared with fantasy at all, and even a beautiful girl like Ji Wanting was not exempt from the vulgarity. .

After calming down, Ji Wanting took the sharp sword and began to approach the White Jade Plaza step by step.

Since she has already determined that her luck is overwhelming, and that she has indeed encountered a legendary adventure, then she naturally cannot give up this rare opportunity, so it is necessary to explore carefully.

And after waiting for so long, Ji Wanting didn't find any threats or accidents, and it seemed that she had even a little defensive strength, which made Ji Wanting slightly relieved, so she dared to approach Baiyu Square.

Because Ji Wanting has already seen that the blue stone pagoda on the White Jade Square is the most important thing in this cave, and there must be a huge treasure waiting for her.

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