At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

868 Unexpected move! 【Subscription】

In the illusory space, Ji Wanting's whole heart was condensed on the luminous font that gradually appeared.

【Tianxuanyu Halal Secret Art】:

The air of heaven and earth is mysterious and mysterious, the jade tower is alive, quiet and holy..

The first layer of the true formula: Chaos is like an egg, and the chaos is like an egg.

Dantian is full of energy, and supervises and serves in parallel.

To prevent danger, follow the pulse.

Weekly cycle, smooth body fusion.

Qi returns to Dantian, and success is achieved.

The second level of truth:

Gather divine light and reach the heart of heaven.

Enter the mud pellet and drop to the air pocket.

Dantian is warm, and the kidneys are fried like soup.

Qi moves and pulses, and self-cultivation is successful.

The first is the general outline of Qi training, then the detailed formulas of each level and the conditions and requirements of cultivation. One by one, the small glowing words kept appearing in front of Ji Wanting, which made her not dare to be distracted at all, although she knew that she could be casual in the future. Looking at this jade slip, it is the first time she has obtained such advanced exercises, and it is also the first time she has entered the illusory space of the jade slip, so she does not dare to be slighted, and is very serious and memorizes those exercises with all her strength. Come.

After more than half an hour, Ji Wanting slowly opened her eyes, took the jade slip off her forehead, and put it in the package with great solemnity.

At the same time, Ji Wanting also had an indescribable ecstasy in her heart, because Ji Wanting knew that at present, this would be her most important gain in [Battle of the Worlds], none of which, even in the future for a long time. It is still Ji Wanting's trump card and reliance, which is related to her future development, and is also her most important foundation.

This is a super exercise that can be cultivated to the realm of Yuanxian. Yes, for Ji Wanting, this is a super exercise. Although Ji Wanting still doesn't know what the realm of Yuanxian is and how powerful it is, Ji Wanting knows, This is definitely the key to the way to the Immortal God, but now it has been mastered by her.

As long as Ji Wanting continues to practice according to this [Tianxuanyu Halal Art], her strength will skyrocket rapidly, even reaching a level that is beyond the reach of an ordinary player.

Because the [Tianxuanyu Moslem Secret Art] not only includes cultivation techniques, but also secret techniques that can be practiced in various realms and many powerful spells, so Ji Wanting will no longer need to worry about the secret techniques in the future. .

It's just that the starting point for practicing this [Tianxuanyu Moslem Art] is very high, and the lowest level requires a foundation-building stage. That is to say, if Ji Wanting wants to start cultivating the first level of this practice, she must first break through to the foundation-building stage. Row.

However, when she thought of the Foundation Establishment Dan she had just harvested, Ji Wanting became elated, as if it was specially prepared for her. With these two things, it was only a matter of time before she broke through to the Foundation Establishment stage. It didn't take long at all. After that, not only can she get special achievement rewards, but she can also immediately practice the [Tianxuanyu Moslem Art], so that her strength will skyrocket again, and she will be the best in the world.

Thinking of the future achievement picture, Ji Wanting couldn't help but want to laugh out loud, but the lady in the past made her restrained.

Afterwards, Ji Wanting checked the last treasure, the delicate one-inch sword.

It was a flying sword magic weapon with a high rank, and it was a higher-level treasure than a magic weapon, which was enough to support Ji Wanting to use the realm above God Transformation.

It's just that with [Tianxuanyu Moslem Art] in front, the flying sword magic weapon called [Feihong] only made Ji Wanting slightly excited. Well, it's not that hard to find a better weapon.

Therefore, in Ji Wanting's view, among these three treasures, only the [Tianxuanyu Moslem Art] is the most important, which is enough to completely change her future, because the improved strength in the game can be brought back to reality. In this way, Ji Wanting in reality will also rise with it.

This is definitely an adventure within an adventure, something every player dreams of encountering.

Ji Wanting thought that she was purely lucky, but she didn't know that it was just an adventure specially arranged for her by Ji Han. Besides Ji Wanting, Ji Han also took a fancy to several other people, and then secretly arranged different events. Opportunities make them stronger, so Ji Wanting is just one of the few people supported by Ji Han!

Dongshan City, in a small manor.

In reality, Ji Han opened his eyes slightly, and there was nothing magical in his eyes, which seemed to be very ordinary, but if you look closely, it is as unfathomable as a black hole.

The corners of Ji Han's mouth raised slightly with his eyes open, because he had just taken his mind back from the Yanhuang Immortal Territory, and did not pay any more attention to the situation there.

The development and situation of Ji Wanting and others are in line with Ji Han's secret arrangement, so Ji Han seems very satisfied.

66.. The seeds have been sown, whether they can grow up is up to you~々!"

Ji Han murmured softly, and then stopped paying attention.

This is just a few chess pieces that he suddenly got interested and arranged at will, and it is not worthy of his attention.

If it weren't for Ji Wanting's outstanding talents, he wouldn't even make these arrangements, at most he would just provide some more tasks for the Kyushu players!

However, Ji Han could not have imagined that it was precisely because of his actions that he not only changed the future of some people, but also indirectly affected himself.

Half a month later, Ji Han in the real world suddenly received a call.

Don't look at Ji Han now as the Heavenly Dao of the Two Realms and the patron saint of Blue Star, but Ji Han is very low-key, and his external identity is still an ordinary person. Not many people know his real identity at all, so Ji Han has been using his old mobile phone number.

The person who called was Ji Han's college classmate, but he called to inform Ji Han that they were going to hold a class reunion. I hope that every classmate can make time to participate, even in the class. Ji Han, who has never had much presence, was also notified.

In this regard, Ji Han was a little surprised at first. He didn't expect that some classmates could remember him and invited him to the class reunion. Then Ji Han missed the time in college. Therefore, Ji Han didn't think much, and promised to be on time. participated.

Because Ji Han stayed in the small manor for so long, he also wanted to go out and move around. As the so-called quietness and thoughtfulness, this time was just an opportunity, not to mention that Ji Han also wanted to meet his former college classmates, so he did not refuse, and It was agreed.

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