With unspeakable excitement and excitement, Ji Wanting stared at the blue stone pagoda not far away, and then officially set foot on the White Jade Plaza.

In the process of her approaching Baiyu Square, there were no accidents or dangers, and Ji Wanting came to Baiyu Square safely.

The White Jade Square is a square with a length of about 100 feet on each side. There is a nine-step white jade staircase in the center of each side. Ji Wanting has just crossed one of the nine-step steps and stepped onto the ground of the White Jade Square.

"What a grand building, what a big ~ Chuo's handwriting!!"

Ji Wanting looked at the white jade she was stepping on, all of which were paved with pure white jade that was one foot square. Ji Wanting couldn't help but sigh softly because of the sophisticated materials used and her wealth.

Don't ask, don't even think about it, the person who can build such a huge stone cave and a luxurious white jade square is definitely not an ordinary person, and most likely is a great cultivator.

This is Ji Wanting's current thinking, but the specific results have yet to be considered, not to mention that there is still one of the most important cyan stone pagodas that has not yet been explored!

However, the more wealthy and wealthy the owner of this cave was, the more excited Ji Wanting was, because it meant the greater the benefit she could get in the end.

blah blah!!

Ji Wanting walked step by step to the blue stone tower placed in the center of Baiyu Square!

After approaching, Ji Wanting discovered that although the azure stone pagoda in front of her was more than ten feet high, it was divided into three floors in total, and the miraculousness of this azure stone pagoda was something Ji Wanting had never seen before.

The blue stone pagoda is more than ten feet high, divided into three layers and eight sides.

The eight-sided pagoda of the Qingyu Pagoda is painted with dragon and phoenix, gluttonous, Kui Niu, unicorn, Qiongqi, Jiuying, white tiger, and mysterious tortoise and other mythical and vicious beasts, and those patterns are very realistic, which makes Ji Wanting There is a feeling of ferocity coming towards the face, as if the ominous beasts drawn on the towers are about to rush down at the next moment.

The tower body has eight sides, and each floor has octagons. At each tower corner, there are pendants of auspicious spirit beasts such as koi, cranes, colorful phoenixes and Bai Ze.

The top of the tower stands high and sharp, while the tower base is one meter high and divided into eight sides, and the eight sides of the tower base are depicted with gossip patterns.

Right in front of Ji Wanting is the gate of the Sapphire Pagoda. It is a Sapphire Gate that seems to be integrated with the Sapphire Pagoda. It is more than two meters high and three meters wide. Above the Sapphire Gate, there is a piece of golden light emitting a faint glow. On the plaque, there are three big characters [Qinghuan Pagoda] written on it.

The wonder of this pagoda, the superb construction skills, and the vividness of various patterns are all unheard and unseen by Ji Wanting, and the whole sapphire pagoda seems to exude a sense of mystery and simplicity. After carefully looking at this sapphire pagoda , Ji Wanting was stunned.

"My God... There is such a sapphire sapphire tower in this world, how was it built? Who has such a big hand, this is too extravagant?

Ji Wanting raised her head and stared at this mysterious and luxurious sapphire pagoda in front of her. Her eyes were full of amazement and disbelief. Sapphire Tower.

But when Ji Wanting's eyes turned to the plaque, she suddenly said softly and slowly, "Qing, Huan, Pagoda?"

For some reason, Ji Wanting didn't know the four big characters outside [Qiyuan Xianfu], but after entering the cave, she suddenly knew the three ancient characters [Qinghuan Pagoda], which were also very simple.

"Huh? This tower is called Qinghuan Tower? Why do I recognize these words???"

Ji Wanting is also a smart person, she reacted immediately and couldn't help but be surprised.

However, her question was destined to be unanswered. She only knew that when she saw the plaque, the three ancient characters would naturally come out in her mind.

After a while, Ji Wanting, who couldn't get an answer, could only attribute it to the owner of the place, thinking that it was the owner of the place who had arranged some means to allow outsiders to understand the words on the plaque at a glance.

So Ji Wanting was no longer entangled, but looked at the front door with excitement and excitement on her face.

Ji Wanting walked slowly to the front of the gate, looking at the sapphire gate that seemed to be open without any restriction, Ji Wanting slowly stretched out her hands and pushed it towards the sapphire gate, at the same time she kept saying:

··For flowers......

"God bless, all gods and Buddhas bless, Sanqing is on top, Mother Nuwa is on top, please bless me to get this adventure safely, thank you, thank you..."

It turned out that it was Ji Wanting who was worried about the dangers she would encounter when entering the Qingyu Pagoda, so she couldn't help but talk about all kinds of gods and Buddhas, and wanted them to bless her and let her get the adventure safely.

I don't know if Ji Wanting's remarks similar to asking the gods played a role, or if the owner of the sapphire pagoda did not set any restrictions at all, so that Ji Wanting pushed open the sapphire gate easily.


As Ji Wanting's hands continued to exert strength, the sapphire gate first slowly opened a gap, and then opened wider and wider, until the sapphire gate was completely opened, revealing the inner face of the first floor of the sapphire pagoda in front of Ji Wanting.


"This....this pushes away? So simple??"

Ji Wanting was also confused at this time. She stared blankly at her hands that pushed the door open, as if she couldn't believe it.

Before that, Ji Wanting had even imagined that she might not be able to open the door, or that there would be something like a restriction on the door that would block her and prevent her from entering the Jade Pagoda, but she did not expect that all her ideas, All vigilance was in vain, she simply opened the door without any twists and turns


"Huh...Thank you for the blessings of the gods and Buddhas!! 35

After Ji Wanting put down her worries, she immediately showed excitement on her face, and then subconsciously thanked the gods and Buddhas.

After a while, Ji Wanting lifted her foot and stepped into the interior of Qinghuan Pagoda, and came to the first floor of Qinghuan Pagoda.

When she lifted her foot, Ji Wanting couldn't help but feel excitement and anticipation in her heart. She couldn't wait to see what benefits were waiting for her in Qinghuan Pagoda.

After entering the first floor, Ji Wanting immediately glanced around with her eyes, and directly saw the internal structure and layout of the first floor of Qinghuan Pagoda.

However, after taking a look around, Ji Wanting showed a slightly disappointed look, because on the first floor of the Qinghuan Pagoda, there was no such thing as she imagined.

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